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Monday, May 16, 2011

karina smirnoff nose

karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose. photos
  • karina smirnoff nose. photos

  • generik
    Sep 16, 07:52 AM
    Now THAT's what I would like:

    "Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.

    The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."

    Source: www.macosxrumors.com

    I would buy one on the same day.

    Omg omg omg!!!

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job
  • karina smirnoff nose job

  • MadDog31
    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    I just don't understand the thought of an iPad 3 this fall. Unless they're trying to line up iPad updates with iPod updates, I don't see how this is possible or even really needed. I like the timing of the current releases. It offsets any updates of iPhones and iPods because they all have different release times.

    Having iOS 5 this fall does make sense, honestly.

    karina smirnoff nose. Karina Smirnoff
  • Karina Smirnoff

  • aviationwiz
    Aug 7, 02:30 PM
    I just called my local Apple Store and they said they would have them in as early as just a bit later this week.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose. karina
  • karina smirnoff nose. karina

  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 09:59 AM
    Please! Make the damn phone bigger! Oh no, it may weigh a few more grams. Currently, the iphone4 is a tiny phone. For us adults, please increase the screen size, and probably, the width.

    I don't necessarily want it to be bigger just to be bigger, but I am tired of the now-stale marketing schtick Apple does year after year, "The new iPhone/MacBook/iPad/iPod is now ten percent thinner/lighter, smaller!!!!! And the crowd always goes crazy. It's just getting dumb at this point. Like with the iPad, there is absolutely no need to make the iPad any thinner or lighter; 90% of the people who buy one immediately buy a case which inherently makes it thicker and heavier. Same with the iPhone. I see them around all the time, and I honestly don't remember the last one I saw not in a case that made it bulkier and heavier.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose. karina
  • karina smirnoff nose. karina

  • MacLawyer
    May 4, 03:10 PM
    I'm guessing DVDs or USB keys will be around for awhile for the big things like a major OS upgrade, Office, Creative Suite.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 23, 07:30 PM
    Resolution independence will not stop images from getting bigger. Unless you are dealing with vector art, scaling an image up will decrease quality. Resolution independence will be a function of taking the biggest image that might be used and scaling it down.

    Even with vector art, you lose some image quality with scaling. You can't create new detail.

    That's not Resolution Independence. Resolution Independence is a completely Vector based Drawing Model that post renders to bitmaps based upon the PPI of the screen and the resolution set by the operating system. Every object on the screen is a vector and when scaled up and down will lose no resolution. The buffers for rendering offloaded to the streams/cores of the GPU(GPUs) need to have enough performance to show it is seamless to the naked eye before it's released. That requires OpenGL 3.x/4.x across the entire System with OpenCL 1.1 optimized throughout the OS.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • systole
    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    Props to amazon for taking the lead. If only dropbox would follow.

    Q: Any word on integration with AWS/EC2 for the upgraded service?

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose. karina
  • karina smirnoff nose. karina

  • swarmster
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    Android has been shown (http://thenextweb.com/google/2011/04/21/its-not-just-the-iphone-android-stores-your-location-data-too/) to also gather location information, but the database is limited to a much smaller list of entries and is regularly wiped by the system. Jobs' email seems to explicitly claim, however, that Google's location information is used to track users while Apple's is not.

    Umm, Android's on-phone database might be smaller, but the phone sends all your location data to Google several times an hour tied to a unique identifier, where I'm sure the database is unlimited. And even if you trust Google with that data, they've been hacked before.

    The only way anyone gets your iPhone data is if they steal your phone and you don't do a remote wipe in time. Or if they steal your computer and you don't encrypt backups.

    karina smirnoff nose. Karina Smirnoff from Dancing
  • Karina Smirnoff from Dancing

  • NAG
    Apr 25, 10:05 AM
    Is there a link to a site showing that Google logs the tracking info on their servers?

    Many of the arguments on this issue seem to centre on the fact that Android's onboard log only stores the most recent entries and then deletes them, but if they're uploaded to Google that would not only nullify that point, but provide an excellent (and legitimately frightening) counter example.

    Google does track their users via Adsense/Google Search. That tracking isn't just location data either. I have no idea how accurate their location data is but they get your IP address every time you use one of their sites or see one of their ads so they do have at least that. Adsense is all about targeted advertising. It is naive to think that Google isn't tracking you.

    Now, does this make the location database (which has never been shown to be transmitted anywhere/used to track you) on the iPhone correct? Of course not (it doesn't make it wrong either). Might as well have everyone jump off a cliff is someone does it first.

    Jobs is making two points. The first point is that Google tracks a lot of your information. This is true, this is how Adsense works by design. It has worked this way for a very long time and people don't really seem to care. The second point is that Apple is not tracking you. This is somewhat of a semantic argument as Apple indeed is not tracking you (again, no one has shown that this database is ever transmitted). The reasonable concern is that someone could take or find your phone and use the database to learn where you frequent. How likely that is can be addressed a variety of ways (encryption, truncation, etc...). Apple probably won't tell us how it is going to address this until they've actually pushed the patch out (and they'll address it, eventually).

    karina smirnoff nose. Karina Smirnoff isn#39;t just
  • Karina Smirnoff isn#39;t just

  • kas23
    Apr 26, 04:06 PM
    Android could gain the other 36% of the market and it would still make less money in a year than Apple makes off iTunes alone in a quarter.

    "Android" makes money? Really? Can you provide me with a link of how much Android makes?

    Are we going to be alerted every time one of these companies comes out with something new and surpasses the other? Is this really news anymore? Is it really a rumor about things we care about? I wonder.

    This is not a rumor. It is a fact. And yes, it does concern Apple because whatever erodes into Apple's net revenue will cause them to make a better product.

    karina smirnoff nose. 06/16/2008 - Karina Smirnoff
  • 06/16/2008 - Karina Smirnoff

  • gugy
    Sep 10, 11:43 PM
    Very exciting.
    Hopefully on Tuesday we'll see besides the Movie Store:

    Widescreen video ipod with large capacity.

    Media center
    I look at that in two ways.
    One would be in form of Airport that we can stream video to my TV on the entertainment room.
    The other way an stand alone hardware with huge HD space, outputs to my TV , receiver, PVR, Superdrive, remote control and a way to hook up to the net to access Itunes Movie and Music store for downloads.

    I do think the Airport is a more feasible option. But I do like a lot the idea of a stand alone media center. Well, let's wait and see.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose. karina
  • karina smirnoff nose. karina

  • Kenrik
    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    uuumm...yes I do want my MP on the desk. On the floor is where all the **** and dust is.

    Agreed.. Under a desk it has less airflow, more dirt and crap.

    Actually I prefer it being under the desk because it looks cleaner but it is NOT better for the computer. I don't know what that guy is smoking.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose.
  • karina smirnoff nose.

  • wclyffe
    Dec 11, 10:52 AM
    With regards to using Bluetooth for handsfree driving. My car is very quiet and I and my callers had no problem hearing each other. I just hold the main button and do voice dialing. Piece of cake.

    LOL I had the audio cord connected to the car kit but was not using audio to play music (aux was not on) and I couldn't figure out why Navigon wasn't taling to me. When I put radio on in Aux mode the instructions came through the car speakers. When I used ipod to play music and had GPS on both come through the car speakers with music volume being lowered when voice directions were being given.

    All in all I am very pleased with the kit and the way it performs.

    ticman, thanks for all the info!

    Question: You obviously used the included disk to mount the car kit to. Does that disk hold onto your dash really securely with the adhesive they supply?

    Also, when you are using Voice Control, do you have to reach around the back of the car kit to press the button to activate it, or can you just press the Home button on the iPhone?

    Lastly, I have to use an FM transmitter in my car so I was going to plug it into the jack on the car kit and transmit music to my radio. It sounds like the Navigon instructions will come out my radio speakers not the little speaker on the car kit, but when I make a phone call it will use the car kit speaker. Right? Hope so, as I don't really want my phone calls blasted through my speakers.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • Sydde
    Apr 15, 03:43 PM
    Was it an economist or someone who actually understands economics? :D :p

    There are people who actually understand economics?

    mcrain, FYI,
    Which "game"? *Are you "trading and investing" in companies by purchasing shares in IPOs, or are you "trading and investing" on Wall St.? *If it is the latter, then basically you are buying and selling ownership interests in companies, which has almost no affect on underlying companies.from another thread:My particular strategy involves options and a calendar spread, which means I'm taking a long and short position on the same underlying security, which creates a net zero effect. I am primarily focused on making money through the time decay of the options.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • SuperCachetes
    May 2, 09:04 PM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    Please tell me that's sarcasm. :rolleyes:

    I have a "feel" for Imperial measurements, and they are a pain in the ***.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • skunk
    Sep 11, 04:56 AM
    You 'ad wheelbarrows and paper! Y'soft southern nancies...We 'ad to remember the binary code in our 'eads and if we got one number wrong our dads would kill us and dance on our shallow graves...You were lucky! We didn't have dads in my day.

    karina smirnoff nose. Karina Smirnoff is a champion
  • Karina Smirnoff is a champion

  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    But Toyota wasn't jailbreaking. Didn't the courts rule that Apple couldn't stop the jailbreak community?

    Yes, but the ruling was based on the fact that it's all for 'personal use.'

    Once they start taking $$$ from multinational corporations it sure seem less like 'personal use,' doesn't it?

    I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for sure, but I sure thought Cydia was opening up a can of worms when I read about this yesterday. It's probably good for them that Toyota pulled out. I could see the jailbreak community getting less leeway with courts in the future if they start raking in millions of dollars. Then they suddenly start looking like a competing company trying to steal Apple's business, don't they?

    It may be legal for Cydia to do this, but I was quite worried that it would make their lives very unpleasent in the future if they kept it up. I like how all the jailbreakers in this thread are acting like this was a good thing. It honestly could have ended up being the thing that caused the most damage to jailbreaking!

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job
  • karina smirnoff nose job

  • skellener
    Mar 27, 12:25 PM
    I'm skeptical about any of Apple's "cloud" offerings. They don't do it well at all. Apple is an OS-App-Based company. They have NEVER done anything leveraging the "cloud" well at all. Many, many companies out there run circles around Apple when it comes to the "cloud"....>cough< Dropbox >cough<. I would be surprised (pleasantly) if MobileMe did not have a fee. If they are beefing it up to be "magical" you better believe there will be a fee for that magic! I'd like to see something that blows everyone away. I'm just not counting on it.

    karina smirnoff nose. karina smirnoff nose job
  • karina smirnoff nose job

  • balamw
    Aug 7, 01:51 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?
    Core 2 Duo (Merom/Conroe) was conspicuosly absent from this Keynote.

    I too hope when the consumer lineup gets Core 2 Duo that they'll fill this gap with either a high end consumer machine or a low end pro.


    Nov 22, 07:03 AM
    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

    Full of Win
    May 4, 02:54 PM
    Great...until you need to do a reinstall. While you could go 10.6 >10.7, going straight to 10.7 is so much better.

    Wasn't there some talk about Lion having a recovery partition? I would wager, if it did, that is how you would reinstall it without burning a disc.

    Except when your HD becomes toast...

    Jul 30, 09:27 AM
    Also, I have a hard time believing that there is a " tech-unsavvy" photographer doing any work for Apple. Sounds a bit bogus to me.

    I used to work as a photo studio manager back in the early/mid 90s. We shot a ton of new products for Motorola back then including one of the first ever small flip phones - the StarTac. The photographer was asked to sign an NDA but the stylist, caterer and me were not. First thing I did when I got out of the shoot that day was tell all my teck-savvy friends about this cool new phone from Moto - but at least I snagged a polaroid to prove it.

    That said, this "leak" feels bogus to me as well. I guess we'll see soon enough.

    Sep 15, 04:24 PM
    So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?

    see for yourself


    May 4, 05:30 PM
    0% Operating Systems in the app store, yet somehow you know exactly how their going to change their politicly on both app store sales and general OS sales, while no one else has any hint that they're be any changes at all.

    He's just disagreeing with the notion that Apple somehow can't or won't make any adjustments when they start selling a radically different product through their app store. And common sense is on his side.

    Nobody knows anything yet about how the release will work, nothing is announced. Is it really so unreasonable to wait until actual information exists before having a hissy fit?

    Not to mention that it's a moot point anyway - if you're scared of the download version (regardless of the specifics), JUST BUY THE DVD.