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Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • derbothaus
    Apr 28, 11:54 AM
    Wow. You brought actual stats to the table. I stand corrected on the melting bit:o

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  • kalsta
    May 5, 08:45 AM
    Easy. 13/48ths of an inch.;)

    Is that wink a small admission of how silly your system really is? :) Sure, the math was simple, but how meaningful are all these crazy fractions? If I actually had to try and picture what these fractions represent, I'd want to convert the denominator into a multiple of 10 first in order to try and picture it. I might note that twice 48 is roughly 100, so I know we're dealing with a bit over 26%. Other fractions could prove more difficult. With the metric system, you never have to do this. You're always dealing with base-10, which is something we all understand and can picture, without having to memorise particular fractions and what they represent.

    I really don't see much functional difference between a language and a system of measures. Both express specificity using prearranged syntax and values.

    Well, we could certainly argue that international communication would be a LOT simpler if there was only one language � and it would be! However, the reality is, we have a world with not only a diversity of language, but a diversity of culture, and the two are intricately linked. That makes the world a very interesting place, and being able to speak multiple languages would be a wonderful skill to have when travelling and engaging in other cultures. People are generally proud of their heritage, culture and language, and there aren't too many people suggesting the world should lose all of that richness in the interest of conformity. (Well, there are such people, but I think we can agree they're generally pretty scary.)

    How many people are so nostalgic about the imperial system? With language, one communicates deep philosophical thoughts, writes beautiful poetry, tells a woman of his undying love. With a system of measurement, one� well, measures stuff. Most of the world has seen the benefits of a better system and they've moved on without regret. What is different about the US that it can't do likewise? I honestly find it perplexing. Be honest now� Is it because the French invented it?

    Even beyond that, if we were to adopt the metric system 100% starting tomorrow, the transition would have to last for decades not only to encompass those who are too old to be educated, but also to deal with the infrastructure changes that would have to take place. At the very earliest it would be my grandchildren who would see a fully metricized US.

    You're not stepping out onto the moon this time. Just about every other country on the planet (and there are quite a few of them!) have gone before you, and it worked out just fine. Sure, it takes some time, but not as long as you might like to imagine. Let me come back to my own experience� I was born in the 70s, around the time Australia was just starting to transition to the metric system. The older folk may well have had a difficult time with it, but if so I was blissfully unaware of it. I came to learn what an inch was, since most rulers had inches on one side and mm/cm on the other, and people still, to this day, casually talk about their height in feet and the weight of newborn babies in pounds. (Yes, some old habits die hard.) But these sort of things are the exceptions. The transition to metric was so efficient, I, as a first generation growing up with it, didn't even notice there was a transition happening.

    Seriously, you should be looking to Australia and other countries with successful transitions and learning from them, instead of just perpetuating all these fanciful stories of how terrible it's going to be to change.

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  • 99MustangGTman
    Dec 13, 10:08 PM
    Almost bought the kit, but when I went to the Apple store and actually saw it in person I couldn't justify paying $120+tax for a piece of plastic. Yeah, yeah yeah, it has bluetooth, charges the phone, and has a gps chip. Its ridiculous to have to pay $100 for an app and $120 for a piece of plastic.

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  • hehe299792458
    Apr 10, 07:00 AM
    This is the longest thread I've seen on this forum that's arguing over a matter of style... I'm sad

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  • Hairball
    Mar 26, 09:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I hope I can upgrade as soon as the iPhone 5 is released. This 3GS is getting old.

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  • Don't panic
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    after reading the rules a couple of times:

    - secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
    - monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
    - moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
    - are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
    - how/how fast does the villain move?
    - the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
    - does the villain knows where the treasures are?
    - can you toss dwarves?

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  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 23, 05:18 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    Resolution independence will not stop images from getting bigger. Unless you are dealing with vector art, scaling an image up will decrease quality. Resolution independence will be a function of taking the biggest image that might be used and scaling it down.

    Even with vector art, you lose some image quality with scaling. You can't create new detail.

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  • bloodycape
    Apr 18, 04:12 PM
    Didn't the touchwiz ui first get introduced in around the same time the iphone was first introduced in their P2 video player and their Symbian based phones? Not really sure if they look like they do know, but I know that branding has been around for a while.

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  • Unspeaked
    Jul 21, 08:57 PM
    People, they only released the MacBooks two months ago!

    They're not gonna upgrade them in a matter of weeks.

    It'll be the new chips in the Pro models, and AT BEST a slight speedbump to the Black MacBook (maybe the 2.16 GHz chip)...

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  • GGJstudios
    Dec 15, 08:56 AM
    whats better sophos or kaspersky for mac?
    Will this scan for windows viri too?
    Most scan only for Windows threats, since there are no viruses in the wild that run on current Mac OS X. Some will scan for outdated Mac viruses and trojans, but those are unnecessary, as long as the user exercises common sense in where they get software.

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  • Am3822
    Sep 11, 05:59 AM
    It would be one of them movie/media thingies, so my pessimistic newb bones inform me.

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  • zoran
    Aug 2, 03:39 PM
    How can we get a hold of that keynote that Macrummors said will cover?

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  • Ryth
    Apr 21, 04:53 PM
    I would say make it even smaller.

    Mac Pro should be based on Mac mini, but with a choice of i7 or Xeon CPU, 6 user-serviceable memory slots, 2-3 expansion slots, and choice of 256 or 512 GB SSD. Complemented by multiple Thunderbolt port, external Superdrive, and Apple's own 5-bay DAS.

    Yah I agree. I think there needs to be a factor between the iMac and MacPro.

    I want the power of the top of the line iMac but in a small form factor with upgradable slots for video, memory, etc.

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  • myotis
    Nov 2, 01:49 PM
    This seems to good to be true.

    With Windows, Sophos actively discourages home users by pricing their product out of the market for single licenses �100 plus. Multiple (corporate) licenses rapidly become much cheaper, and the licenses include home use for employees.

    Even though it has the reputation of being the best AV available, the price meant that once I was no longer eligible for a free license, I had to leave Sophos behind, so this is really good news that a free version is available for the Mac.

    I still find it rather strange, unless it shows a change in policy. Or they are testing it out on the home market before focussing on the corporate market.


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  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 02:44 PM
    While I think Apple should make Mac OS X available as a download, I'd rather that it was done as a .iso that customers could burn to a DVD.

    I don't like the idea of having to install Snow Leopard first before installing Lion in the event of needing to restore.

    Putting it on the Mac App Store raises an interesting issue about licencing - they said that purchases could be used on any Mac that you use.

    That opens them up to a lot of abuse.

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  • Play Ultimate
    Sep 11, 08:30 AM
    Re: movie store - Whatever the final product is, Apple's engineers have spent a lot more time thinking about it than we have in these forums.
    More than anything, Apple focuses much more the on the customer's experience so I have faith that the final result will be elegant and work.

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  • Hattig
    Mar 28, 10:48 AM
    It doesn't make sense that there won't be a new iPhone this year.

    I can understand Apple moving the introductory event away from a software developer conference.

    But they have their new A5 chip, they need to amortise manufacturing costs across multiple product lines. They're not going to wait another year before introducing an iPhone 5 around this chip. Other changes may be minimal.

    In addition the competition isn't standing still - Android, WebOS, WM7, BlackBerry, etc - they're all releasing new devices all the time. They're dual-core, better performance GPUs, more RAM - i.e., overtaking the iPhone 4 in terms of hardware (but not software, but it's improving all the time).

    So therefore there will be an iPhone 5 this year. Maybe later than normal, maybe earlier. It might not be a major change - A5, maybe more storage, aluminium back. It's the software that Apple likes highlighting, so they might sync with iOS 5 if they want a big release event.

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  • Nuvi
    Nov 8, 10:12 AM
    I was at a local apple store and they are selling the tom tom car kit already. What a rip off, because you have to pay for the app seperate. I got the griffin car mount for $20 at frys and the navigon app, works great.

    If you have to pay the suggested retail price then I do admit its a rip off. However, you can get easily 20% off if you just shop around a little bit. Regarding the TomTom app I fully agree. I actually think its way bigger rip off then the dock.

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  • wildmac
    Aug 7, 03:13 PM

    � $2,499 standard price of Mac Pro ($2,299 for Education)

    ��$2,124 is the lowest you can configure the Mac Pro ($1,962 for Education)

    ���To get it that low, you have to drop the processors from 2.66GHz to 2GHz and and the hard drive from 250GB to 160GB

    � Airport Extreme & Bluetooth 2.0 still not standard

    � Weak graphics card standard (GeForce 7300, ugh)

    and as a sidenote:

    � MacBook Pro & MacBook processors untouched

    � iMac untouched

    � iPod product line grows more stale by the day


    Give it a rest!!!!

    Do you really need a new #%&$*%^& iPod?...

    Do you wnat a CPU update in your laptop weekly?...


    go buy a Dell and enjoy!!!!

    Mar 29, 11:17 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Do some research on Amazon before you make your lazy, ignorant statements. Ever heard of Amazon Web Services? They've been providing cloud-based services since for Pete's sake! You should change your nick. It's not the first time I see you spewing unfounded statements.

    Mar 29, 12:37 PM
    Right and Window's Phone automatic uploads to Sky Drive, free of charge. What does iOS have?

    It has....it's not Windows...that's worth it all...

    Apr 26, 02:55 PM
    it's not surprising. There is one iPhone, and there is eleventy billion Android phone versions.

    Aug 2, 11:00 PM
    Nope. The entire line will be Core 2 Duo by Thanksgiving. MBP will get speed bump to 2.33GHz for further differentiation while MB will remain 2GHz. No logic to keep buying Core Duo processors for the same money as Core 2 or less than they bought Yonah to begin with. They are already making record profits. I doubt they will deliberately cripple mini, iMac and MB when everything is selling like hot cakes anyway. There are plenty of other ways each line differentiates from the other. To leave any line in Core Duo would be outright greedy and I dont' see Apple as having that personality trait.

    I fugure it's a 50-50 chance Steve tells the developers next week they can start thinking about 64-bit optimization due to the Core 2 shift that will be complete this year.

    you act like the Core Duo (Yonah) is terribly slower than Core 2 Duo (Merom), but benchmarks have showed that they are very similar in performance. i don't see the big deal about upgrading all of them now, when the current chip has plenty of power

    Apr 24, 12:04 PM
    I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.

    Just say what screen resolution you would like.