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Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 25, 04:18 PM
    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    If that's what you mean by mainstream catholic, then i think i can safely say that less than 1% of the world in mainstream catholic. I honestly don't know one single catholic that follows all the rules of the catholic church. Really, not one. And i know lots of catholics.

    And what do you mean by change their behavior? You mean make them straight? Not gonna happen, and the church will never win this one.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 10:53 PM
    It was not a Latin sentence, so it was certainly meaningless in Latin. If you look up "sign", as a noun meaning signification, and instead choose the first person singular of the Latin verb meaning "sign a letter", you are not off to a very promising start. Cicero would be rolling in his grave.
    I know the difference between a sign and what it signifies. But even if a group of words doesn't form a sentence, that group differs from the proposition the writer is trying to state with it. That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another language. If I'm only beginning to learn French, I may say something that may be ungrammatical literally meaningless. But my teacher or another expert in the French language may know what it is I'm trying to say with it. Skunk seems to be talking mostly about a signifier, the group of words, when I'm talking mostly about what Caocao intended to signify with it. When someone says something I don't understand, I'll ask the speaker or the to rephrase it. I just realized that I misspelled CaoCao's screen name. But I'm sure you guys knew whom the misspelled name stood for.

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  • combatcolin
    Oct 28, 10:57 AM
    Bugger only 8 Cores.

    Not swiping my Visa card till they get to 1024 Cores....

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 06:32 PM
    I would never claim any such thing. If anything, the Quran is more related to the books of the Old Testament, some of which Islam shares, hence the "People of The Book". The Ugaritic chief god, El, of course was the prototype for Yahweh/Jehovah/El/Allah, and the minor gods were kept on as "angels" by all three religions.

    I completely agree with you. These Abrahamic religions do have a lot in common.

    Edit, a few Christians tried to sue a Muslim representative here. It failed.

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  • spaceballl
    Mar 18, 09:25 AM
    To be honest, I'm not too upset by this. I've used an iPhone for tethering via jailbreak long before the official support came. I did that fully knowing that I was breaking the rules, and that ATT might mess with me, but they didn't offer an official plan so I knew the risks. I still jailbreak my phone and use MyWi, but I pay for an official tethering plan so I'm not breaking the rules.

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  • Blue Fox
    Apr 22, 07:08 PM
    There is a few things
    I miss the start button. The dock is handy but I prefer the start button and quick access tool bar.

    Put your Applications folder and user folder in the dock, then right click and change it to a list view. You now have full access to everything on your HD via the user folder in the dock, and the applications folder as well.

    remove programs

    Remove or uninstall? To remove from the dock, simply click and hold, then drag off, it goes away. To uninstall, drag application from the applications folder to the trash, then empty trash. Or if the specific application came with an uninstaller, you can use that too.

    My network places

    Network as in available WiFi networks or connected servers? Connected servers will show up in any Finder folder you open up in the sidebar. As far as Wifi, that's in the WiFi symbol on the top menu bar.

    scratching my head on how to easily open a new tab on safari when only a single safari window is open

    File > New Tab, OR Command + T, OR right click on the top of the safari window, click "customize toolbar" and add the "New tab" button to your existing buttons.

    I seem to close a lot of safari windows instead of hitting the back button.

    As mentioned above, when you customize your toolbar in Safari, you can always add some other buttons in front of the back/forward buttons to keep from closing it out inadvertently.

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  • thejoshu
    Mar 21, 01:41 AM
    Bullpucky. The RIAA, and recording artists, and Apple, and any other corporate entity, owe you exactly nothing. If you don't like what they're offering, don't buy it -- it's that simple. If enough people don't buy it, then the companies will change -- that's capitalism in action.

    Bullpucky -- I'm going to steal that one for future use, if that's OK - I presume it's CC licensed? I agree with your points about the way capitalism functions; of course, a good uproar always works better than sitting quietly.

    And I want a pony, but neither is going to happen. In the case of music, the person(s) who actually writes and performs the music owns it (unless they sell those rights to someone else, as is often the case). What you get when you buy a CD, or download a song, or for that matter buy a paperback or a poster, is a license for certain legally defined rights. In some cases (like a Creative Commons license) you may have substantial freedom to do what you like with the material, but in most cases, your rights are constrained. That's the way it's always been, and this is nothing new -- copyright has been around for a long time. There isn't anything really special about the digital era with regards to the principle of copyright -- the Internet just makes it easier to violate.

    Funny, I don't remember signing a EULA when I bought my last Allman Brothers CD. But I respect what you're saying: "Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws," you'll find everywhere. I care not for piracy, I care more about Apple not being my only service provider when it comes to listening to purchased tracks. But they provide a good service, and I'll continue to use it.

    If only people could work up a tenth of this kind of moral indignation over things that really matter, like poverty or racism. I despair that the only thing that seems to get geeks politically active is the threat that they won't be able to use their music illegally. It's sad, really.

    You don't know me. Shame on you for treating everyone with an opinion as a troll. I can spread my critiques and indignation far and wide, that I assure you. Please apologize.

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 09:02 PM
    Glossing over "heat" and "power" with a blah blah blah is probably a bit cavalier. Those are the two main issues facing notebook computers. Desktops have the advantage of infinite possibilities in terms of size, scale, cooling units, fans, and they have an infinite power source to go with it. Notebooks have to balance performance with energy constraints and heat constraints, the latter being the main issue. If you pile processors into a notebook that heat up, that heat has to dissipate somehow, so you're left with two choices: make a bigger laptop with more vents/cooling units (nobody wants that), or allow that heat to dissipate naturally which has limitations. If you ignore those limitations, you end up with a notebook that overheats, and inevitably your drives die or your motherboard cracks from heat stress.

    So yes, notebooks are going to start to lag behind desktops more and more as multiple cores start to proliferate because cooling units can't keep up. Yet anyway.Zactly. They already have. I am postponing the mobile purchase until after I have the Dual Clovertown fully operational. Moreover, we can't even see beyond the mobile speed Apple just introduced Tuesday. Intel is giving us no numbers when it comes to beyond 2.33GHz Core 2 Duo. Sure the FSB will be "enhanced" to 800MHz with Santa Rosa. But that's hardly worth a sneeze compared to the 667GHz FSB it already has.

    So I think you can forget about large multi-tasking on any mobile for the foreseeable future. Once my workflow shifted from linear to multi-threaded multi-tasking a little less than a year ago, I realized that dual core processors are really not much better than what we had for processing in 1985 - in this new paradigm of how to work a lot of stuff simultaneously.

    When I ordered my Quad G5 in February, I was almost in a cold sweat panic. The sudden lack of power not coming out of my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 was frightening as soon as I had made that workflow shift. Scared me to death. I was visibly alarmed.

    It was like a combination epiphany and natural disaster - fear and panic at the same time.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:15 AM
    I don't believe you. I use applications that want 3-4 cores EACH. And I need to run 2-4 of them simultaneously. No way is Apple going to ship dual Clovertowns if they provide no benefit. I think AppliedVisual also does not believe you. In other words:

    You may be mistaken.

    Looks like others have addressed it, but OSX along with the Tiger kernel updates, scales pretty good. Every bit as good as any Linux implementation and probably as good or better than WinXP.

    They will ship Clovertowns as soon as they can... As I've said, it's a software issue, so know your software before you choose 8-core vs. 4-core. But there's plenty of software out their that can benefit from the 8-core system. Like I've said, Photoshop itself isn't multithreaded/multi-core capable directly, but various plug-ins are. It's also possible to spread multiple batch instances across CPU cores, so even though much of our current software is limited (or just plain multi-core ignorant), there's still ways to utilize the multiple cores within just about any production workflow.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 05:37 PM
    I'm sure there are many, many more.

    Acceptable collateral damage for Big Business.

    I'm sure none of the big-wigs had any problems.

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  • DavidCar
    Sep 28, 02:27 PM
    Anyone notice that Apple also released Logic Express & Pro 7.2.3 updates both now supporting 4 cores Wednesday as well as iTunes update 7.0.1?

    Apple releases Logic Pro, Logic Express updates (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2089)

    "Apple also noted that Logic Pro 7.2.3 is optimized for PowerPC G4, G5 and Intel based Macs with up to 2 dual-core processors." Same is true for Logic Express.

    This is a very big evolutionary multicore support step for the Logic gang. Finally gives me incentive to want to buy Logic Pro.

    Moderators: Looks Like MacRumors dropped the ball on this one - eclipsed by the ever omnipresent 7.0.1 iTunes update. :rolleyes:I find it was posted here on page 2 yesterday.

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  • Gelfin
    Mar 27, 09:23 AM
    If homosexuality were genetic, why are some identical twins born heterosexual when their twins turn out to feel same-sex-attractions?

    If homosexuality has no genetic component, why do twins raised separately have a greater chance of sharing an orientation? Why do homosexuals disproportionately display a variety of physical traits from handedness to hair whorls? I suppose lack of masculine identification at precisely two years of age makes men left-handed as well.

    But I forget, you're Catholic. You probably still favor beating children until they stop using "the devil's hand" too.

    That sounds like an ad hominem attack against Nicolosi. I agree with him and with his coworker who gave the lecture.

    You're damned right it is, because sometimes the person earns the attack. Nicolosi is a monster who encourages homophobic parents to commit their children involuntarily to a regimen of religiously-themed brainwashing. He can legitimately claim almost negligible success rates, and his organization is staffed by convicted con artists and desperately self-hating homosexuals who crash spectacularly in public. The "new discoveries" he claims sound strangely identical to rejected post hoc rationalizations of stereotypes formerly applied to homosexuals back when they were a disparaged and poorly understood group. We now understand that homosexuality is not effeminacy, and that when not being tormented by people who hate them and encourage them to hate themselves, homosexuals show no independent signs of psychological distress related to their orientation.

    This man is a charlatan. And it is clear you believe him because he tells you what you'd like to hear. You are following the pattern of every follower of quacks and quackery: you cling tenaciously to obscure and debunked ideas, hearing and accepting them without question, but then defend them against criticism by suddenly becoming almost comically hypercritical, citing the slim chance that not only that the overwhelming scientific consensus might be wrong, but that the overwhelming scientific consensus is driven by a massive conspiracy to prevent your huckster from selling his snake oil to the world. Your responses in this thread make it clear you have no intention of undertaking any critical thought. You'll just accept whatever somebody tells you if you feel like it makes it okay for you to not like gay people.

    Notice, your APA contradiction contradicts Gelfin's opinion the homosexuality has no psychological/environmental causes. Gelfin says there's no evidence that it has those causes.

    Notice, Gelfin said no such damned thing. Do not put words in my mouth.

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  • brianbobcat
    Mar 18, 02:45 AM
    I use HandyLight to tether, but only occasionally. I wonder if they can detect that. I don't know what method the jailbreak way uses.

    I did that exact thing today for the first time in like 6 months, and plan to do it again tomorrow. For the occasionally user, ME, paying the $5 or whatever Handylight cost at the time was well worth it. During my morning commute, on the few days I bring my laptop with me, and on the even fewer days I require a data connection, then AT&T can suck it. Other than that, I will continue to kill their network using my apps like Pandora, Netflix, and EyeTV, all of which are legitimate to use and kill their 3G a LOT more efficiently than the text-based websites I'm loading via my laptop.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 03:00 PM
    if anyone was wondering, Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
    Dont you think people can google it for themselves if they feel a need to know?

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  • maxspivak
    Sep 12, 08:41 PM
    Is it just me or does the iTV look very stackable? My guess is that eventually you will have a Hard Drive, Optical Drive and the iTV all separate. This way you can upgrade to a BlueRay from a DVD drive or a 500Gig HD from a 250.
    Do you think Im way off?

    I actually like no built-in hdd. Storage should be attached physically or over the network. What's necessary on the client, and this iTV is definitely a client, is intelligent volume management. It should allow me to combine any number of physical disks into a single logical volume.

    The same footprint as Mac Mini is also probably not a coincidence. If you want, you can stack both of them.

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  • deconai
    Aug 29, 04:04 PM
    Greenpeace are terrorists. I have seen them endanger human life for the sake of an environment that does a pretty good job of taking care of itself. I laugh at their hitlists. Hahahahaha. :|

    Capitalism thrives on being able to recycle resources, but it must be profitable in the first place to become feasible. You can't expect companies to take large hits on their bottom line to appease the Greenpeace crowd (not that they couldn't afford it, that would just go against the policy of capitalism). You can, however, expect them to do whatever is in their power to make business as efficient and clean as possible, mostly because it's cheaper in the long run. That's what Apple does. We really can't ask for anything more, unless we're willing to see them pack up and move to India.

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  • hcho3
    Apr 20, 05:13 PM
    LTE is still not available on many areas in the US. Only Verizon has it. The first chipsets will have bugs and battery life issues. It's clear that apple doesn't want to try out first generation LTE chipsets.

    One analyst asked about iPhone 5 release date and Tim was like, "Dude, we don't comment on future products because all of those copycats are going to copy. In fact, they are probably listening to this conference right now. So, we are not going to say anything."

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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:25 AM
    Apple leads. The PC you use today runs an OS that got its inspiration from Apple popularizing the GUI in the marketplace. The smart phone you use today gets its design cues from the iPhone.

    I'm not really that surprised that my iMac and iPhone get their inspiration and design cues from Apple. :p

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  • Sounds Good
    Apr 6, 09:42 AM
    What do you DO with your Windows box?
    Web development, website management, domain name management, some graphics, some photography, lots of asking questions on forums. :)

    What applications are important to you?
    Firefox. Wordpress. MS Excel. MS Word. Notepad. Domain Name software (Windows only). Photoshop. Lightroom. CuteFTP. MS FrontPage (yep, really). TeamViewer. Slysoft AnyDVD and CloneDVD.

    Oct 12, 06:47 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm
    The result for my OSX 10.2 DP 800 G4 on the floating test is 85.56 seconds. I used -O and -funroll-loops as flags.

    So this is about 45% the speed of my P3-Xeon 700. Not very good at all, but it falls within the ream of believeability.

    Other than a -O to enable/disable any optimisations at all, what effect can you achieve with the remaining optimistion flags to GCC? I'm more surprised by the lack of variation they achieve on PPC than the actual relative performance - having looked at the PPC code briefly, it looks like I'd expect it to be slow :mad:

    Sep 26, 09:48 AM
    Also solid state drives are needed to properly service the I/O needs. Why NOT put a solid state SATA drive in one slot on a MacPro so you can use it for a swap space? Or a PCI slot based device?

    Remember, price is no object! I used to run my Mac+ in ramdrive mode and it was faster that way than my friend's IIfx for apps that would fit in the limited space. External SCSI drive for strorage in that mode.

    I must be old :)


    There'a a nifty device that I use, I forget who makes it, but it's a PCIe Card that holds up to 8GB of DDR2 Ram that is recognized as a Drive, I use it for VM, Paging, and a swapfile. Makes applications start up super fast.

    Jul 12, 08:21 PM
    Yeah mister 6" PeeCee, you must've missed where Steve Jobs said something along the lines of, "BMW and Mercedes have about a 14% market share. What's wrong with being a BMW or a Mercedes?"

    This is my philosophy as well. I don't drive a Ford. I don't want XP. I don't want an HP. So suck your PC.
    There's some irony about your penis envy reference and the rest of this post.

    Just sayin'.

    Oct 11, 12:26 PM
    Originally posted by j763

    BUT... i'd like to raise this important point. wtf are the win32 users using their CPU power for? Typing up word documents really fast? browsing the web with Internet Exporer v6.000.21312.185726351;SP1? or perhaps having to wait only 10 seconds for windows media player to launch? win32 is simply a craptacular operating system to the extent where it shouldn't be recognized (and i certainly don't recognize it) as a real operating system. mac and *nix (excl. linux-on-the-desktop) is where it's at. get over it.

    you gotta be ****ing kidding me. it's so amusing to witness the brainwashed and ignorant roam the earth. yes, i use the latest version of ie and browse these forums 10x faster than whatever mac browser you're using. i only have the default ie on my mac, because there's no point in installing other browsers when you have a pc.

    i also have a hell of an easier time developing for the web using the tabbeb-based version of dreamweaver and coldfusion studio. i export 3ds artwork to flash, and the performance of my 2 year old 1ghz athlon is amazing. and when i'm done with work, I USE MY PC AS A GAME MACHINE. the only reason i have a mac, is because i really want to use them for 2d graphics, but apple really ****ing do something brilliant if they expect me to upgrade.

    so can you explain what you mean by 'not recognizing' windows? that statement made absolutely NO sense. don't be such a bigot.

    Apr 24, 04:13 PM
    (Examples = teaching)!= saying

    The latter is specific to the situation.

    This quote is sectioned to the event of homosexuality being concerned. However, you have to prove that woman is being obscene, which is almost impossible if you've got to find 1 doctor, 4 witnesses to event, and two family members to testify the same thing.

    100 striped != death.

    Adultery or fornication is VERY contentious in Islam. It is a big sin, and often breaks contracts, of nature of marriage. No death here.


    If you're going to quote something, please be sure to complete the damn sentence... and not end it prematurely:

    And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.

    In other words, be modest.

    as above, adultery is a greater sin. This, though, does not demonstrate honour killing. An honour killing is killing made by family or community that the victim has brought dishonour against the family or community.

    In this case, is it not dishonour, is it considered to be criminal.

    As above.