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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

credit card number format

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  • 3 - Credit card number

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 10:46 PM
    I'm going to vote YES for Don't Panic, but NO for splitting up.

    Beatrice, Should we reveal that we are telepathic, or should we save that tidbit for when it is most needed?

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  • The Numeric format is the most

  • diamond.g
    May 4, 02:53 PM
    Wasn't there some talk about Lion having a recovery partition? I would wager, if it did, that is how you would reinstall it without burning a disc.

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  • Model Number: DY-304A

  • Vitruviux
    Apr 20, 06:17 AM
    Keep the shape the same, I like iPhone 4's design, a lot.

    Here's my criteria for an upgrade...

    -iPhone 4 design
    -Dual core A5 with SGX543MP2 GPU
    -1GB RAM - I don't think this will happen but would've been nice!
    -64GB Storage
    -8MP Camera capable of 1080p recording(but there must be a 720/1080 switch iOS) - With good lens and sensor, I want Galaxy S II like images
    -Wi-Fi Direct
    -Bluetooth 3.0(hopefully iOS will take advantage of this)
    -Revamped and much improved iOS 5 with notifications, live icons and other features we're all been asking for added/fixed.

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  • Enter that number in this

  • jrtc27
    May 6, 02:46 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Please Apple, don't do this. You are just finishing the transition from PowerPC to Intel by removing Rosetta from Lion and you're already planning on switching architectures again. Are they TRYING to fragment their Macs?

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  • Credit card number format

  • chadley_chad
    May 6, 08:12 AM
    ... Arm haven't got a leg to stand on!

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  • The credit card number must be

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 01:27 PM
    so, the obvious thing is to search this room and then eventually split/move.
    everyone agree? Dante?
    where do you guys want to go next? forward or back to start to explore the other doors?

    BoneHead ^uphere^ could have put traps/monster in either, or both.

    Raven, did i assume correctly that new traps and monster can only go in empty rooms (as far as heroes are concerned)? can a room have both a trap and a monster?

    Correct, the villain can only place traps/monsters in empty rooms. Yes, a room can have both a trap and a monster.

    credit card number format. your credit card number
  • your credit card number

  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 05:43 PM
    Basic graphics card is kinda weak.

    need to have a midground option which is a bit better, but not as much as the ATI x1900

    also, where is the option of getting Blu-Ray Drive?

    We need high def drives. and why have to buy them elsewhere. want a full HDMI compliant system, that can interface with LCD monitors/tv's made by apple also with speakers.

    cmon apple!!!

    At the price, you could buy a new car.

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  • quot;All Euro credit card

  • madmax14304
    Apr 21, 03:03 PM
    They cannot just abandon the rack mounted server market. Making the mac pro into a 3U format with optional rack mount ear would be ideal. However, to merge the Pro and Server market, I'd like to see:

    1. At least 4 Hot Swap drive bays that don't require the unit being removed.
    2. Redundant power supply option
    3. I'd love for it to be less than 24" deep. Going 3U, this shouldn't be hard at all.

    Hell, supermicro just released a new 1U case with Redundant PSU, only 19.8" Deep and has 4xSATA/SAS hot swaps. It's the 813MTQ-R400CB. Cannot wait to snag one.

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  • masked credit card number

  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    Why should God allmighty (Steve) not lie to his minions?

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  • nanofrog
    Apr 29, 01:41 AM
    What has me wondering, is how Apple might support the 14 SATA devices that the X79 chipset will natively provide. Presumably, they will determine that their average customer only needs X SATA ports, and the rest will be left unexposed. With TB support, this may not be that big of an issue for those that really need or want 10-12 drives.
    They already provide fewer USB ports than the ICH10 actually provides (12 on the chip, but Apple only provides access to 5), so it's certainly possible this sort of thinking could be applied elsewhere.

    I also wonder what else they would consider denying access to in the X79 (i.e. RAID functionality in particular).

    credit card number format. your credit card number.
  • your credit card number.

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 30, 02:20 PM
    Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????

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  • Add the credit card number in

  • GoodWatch
    Apr 21, 04:06 PM
    Who said in another room? Sure if you want to operate it as a remote server, but workstations can very much benefit from being rack mountable.

    I have a friend that shoots stills while being tethered to his Mac Pro. It is on a rolling standard rackmount cart but takes up a huge amount of space on it because it is too tall to lay on its side.

    When he's done he rolls the cart into his edit room.

    I know of other people who use Mac Pro on film shoots to offload video files from cameras and make backups, on the set. They arrive with carts and roll them around as needed. They say the same thing, "I wish it was rackmountable".

    You are right, I fold. I know nothing about 19" racks (1.80 meters tall and 150 kg. in weight), and nothing about conditioned server rooms with dual power feeds at all. Flight cases with equipment I also know nothing about. I'm sorry I'm doubting your knowledge and insight.

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  • A customer places an order and types his credit card number on a secure site of an online store. Interest Calculation Options - independent cashbook format

  • Capt Underpants
    May 6, 12:20 AM
    I can't see them making another architecture transition. The switch to intel was enough...

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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 10:43 AM
    The info circulating around is false.


    PS shouldn't you be at your gym right now? It's Monday morning, after all.

    Good one. Like anyone on MR goes to the gym! Pshh!

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  • credit-card number,

  • RebelScum
    Apr 20, 09:06 AM
    1)So I'll have fun with a Galaxy S2 while the gullible remain in denial.


    So if I said the Galaxy S feels like it was made by Fisher Price, in that it feels cheap, too light, over-designed, kind of goofy-looking, and therefore a monumental piece of crap when coupled with Android's battery-sucking OS and Samsung's baffling UI, would you take that as a statement of fact, or just another cue that everything is subjective?

    Not that I hate Android phones. Far from it. My wife has one. She thinks it's "neat". I agree. She also thinks the battery life is a PITA and the inability to sync on a Mac is just plain stupid. I, again, agree.

    EDIT: I just watched a review for the Galaxy S2. The only thing new I took away from it was "Wow, there might be something to this Apple/Samsung lawsuit after all."

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  • Credit card number is in

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 11, 03:19 AM
    i present you...

    the mediamac:
    I wouldn't be surprised if a MediaMac had the same form factor as the Mac Mini. However, a Media Mac needs 3.5'' HD to keep the price resonable.

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  • the credit card number.

  • pmz
    Mar 28, 11:11 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    :confused: who cares?

    There are lot of people waiting for new iPhone hardware, and if Apple doesn't deliver, there stock price is going to plummet.

    Also, I'm REALLY tired of Macrumors following their articles with "X source has offered reliable information in the past..." when the given source has offered just as much complete ************ in the past.

    Like a few days ago reporting that rumors from BGR come from a reliable source...whereas prior to iPad 2 BGR's rumors were ALL completely 100% fabricated. How quickly we forget.

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  • I gave my credit card number

  • BittenApple
    May 7, 10:13 AM
    Makes sense, all Apple needs is the cloud.

    If it is indeed free, this is a welcomed change.

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  • balamw
    May 2, 08:07 PM
    Don't you guys in the great white north buy milk in bundles of 4 1 liter bags anyway. :p


    Rodimus Prime
    May 2, 07:57 PM
    According to this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication_in_the_United_States#20th_century), the metric system was supposed to be almost fully implemented in the US by 2000, but because of a lack of enough public and government support through the 70s-90s the program essentially got shut down.

    As an engineering student, I hope we will switch soon. The metric system makes so much more sense and is far easier to learn. Even for more common measurements (How many teaspoons/tablespoons in a cup again? Yards in a mile?), SI is a far superior system.

    I think the biggest obstacle right now is the older generations who have grown up with imperial units and don't want to learn a new system. It should at least be taught equally in schools so a future switch won't cause as much resistance.
    You missed the fact that so many of our cook books are in standard US units and that not going to changed.

    I think SI for a lot of things is just better but things like miles, MPH ect are just not going to get phased out they are to much the norm i everything we use.

    I tend to jump between the 2 fairly easily.

    Apr 23, 05:55 PM
    This is where Apple is headed and boy do I like that fact :)

    A few of my friends just don't get it until they see what I'm talking about. Example, my friend swore his 32" 1080p HDTV gave him all this 'real estate' until I showed him the 27" iMac.

    I hope there's higher resolutions coming.

    Aug 11, 10:10 AM
    BINGO! :D

    Well, due to my disappointment that they didn't release it at WWDC, I can't stand the waiting anymore so I've decided to go into suspended animation until they release the MBP in the next few weeks. Somebody make sure to wake me when its time to open up my wallet! :rolleyes:
    Only if I get some of that opend wallet.

    May 6, 02:33 AM
    The headline is wrong.

    The rumor is NOT that they would abandon Intel. The claim being made is that they would switch from x86 to ARM.

    Mar 30, 05:57 PM
    Thanks Captain Obvious... I think that is what Apple said at the very beginning ;)

    great minds think a like :P

    Apple said it would be released in the Summer, but the GM usually comes 3-4 weeks before hand. I know it is splitting hairs with this, as I was referring to the GM.

    However, considering that it could be released via App Store first, there could be a much shorter delay from GM to its release date now.