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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

selena gomez pics leaked

selena gomez pics leaked. SELENA GOMEZ PICTURES LEAKED

  • Surely
    Jan 12, 10:27 AM
    if you look at the codenames for many products, and I'm talking about way back to the apple II days, air seems more like a codename for a product than the product name itself. Maybe they will announce something like they did with the "iTV" and refer to it by its codename, because they don't have a name yet and it's not even out for official release yet.

    Stop making sense. It's not welcome here.

    You need to be more fanboy-ish. :D

    selena gomez pics leaked. SELENA GOMEZ PICTURES LEAKED

  • MacMan86
    Apr 24, 09:19 AM
    Judging from the the overwhelming majority of responses in regards to personal privacy violation these days, coming from the younger generations in regards to issues of this nature and typical replies such as.... Don't Care, I'm not doing anything wrong so I'm fine with that, Let them look, They are not violating you're rights, you have a Tinfoil Hat on! etc , etc, etc,

    I would have to say that the Government is doing a fine job indoctrinating and spoon feeding everyone through mass media to the extent that we are actually breeding complacent spineless cowards that offer no resistance and have no independent thought process of their own!

    In short...You are all good little sheep!

    Why is it that no one offers any resistance these days? The problem and all of the problems this country currently faces is due to the fact that We The People no longer govern this country and protect our constitution & Bill Of Rights!

    We hire and empower our elected officials to represent our voice and our best interest as a society yet these people take what they want, treat us the way they want, steal from us, lie to us, deceive us & left to their devices they will kill us all in the name of greed. And we just bend over and take it and thank them for it!

    I Mean WTF already people? When is everybody going to learn that if everybody would just do their little part in society by being involved on the most very mundane level, we as a people and society would not be plagued with all of these current crisis that we are currently facing in this country!

    STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem! It's that simple!

    Now c'mon Kids call me crazy and say I am wearing a Tin Foil Hat. Just Remember It will be my Generation that brings the fight, not yours!

    Certainly a bit crazy, but regardless, a wholly disproportionate response to a simple file on a device which by all reports isn't being transmitted anywhere or being used for any purpose other than to the help the phone work a bit better. I think there are other areas where your passion could be better focussed

    selena gomez pics leaked. gomez+kissing+pics+leaked
  • gomez+kissing+pics+leaked

  • marksman
    Mar 25, 04:14 PM
    I recall some of the naysayers around here not even a year ago stating that such a device would never be suitable for gaming. And here we are. With HD output to your TV.

    Vision, people. Vision.

    Who would have thought that Apple would be able to start the underpinnings of a mobile console gaming like device, in only its second generation.

    selena gomez pics leaked. SELENA GOMEZ ALBUM LEAKED!

  • BigBeast
    Apr 19, 07:57 PM
    Large SSD's are just too expensive and often times not big enough. And you only get a finite number of writes on them before they're garbage.

    While technically correct, you should provide context.

    While SSDs DO have a finite number of write available, an SSD that's 256 GB (a modest drive size) with 10,000 writes = 2,560,000 GB of writing capacity (or 2.56 * 10^6 ;))

    That means you could write 100 GB of data PER DAY for slightly over 70 YEARS!

    Feel free to be amazed. :D

    selena gomez pics leaked. Watch the leaked Selena Gomez
  • Watch the leaked Selena Gomez

  • syklee26
    Sep 1, 01:13 PM
    these prices seem a lot more like what I was thinking. Wishful? maybe, but this would be aggressive pricing, not keeping the current 17" and 20" where they are and throwing the 23" way over their marks.

    iMac is already wildly popular. they have no reason for aggressive pricing.

    selena gomez pics leaked. Selena Gomez and Francia Raisa
  • Selena Gomez and Francia Raisa

  • paradillon
    Oct 23, 09:17 PM
    I was helping a neighbor to order an iMac for his son tonight.
    We logged into his apple account to look at the config on his previous order for his other son.
    We got a notice saying the web and phone order system was down while being upgraded.

    selena gomez pics leaked. Photo from quot;Selena Gomez
  • Photo from quot;Selena Gomez

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 04:41 AM
    Keynote is 6pm for us in the UK.

    Since I started reading this thread, it's gone from 5 pages to 7! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I can't WAIT!!!! How long does it take Apple to get the videos up on their homepage, and what kind of videos are they? My broadband aint too quick, so it often stutters when playing back larger videos...

    Its usually streamed at about 640x480 a few hours after. Im on 4mb line and it still stutters occasionally. Apple..com and store usually is updated by about 11pm. Get your credit cards ready!

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez pictures leaked
  • selena gomez pictures leaked

  • cohen777
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    What about updates to DVD Studio Pro, Soundtrack, and Motion?

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena+gomez+kissing+pics+
  • selena+gomez+kissing+pics+

  • firestarter
    Mar 19, 10:36 AM
    I sort of support this, but as has been said before I think its time that America puts a heavier burden on allied nations to provide military assistance for UN resolutions.

    America is constantly being blamed for policing the world and I think it is a criticism we often deserve.

    But if the UN / international community is willing to allow/support the enforcement of a no fly zone. Than they should bear equal responsibility for the execution of the movement, the US shouldn't be providing 90% of the military support and funds.

    This is being led by the UK and France... Obama has been dragging his feet.


    Doesn't seem to stop Obama from going on TV to claim credit though.

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez hot scene
  • selena gomez hot scene

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:37 AM
    I think it's a fair question to ask as well. Since all phones have this issue to one degree or another, why is it Apple who got singled out? Because they are the mindshare leaders. If you are Greenpeace and you want to get publicity, call out Apple. If you are Consumer Reports and you want headlines, call out Apple.

    When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.

    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.

    selena gomez pics leaked. Gallery | selena gomez leaked
  • Gallery | selena gomez leaked

  • benjayman2
    Feb 26, 10:39 AM

    You beat me to it lol.

    I'd post pics of our new room but my camera is so 1999 :p

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez hot pics 2011.
  • selena gomez hot pics 2011.

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 18, 01:32 PM
    so i hit 5 million points on jan 27, and i hit 6 million points today. so that last million took me 49 days. not my best so far, but hopefully once i get back to my apartment next month i'll be back in business

    Grats on 6 mil!!

    selena gomez pics leaked. to be about Selena Gomez,
  • to be about Selena Gomez,

  • fatandconfused
    Apr 19, 03:19 PM
    Which is about a month away. I wonder how many buyers on the fence for this refresh will have the patience to wait even longer for the promotion.

    Oh, and that's right, Lion should also be out in about 1-2 months after that as well. ;)

    And then it'll be ivy bridge and then they'll release a 30" version and the wait goes on...i'm getting a 27" refurb july 2010 model once the new ones come out, hopefully for a further discounted price. It'll do the trick for me.

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez leaked pictures
  • selena gomez leaked pictures

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 22, 03:22 PM
    I bought an 08 MacBook Aluminum. So No i'm not concerned or care about the upcoming refresh.

    Even so, you could have probably had the 08 Al MB for another $100 off post-refresh.

    It's finally all finished. Put the Craftsman tool chest in this weekend. It mostly hold cable and repair tools for guitars.

    Those toolboxes are quite expensive. Any reason you chose one of those over, say, a plastic rolling cart from Ikea?

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez leaked pics.
  • selena gomez leaked pics.

  • macquariumguy
    Apr 11, 07:46 AM
    I much prefer a stick to an automatic.

    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez leaked pics.
  • selena gomez leaked pics.

  • kevmbpro
    Jul 18, 02:35 PM
    Bring on the PORN!!!


    selena gomez pics leaked. selena gomez leaked pics.
  • selena gomez leaked pics.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:27 AM
    Sorry, I just don't buy it. Isolated examples dependent upon a very rare set of circumstances that the average user won't encounter. I *do* believe your experience, you're very well versed when it comes to tech and no doubt well-treavelled, but this is just too much of a stretch. Yes, it's possible. But it's also possible to gain the same information in much more common and easier ways, instead of the super-spy scenario. I'm not sure how your terrorist cell example applies to anything relevant (or dangerous) for the average, everyday person.

    I'm pretty sure your average FBI agent's iPhone (assuming they carry around iPhones) that has been cleared for use (and very likely modified) by the FBI can be stripped right down forensically and will have revealed absolutely nothing.

    The average user who is *not* a secret agent really has nothing to be in up in arms about, provided they haven't just knocked off a bank or killed someone.

    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    selena gomez pics leaked. Posted in Selena Gomez
  • Posted in Selena Gomez

  • caderousse
    Apr 26, 02:37 PM
    Wow some of you guys really ride Apple's jock huh? How the hell can you claim 'App Store' as non-generic?

    MS and Amazon are clearly correct here. Apple should just pay their legal fees and move on.

    selena gomez pics leaked. Justin bieber and selena gomez
  • Justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Philberttheduck
    Nov 29, 08:30 PM
    What'll be the price on this badboy, you think?

    Sep 16, 05:40 AM
    Anyone who wants to enjoy one of, if not the best smart phone in existence will get the iPone 4 and just use a flippin' case on it, as everyone I know does on their 3GS's anyway! It's true it's a design flaw and one that the free case program was a good solution for... and even truer that a remodel is a better solution, especially for Apple (though I love the beautiful Griffin Etch graphite case I got through them).

    Basically this is the best, most useful device I've ever owned- the screen looks like it was painted on. To not recommend it rather than recommend it 'with reservations' seems a bit dogmatic of them. I respect their view, but I, certainly, recommend the 4.:)

    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    ding ding ding. I agree.

    The store is called the App Store. You can't copy someones store name.

    Yes you can... to a certain extent.
    Two stores can be named the same if the name is generic in nature.

    Apple didn't create the word "App Store". This has been proven in many threads about this very topic.
    They popularized it and then went so far as to even give it generic meaning.
    Steve did that himself. Now he's trying to lay claim to it after the fact.
    Will he win... who knows.

    But nothing is as black and white as many claim to believe it is.
    Trademark law is complicated.

    Machead III
    Sep 7, 06:34 AM
    I know they don't blow up 747s anymore, and the days of John Woo film sets with million dollar explosives going off in every scene being over (aside from the odd Speilberg or Scott production), but admittedly there are plenty of expensive CGI films out there.

    It seems you can save a lot of money by avoiding a lot of pure CGI; films like Star Wars and King Kong that contain vast portions of CGI developed from scratch seem to cost a lot more than films like Sin City and A Scanner Darkly that are essentially live-action films that have been doctored in post-production.

    Renaissance is the exception because although it's entirely from-scratch-CGI, the scenes are no where near as complex and detailed as King Kong etc.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 4, 08:07 PM
    Don't worry - by the time your Golf dies you can get a new one, and maybe by then they'll be selling the Golf GTD (http://www.insideline.com/volkswagen/golf/2010/2010-volkswagen-golf-gtd-first-drive.html) over here.

    Feb 28, 02:39 PM
    here is my mess sorry i didnt clean up first

    Nice setup. What's the story behind the "double" windows, I've never seen anything like that before.