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Monday, May 16, 2011

mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper

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  • mortal kombat 9 wallpapers hd.

  • zombierunner
    Mar 31, 03:33 AM
    When can we expect the new updated imacs to ship with Mac OS X Lion pre-installed? would you say June or July?

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat wallpaper ps3.
  • mortal kombat wallpaper ps3.

  • wordoflife
    Apr 9, 09:21 PM
    PEMDAS... First time ever that I hear of it.
    I did no go to school in the US.

    So.. if the priorities are Parenthesis, then Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and lastly Substraction, using your rule:

    First whatever is inside the Parenthesis: 9+3=12


    Then Exponent: none

    Then Multiplication: 2(12) = 24
    Then Division: 48/24 = 2

    There you go...PEMDAS fans.

    No. That's not how it works. Once you get to multiplication/division, you go left to right. It's 288. And for those of you who get 2 by using calculators, any math teacher will tell you that calculators always get the rules of operations wrong. That's why we teach kids pemdas so they know what math to do first and they can use the calculators to help them do the parts of the equation they need help with.


    The answer is 2, not 288 (it can't be that)

    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):


    2 is the final answer.

    As I stated above, you are missing an Important rule of pemdas. When you get to multiplication/division or addition/subtraction, you go left to right. So: 48/2 is 24. And 24 *12 is 288. If u don't believe me, just google pemdas and u get the rules:


    Mac'nCheese: I think that in elementary school you first learn to multiply and then to divide. So first you multiply and then you divide.

    That left to right rule is not following the order of the letters.
    So for this case it is not PEMDAS but PEDMAS...

    The Arabs give us the numbers that we use nowadays, and they do write from right to left.

    So your math teacher is telling us that Mac OS X is giving us a wrong answer...You might need to watch waiting for Superman.

    MacnCheese is correct
    PEMDAS is more like this. PEMDAS isn't really an accurate name, but it helps remember the basic order.
    1) Parenthesis
    2) Exponents
    3) Multiplication or division ... going from left to right
    4) addition or subtraction ... going from left to right.


    =48/2(12) or 48/2 * 12
    (by parenthesis)

    No exponents

    No addition or subtraction

    (by multiplication or division from left to right)

    (by multiplication or division from left to right ... again)

    288 is the answer. There is no way you can get 2 by following the order of operations.
    And people should know better than putting a whole equation into a calculator and depending on that answer ... (spotlight, google, calculator)

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper
  • mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper

  • LOLaMac
    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    Wow. A platform that is available on all four major carriers and has dozens of phones, passed the iPhone (which *just* became available on its second carrier) in overall usage. So I guess Google should be patting themselves on the back for this historic achievement.

    Except that each and every single person who has purchased an Android phone could have purchased an iPhone instead. The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper
  • mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper

  • Reed Rothchild
    Mar 29, 03:55 PM
    Ok, no offense, but you are not a designer are you lol??? And I have yet to see anything on Android that looks "very nice", just sayin'!

    No offense taken, but seriously how is the web interface to my digital locker so offensive?

    screenshot (http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5224/5571848363_7544628f92_b.jpg).

    Not that I'd normally be accessing my media via a desktop website. That's why Amazon also offer a nice and visually friendly (https://ssl.gstatic.com/android/market/com.amazon.mp3/ss-1-320-480-160-2-251c9c92d6a55c8108001da1d17520acb8db9c80) app for your mobile devices :).

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 wallpaper kung
  • mortal kombat 9 wallpaper kung

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 06:09 PM
    I would worry too much about the swivel joint and the connections and cables within breaking, however I do use a touch-screen display ToughBook at work
    and I can certainly see where that option might be popular
    IF the protective shield to the touch screen could be easily replaced.

    They get scratched bad after using them for a while.
    I think the swivel mechanism is build to last. I have Fujitsu T4020 and it has the solid swivel mechanism. Passive and Active Screen have their pros and cons. Passive one is like the ones you find on Palm and Pocket PC. Active one requires the special digitizer which is made for active screen. For better sensitivity, the active digitizer unit is better. It's like Wacom's Intuos (pro grade) and Graphire (consumer grade which has less "sensitivity" on your input).
    With tablet PC, you need put on screen protector; no question about it. I use Vikuiti screen protector to protect the active digitizer screen. It is un-wise to use Tablet PC without screen protector. If you scratch the screen without using the screen protector, the blame is only on the user of that tablet PC.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 logo png.
  • mortal kombat 9 logo png.

  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 11:19 PM
    ...Sad thing, there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the horizon to fill that void when he is gone. ...

    no, but I sometimes think that Andy Rubin believes he's the next Jobs ... at least he dresses similar to Jobs:

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat logo wallpaper.
  • mortal kombat logo wallpaper.

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 21, 08:14 PM
    The Xserve was pretty much another solution too. Same hardware different form factor.

    Another solution that didn't serve as a GPGPU Render Farm.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. Mortal Kombat 9 Sub Zero
  • Mortal Kombat 9 Sub Zero

  • Abstract
    Apr 10, 08:02 PM
    Wow. There are still people who think the answer is 2? I'll check back later, but please remember that not everyone is good at maths. Let it be. :p

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. kitana mortal kombat 9
  • kitana mortal kombat 9

  • babydinosaur
    Apr 20, 09:00 AM
    Hopefully it comes in WHITE :o

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. The Mortal Kombat reboot may
  • The Mortal Kombat reboot may

  • Moyank24
    May 2, 11:10 PM

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 sub zero
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero

  • msb3079
    Apr 20, 11:21 AM
    Really? So we just disregard the ACTUAL start and end times of seasons now? June 21 to Sept 21 is summer.

    Calendar wise it is... but most people don't view the middle of September as "summer". Meteorological summer is over by then, and that's MUCH more important, IMO.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. Mortal Kombat Demo will be
  • Mortal Kombat Demo will be

  • myca
    Apr 5, 03:00 PM
    even google disagrees with you - they wish in the meantime to have forced more control over the carriers (as they already admitted in the public) :D

    I think this was always gonna happen, as the mess that was Java applications on multiple handsets could easily happen to Android as a platform if Google don't take the bull by the horns and exert some control on their platform.

    I used to QA Java Verified games and applications for hundreds of handsets back in the day, and since apple introduced the iphone there has been a massive shift, a lot of it good.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 wallpaper kung
  • mortal kombat 9 wallpaper kung

  • Eidorian
    Aug 2, 07:09 PM
    I do not expect MacBook Pros because Intel Core 2 Duo for notebooks has not been announced yet.TIME PARADOX


    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. Mortal Kombat 9 Kitana
  • Mortal Kombat 9 Kitana

  • mr.steevo
    Mar 29, 09:00 PM
    Problem is, as I said before, Apple sells worldwide. And most of the world couldn't possibly care less if a product is made in the USA or in Japan. We want it to be as good as it is now, at the best price. America can't do that, can it? Prince increase = sales decrease.


    I could care less if something is made in the good 'ole US of A, Japan, China, India, Belgium, Korea, Finland or Tibet.

    I don't live there.

    What I care about is if it is good quality and is affordable.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper
  • mortal kombat 9 jade wallpaper

  • steadysignal
    May 2, 07:40 PM
    mac -

    i really wish we could have gotten there.

    it seems so foreign now, but in a system where all is divisible by ten makes life very easy.

    but, we'll keep using our libres and ounces and such...the imperial way.


    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 wallpaper sub
  • mortal kombat 9 wallpaper sub

  • djkny
    Sep 15, 06:56 PM
    "Announced" on Tuesday, 9/19; ready for shipping in 10-15 days, maybe longer, once all of us C2D geeks spring for this.

    Shipping date then will read: on or before 10/21. :eek:

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 9 logo
  • mortal kombat 9 logo

  • cotak
    Mar 29, 03:05 PM
    ah nothing like starting the day with a bit of ignorance. :cool:

    +1 to some reality check.

    This thread shows a lot of over simplification of how economies works and what is actually causing job loses.

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat 2011 logo
  • mortal kombat 2011 logo

  • ImAlwaysRight
    Aug 7, 03:57 PM

    Give it a rest!!!!

    Do you really need a new #%&$*%^& iPod?...

    Do you wnat a CPU update in your laptop weekly?...


    go buy a Dell and enjoy!!!!

    And MacRumors.com is primarily a website populated by consumers, not developers. So now you know why at least. :o

    mortal kombat 9 logo wallpaper. mortal kombat logo hd.
  • mortal kombat logo hd.

  • Sol
    May 6, 05:16 AM
    That came out of the blue. Running current applications on the next Rosetta would probably mean a negligible loss in speed. It does not matter, as native software will be iOS based and there is a thriving market for those already.

    It all brings back memories of the PPC days. Apple must be confident about their ability to keep up with advancements by Intel and AMD. Considering the pace the iPad and iPhone processors have been getting upgraded I would guess that they can do it.

    Apr 25, 08:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't get the big deal about it. If you want to be anonymous, get off fb, twitter, macrumors, etc. Then cancel all Internet plans you have and your cellular plan. Then no one will ever know where you are unless you tell them.

    Too late for that: http://www.spokeo.com/

    Jul 30, 12:38 PM
    What happens if I'm listening to a song with my headphones and a call comes in. Will it pause the song and allow me to answer the call? Will I be able to use the headphones for the call? Will they build a microphone into that I don't have to hold the thing up to my head like some cell's speaker phones do?

    It seems reasonable to assume that the cell phone will pause your music, and you will be able to talk into a mic on the headset. Additionally, there would probably be a button on the headset so you can answer and hang up a call (and adjust volume/tracks) without taking the phone out of your pocket. My ancient Samsung Uproar (http://www.samsungtelecom.com/uproar/index.html) had all those capabilities (and a whopping 64 MB RAM!) more than 5 years ago.

    (I actually really liked that phone...I only stopped using it because I had to switch from Sprint due to unbearable lack of reception.)

    Nov 27, 02:46 PM
    i would love a Tablet. but somehow i doubt that its going to happen.

    2 Replies
    Apr 26, 02:42 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    Do we consider the 13" Macbook to be in a different market than the 15" Macbook Pro? No, they're both laptops.

    And thus, everyone will soon wake up and realize that ALL iOS devices should be compared against ALL Android devices. These 'smartphone only' lists may still make sense in but in 2 or 3 years these kind of measurements will be seen as worthless.

    Your argument is so inane it's barely worth a reply.
    You do realize that not all tablets require a contract, right?
    When it comes to laptops, the only thing that's different between a 13" and a 15" will be the screen size. But a tablet and a phone are INHERENTLY different.
    My android tablet is wifi only and serves a totally separate function from my iPhone, my windows laptop, my linux server-cluster or my HTPC.
    So why should tablets be dumped into the same category as mobile phones? Just because they share a slightly similar form-factor?
    What if the next trend in smart phones is a clam-shell form-factor? Or a wearable hud? Or some implantable device?
    Similar form factor does not mean their sales figures can, or should be compared.

    Apple's to f'n oranges.
    You're basically saying ... meh, they're both round and edible so they're the same.

    Aug 11, 09:32 AM
    If they are truly planning this for the MacBook, then they are surely planning to bump the iMac to this chip too or better the Conroe. They continually refer to the MacBook and iMac as their "consumer line". I have been planning to buy an iMac for some time now, and this is definately an upgrade I would like to see. I'm most likely waiting until after MacWorld Expo to see what updates they will have for the iMac. The chip should be upgraded much before then, but I bet by that time they will have a few more upgrades for the iMac.

    Mac Pro and Xserve have the Xeon (Woodcrest).
    MacBook Pro, MacBook, and iMac will be upgraded to the Core 2 Duo (Merom) with iMac possibly being Conroe.
    Mac Mini will probably keep the Core Duo (Yonah).

    This sounds perfectly reasonable. Things are definately more interesting with the Intel chips because they are being rolled out so fast, unlike the PowerPC chips from Freescale/Motorola. It has only been about 6-7 months since the Core Duo was unveiled, now Core Duo 2 is here. Since Apple prides themselves on using advanced hardware, it only makes sense that they should upgrade the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iMac to the Core 2 Duo (iMac=Conroe), and continue to upgrade to the best available chips Intel is offering at the time (aside from the 'extreme' editions).