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Monday, May 16, 2011

california gas prices 2011

california gas prices 2011. california gas prices 2011.
  • california gas prices 2011.

  • crisss1205
    May 7, 05:08 PM
    I say that they make it free to Mac users and like $29 a year for Windows users.

    california gas prices 2011. by JD on May 1, 2011
  • by JD on May 1, 2011

  • aptar
    Sep 16, 07:39 PM
    What was the estimated ship date when you ordered?

    As of now, 17'' have an extimated ship time of 7-10 business days.

    My estimated ship date was Sep 20, which is why I was caught off guard when it shipped today.

    Mine wasn't a 17, it was the middle line 15".

    california gas prices 2011. 8th 2011: Gas prices rise
  • 8th 2011: Gas prices rise

  • Soothsayr
    Apr 25, 09:06 AM
    I bet the people crying "foul" the loudest are also the ones who have FourSquare installed and update it every 5 seconds.

    Jobs is right - big difference with your phone remembering locations, as opposed to Apple actively gathering it.

    california gas prices 2011. california gas prices 2011.
  • california gas prices 2011.

  • Tilpots
    Apr 10, 08:41 PM
    Google ECU Pirate and see what comes up :rolleyes:

    My search results returned "college dropout." :D

    california gas prices 2011. hawaii gas prices 2011.
  • hawaii gas prices 2011.

  • noahtk
    May 4, 06:40 PM
    In 3 years there will be no "PREFERRED" anything with Macs. Everything that is installed on Mac will come from the App Store. It WILL BE the EXCLUSIVE method of loading ANYTHING on Macs. OS X will become exactly like iOS and ALL of you will just happily accept it. I expect to see statements on Macrumors like "Oh how wonderful it is that Steve is looking after us and protecting us from the evil world of Malware that those crappy PC's get. Thanks Steve for looking out for us and our elegant, delicious, sexy, and magical devices"......

    Pretty much...

    california gas prices 2011. Oil prices recovered from
  • Oil prices recovered from

  • trip1ex
    Mar 29, 01:00 PM
    Not enough for my collection.

    And never felt like I had to download music at work and anywhere else.

    Maybe I'm out of touch, but ...

    I do like the idea of not having to back stuff up in case I lose it to a hard drive crash.

    5gb ain't enough to cover my collection however.

    california gas prices 2011. Gas prices of more than $4.00
  • Gas prices of more than $4.00

  • addicted44
    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148)

    Yay let us all surrender our privacy to the cloud...

    Cloud Focused OS != Cloud OS.

    california gas prices 2011. California Gas Prices #2A (3/3/2011). Getting Pucked At The Pump. Back on 1/22/11 the price of regular gas was $3.39,
  • California Gas Prices #2A (3/3/2011). Getting Pucked At The Pump. Back on 1/22/11 the price of regular gas was $3.39,

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:59 AM
    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    oh yeah?
    you wanna a piece of me?
    come and get it mummyboy!

    california gas prices 2011. Gas Prices Through the Roof
  • Gas Prices Through the Roof

  • oneighturbo
    Sep 16, 11:02 AM
    so help me out here..

    BTO = anything purchased online? (even if the config doesnt change at all on a MBP) vs. me walking into a store and getting one today?

    what im getting at is i would like a Merom MBP but if i want to take advantage of the iPod edu deal i have to buy today, the 16th.

    so then if i get the current MBP id have to keep it unopened until the announment on the 24th? then take it back to the store?

    if ship dates go into October, when will the stores have em in stock?

    does that make any sense :D

    california gas prices 2011. In California-Gas prices up 15
  • In California-Gas prices up 15

  • iSee
    Apr 26, 04:36 PM
    Good... there are a few things about iOS/iPhones that I don't like at all and that boil down to decisions by Apple and their partners to place limits where I don't think they need to be.

    Hopefully Apple starts to understand that these things matter and that they need to give people what they want.

    If not... Andriod here I come.

    california gas prices 2011. May 13, 2011 · California gas
  • May 13, 2011 · California gas

  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

    california gas prices 2011. California Gas Prices
  • California Gas Prices

  • trssho
    May 6, 07:27 AM
    Change for the sake of change is not a good thing, and I am sure that is not why apple would be doing it. Technologies more than anything else changes rapidly. If ARM has a breakthrough technology in the pipe,and Apple is aware of it, surely they would be prepared to jump ship.

    No one can think Apple would change stream, and not know what they were getting into. Innovation is Apples niche, and seems to be working well for them. Imagine if ARM is developing a revolutionary concept in processor technology that makes current transistors look like vacuum tube technology. It could happen! Who would argue that in 20 years computing and processor technology will be vastly different than what we see today. Who's to say that it couldn't happen in 2-5 years.

    california gas prices 2011. Gas prices of more than $4.00
  • Gas prices of more than $4.00

  • LoganT
    Mar 26, 10:18 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    I'm not really sure Apple cares about your school district.

    california gas prices 2011. March 5, 2011. California has
  • March 5, 2011. California has

  • infidel69
    Mar 28, 11:21 AM
    Great news...... for Google.

    california gas prices 2011. California Gas Prices #1A
  • California Gas Prices #1A

  • navguy
    Dec 13, 10:29 AM
    [QUOTE=EDH667;8950245]Thank you for your feedback relating to this issue. We hope to have this issue resolved with a future update to the TomTom application."QUOTE]

    that's curious ... it's an 'application' problem?? i would have thought it was a typical bluetooth h/w issue ... wonder if the other navigation apps have similar issue w/ TomTom car kit?

    thanks for sharing

    california gas prices 2011. MSN Gas Prices 31, 2011 photo.
  • MSN Gas Prices 31, 2011 photo.

  • ArchaicRevival
    Mar 29, 02:14 PM
    Hey Apple,
    I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...

    Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:

    california gas prices 2011. California gasoline prices may
  • California gasoline prices may

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 09:35 PM
    No no no, we want useful UI improvements not iOS fluff.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    california gas prices 2011. Gas prices are seen at a
  • Gas prices are seen at a

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 25, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    �If you have something that you don�t want anyone to know maybe you shouldn�t be doing it in the first place.� - Eric Schmidt

    california gas prices 2011. day, California gas prices
  • day, California gas prices

  • tblrsa
    Dec 15, 04:43 AM
    Sophos does not seem to display these characteristics. That I've noticed.

    True, but just recently for example AVG Free Edition literally killed tons of Windows 7 machines due to an buggy update which caused W7 to reboot into an endless loop. The AVG team got hit by an outcry from angry and desperate users in their forum. I don�t want things like that happen to my mac, i bought one to not have to bother about those issues.

    Aug 2, 04:10 PM
    i am happy that iPods "aren't expected" at WWDC, it doesn't seem the right place. We need emphasis on computers and software for them, not redesigned (or just updated) music players. xServe, Mac Pros, and hopefully redesigned exteriors of MacBook Pros, as well as lots of Leopard showing is what i hope for :)

    Mar 27, 12:37 AM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    For the Kindle, or for their new Appstore? Apple still has the upper hand with iTunes, and the real App Store.

    Aug 7, 02:47 PM
    For those of you hoping for a mid-range tower, you're looking at it. Take the processor down from dual 2.66Ghz to dual 2.0 and the HD down from 250GB to 160, and you're looking at a $2124 machine.
    So if I want a mid-range tower, I can configured it to have less RAM, a smaller HD and a completely useless graphics card, and still come in $200-300 more than a comparable machine from Dell/Gateway/etc.? Why can't Apple sell me a desktop with 2GB RAM stock and a 250GB HD for less than two grand?

    Yes, the Apple is a quad instead of a dual - but exactly which apps does that matter on? Is a quad really going to be a vast improvement for Photoshop through Rosetta over, say, a single Xeon or 2.4 Conroe?

    All I ask for is a moderately priced OS X desktop that isn't crippled in any way (still paying for 802.11g! $350 to get a usable graphics card!).

    If using Windows didn't make my eyes bleed, I'd turn and run from Apple hardware in a heartbeat. (And that, of course, is why fanboy dreams of a retail OS X package for any computer would never happen - you'd have to be a fool to use Apple hardware.)

    Sep 16, 11:29 AM
    Sorry, but not all here are U.S. citizens (probably the majority)...when is that famous "Thanksgiving" happening?

    4th Thursday in November

    One reason "Thanksgiving" is significant is that it traditionally signifies the start of the pre-Christmas buying season...

    Aug 7, 08:07 PM
    How about a 23" or 30" iMac?