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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

bieber and gomez 2011

bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • triceretops
    Mar 22, 10:53 PM
    Is there an app in which the face of the iPod touch/iPhone has a digital scroll wheel on the bottom half and a screen on the top half to simulate the iPod Classic interface? Maybe that would be enough to satiate the holders on to the classic?


    bieber and gomez 2011. +selena+gomez+2011+march
  • +selena+gomez+2011+march

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    Memory Stick

    PSone & PS2?

    Like MS, the winners pay for the losers. As a trader once told me, you only have to be right 51% of the time to make a profit.

    bieber and gomez 2011. Selena Gomez Helps Justin
  • Selena Gomez Helps Justin

  • sminman
    Aug 6, 10:49 PM
    It's like hoping you get a red shiny new bike from santa on christmas morning!!

    I really hope they come out with a phone. I don't care about anything else!:rolleyes:

    How many people think that they actually will come out with a phone?:D

    bieber and gomez 2011. +ieber+selena+gomez+2011
  • +ieber+selena+gomez+2011

  • iris_failsafe
    Jul 13, 11:10 PM
    I think is too early for either HDDVD or Blue-Ray, maybe have it as a built to order option?

    It makes more sense than to put it as standard equipment

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • suneohair
    Nov 15, 09:56 AM
    8 Core Mac Pro won't be cheap. And most definitely will not come in at the entry level price point of $2500. I am sure you guys knew that already though.

    Most applications are mutli-threaded that isnt the issue. The difference between 4-core and 8-core will be negligible as you can see from the benchmarks. The 8-core Mac Pro will shine when multi-tasking multiple multi-threaded applications.

    You will have more power all around. So you can effectively do more at once with less slow down.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • Farns514
    Jan 11, 07:00 PM
    I love these cars, i looked at the SRT8 model with the Hemi but UK + V8 = Bankrupt lol


    The Chrysler 300C SRT is a fantastic car, i think it was the summer before I headed into freshman year of college, when my buddy and i took his SRT to his lake-house. We got up to 167mph in his car on back roads, craziest/scariest/most fun experience ever. He traded that 300 in about a year ago for the Jeep SRT and man is that thing fun to drive....... Wish i could afford an SRT.:D

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 04:54 AM
    Yes living in th UK is like punishment for being born at the moment. Can I stay with you in Aussie? I have a G5 and a MacBook you can use. :D

    To think you guys thought it was punishment to ship us here. I laugh

    I already have one of each, though my MacBook does randomly shut down. But another G5, hmmmm, well i don't use my Quad with 4gb 1tb 7800 to its potential anyway.

    Once again the UK is redundant. Wait until we play England in the Ashes, omg, we are going to destroy you.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber 2011 · selena
  • justin ieber 2011 · selena

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 05:05 PM
    I think this would be conterproductive to the end result though.Oh, the Humanity!

    bieber and gomez 2011. selena gomez 2011 wallpaper.
  • selena gomez 2011 wallpaper.

  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 02:43 PM
    Well......you know what I mean ;)

    I do, but I also love to be an ass. :)

    I think Apple would enjoy being able to say "all superdrive, all 64-bit, all dual core..."

    And we'd enjoy hearing it. But Apple also has to gouge us for profit. It's a two way street.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • abhimat.gautam
    Mar 31, 12:04 AM
    Urgh, new iCal really is horrible.

    Does the realistic texture show up only in full screen mode, or is it that way all the time? In a window, I think it might be distracting, but in full screen, I don't think I would mind it.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • strabes
    May 2, 04:38 PM
    I'm just wondering if this is a more thorough way of deleting the app. Like, taking out app support and preferences unlike when you just drag the app into the trash. Does this simply move it to the trash or does it take care of everything in the background?

    I think it is basically making 2 ways to delete an app, which I suppose will be more "user friendly" for people coming to Mac from the iDevices halo. But again, wondering if this actually cleans the apps crap up.

    You'd probably appreciate this app: http://onnati.net/apptrap/

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • milo
    Aug 16, 01:18 PM
    Well, it sounds like the next iPod's going to be a rather large update if half the rumors are to be believed.

    I'm not inclined to believe even half of the rumors. And the *next* ipod will probably just be a subtle tweak to the nano in the next six weeks. Video ipods or ones with wireless would be after that.

    I don't think wireless will be practical for a while. It's a cool idea, but horrible for battery life.

    How about an iPod where we actually increase the quality of audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features.

    What's your complaint about sound quality in the iPod? I think it sounds pretty good, especially if you encode music at higher bitrates.

    Oh great! more DRM....I don't think that's the way to go from a PR standpoint as far as Apple is concerned and in terms of what makes iTunes and the iPod sell so well ...

    It wouldn't necessarily require ANY extra DRM, they'd just build it in to the update of the ipod and itunes software. Buy a song directly on the iPod, it only gets transferred to computers with your itunes shopping account. That's pretty much how it works already.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • Eidorian
    Jan 11, 04:53 PM
    What does this mean for the regular MacBook then? Is it going to be another model or a replacement?

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • led1002
    Mar 19, 03:14 PM
    Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.

    Actually it's $1800-3000, for a G5 64 bit computer. Where do you buy your computers from? No wonder Apple can't dispell the myths even Mac users don't know how much they cost!

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • spicyapple
    Nov 29, 01:40 PM
    Maybe you can do video iChat sessions with an optional iSight camera right from the livingroom TV?

    This reminds me of the old Zenith TVs with space phones where you could talk to a caller from the comfort of your sofa. (but voices usually sounded like it was underwater).

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber and selena gomez
  • justin ieber and selena gomez

  • milo
    Aug 29, 09:02 AM
    Incredibly underwhelming.

    If they're going to stay yonah, at least bump the clock speed more than that.

    The only upside to this is that it leaves a HUGE gap between the mini and Pro, could mean that apple really is planning a conroe minitower/pizzabox/mediacenter.

    That, and the fact that ThinkSecret is NEVER right. EVER.

    bieber and gomez 2011. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • cube
    Mar 24, 03:26 PM
    Cool story bro, would read again. If you want the fusion so badly then buy a PC. No one's forcing you to buy from Apple.

    I am forced to buy Apple because of the lack of commercial Linux applications for consumers.

    bieber and gomez 2011. oscar Justin
  • oscar Justin

  • doberman211
    Mar 22, 10:21 PM
    Uncompressed. That IS the key. Friends don't let friends buy compressed faux music. And play your uncompressed music with your tube amps and AR 3a speakers. Howz that for classic?

    Pretty damn accurate. 5 channel surround sound on my dock connector and I can hear my speakers from across the road. Though people sometimes complain about it:p

    I don't live near any senior citizens so sometimes i just ask for requests if its nothing completely ridiculous like Bieber. I only keep ~5000 songs on the iPod because i recently lost my entire music library and have been slowly rebuilding it on an SSD which is much more reliable.

    bieber and gomez 2011. justin ieber 2011 · selena
  • justin ieber 2011 · selena

  • mduser63
    Nov 30, 07:57 AM
    With a hard disk in it. iTV will not require a computer - will give you internet access on your TV. Dock the iPod, and allow you to buy directly movies, songs & content. I.e. without streaming. Direct download through a Wifi intenet connection. Could even have the ability to stream from the internet - I.e. cable, etc.. coupled with a DVR for recording. Would be amazing if it could do all of the above.

    As stated in some interview with Bob Iger that I read somewhere, the iTV will have an internal hard drive. I also have it from someone at Apple that it will have a hard disk, although they didn't tell me anything else that we don't already know and were very cautious about revealing too much.

    Sep 6, 10:39 AM
    I love my mini. I would have bought the former top end mini (1.66ghz Duo, 80gb HDD, SD) to replace my mini if it came down to $599 refurb/$699 new. I like my monitor just fine. I prefer the form factor of the mini over the iMac is what it comes down to, I suppose.

    I'm not a fan of the iMac design... mostly because of my bad experience with a Rev A iMac G5 being so freaking loud. If Apple had kept the Core Solo and dropped it's price $100 or more (Apple needs a $399 mini more than it needs a $799 model) lots of people would have bought it.

    As it stands, though, the mini kinda sucks.

    The Intel iMacs are almost silent - truly, you can barely hear them if at all.

    Sep 1, 02:15 PM
    At WWDC, Apple mentioned one of Leopard's features - 64 bit application support. Let's fast forward to Leopard's release day and look at Apple's line. I'm guessing that all all their machines will have 64-bit processors, but surely the difference in processors used in the Macbook, Macbook Pro, the iMac, and the mini, surely can't be just speed, and all using the Merom? The iMac will have Conroe, maybe an E6600.

    Nov 26, 07:33 PM
    They shipped the XServe but there is no longer an XServe Cluster node model. Apple used to ship a stipped down XServe with only one drive. You used to be able to get dual processors in the Cluster Node for the price of a single Proc XServe [proper].
    The Cluster nodes had better price/performance but they weren't designed for running real 24x7 server tasks.


    Ah, I see... But then again, you have more config options if you talk to one of Apple's business consultants and you can configure an Xserve with no drives if you'd like. Not sure what else the prior cluster node configurations had though, I guess I was unaware of their existence -- never saw them on the site, but I didn't really look.

    Mar 25, 04:35 PM
    ok designers
    1) controller shaped like a steering wheel and mount a pad in the middle
    2) paddle shifters
    i'm not much of a gamer but just some random ideas

    Jun 22, 05:25 PM
    but a replacement of keyboard and mice don't think so...
    I didn't say anything about replacing a keyboard and/or mouse. I'm talking about supplementing it. (You could probably replace the mouse with it, though. Lots of people are familiar with trackpads and love them. Why not?)

    I already have a Wacom Cintiq in front of my keyboard. That's where most people would keep something like this.