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Monday, May 16, 2011

donald trump hair wind

donald trump hair wind. Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair
  • Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:49 PM
    Piggie, you're my favourite!

    You were quite concerned about how far behind Tegra 2 the iPad 2's specs were going to be and then when the tables turn in Apple's favour for specs it's, "but why, who needs this?"

    Are you trying to say that having a higher resolution wouldn't be beneficial? Especially in light of your comment about the iPad's resolution.

    Note: what "I" want, and what I think Apple's targeted consumer group want are to entirely different things.

    Myself, I see a computer as a box of bits. I really don't care what the "box" looks like, it's just a box, it's what's on screen that matters to me.
    I would NEVER EVER compromise what a computer can do to make it fit inside a pretty box, which is why I can never like an iMac as it's just fundamentally a bad design, cramming a lot inside a tight hot case just to make it look pretty.

    I don't care who makes a product, and I have no brand loyalty at all.
    I will go for the best I think I can find/afford at time of purchase based upon the criteria that matter to me.

    Case thinness, material it's made from, colour, etc are all way down on my list of importance.

    But then, Apple don't generally make anything for me due to this.
    The current iPad2 being the exception as, at the moment I'm more than happy to admit that despite the bad lockdowns Apple has applied to the iPad, it's technically the best tablet at the moment.
    I will draw back that statement a little as it can't read memory cards and lacks output ports and is lumbered with iTunes, but putting those negatives to one side, it's positives in speed and quality outweigh those points at the moment.

    donald trump hair wind. Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair
  • Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair

  • roland.g
    May 4, 04:00 PM
    The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.

    If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.

    Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.

    Use TM for your Home Folder and things like that. Even Apps. You can always reinstall and update an OS. Don't bother TMing your OS.

    Indeed, which is why I also do a Carbon Copy Clone once in a while. Most people, for some reason, just use Time Machine. Maybe they never have encountered a catastrophic disk failure. Seems like a big risk to take.

    I use CCC but only to clone my external iTunes media drive to a clone of it set, incremental of course, so if anything gets deleted, the clone doesn't delete it. But I TM by internal drive to a separate drive.

    Internal 750 - OS, Apps, Docs, Photo Library, etc.
    External 2 TB - iTunes media drive - all movies, iOS Apps, Music, etc. Everything iTunes.
    External 2 TB - incremental clone of iTunes drive.
    External 750 - TM of internal drive.

    External 2 TB - Offsite, monthly backup of iTunes drive and TM drive. Because if there is a house fire or something, I have all the media, esp. photos and home movies on a safe backup.

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in wind.
  • donald trump hair in wind.

  • wacky4alanis
    Nov 3, 12:25 PM
    Suction mounts are magnets for thieves. They leave a circular mark on the windshield that says "break into my car - I have a GPS unit for you to steal!". The thief will be very annoyed when they just find the Tom-Tom mount - until they figure out that they sell for > $100 LOL They will undoubtedly steal other stuff and break your window in the process.

    I prefer the friction mounts that just sit on your dashboard and fit easily into the glove box. They are much more stealthy, and work great. Mine never slips or slides around. This is the one I use for my Garmin Nuvi:


    Is there something like that for the iPhone? If so, I would like to buy one.

    *edit* I did a web search and found that Arkon sells a general purpose friction mount that could most likely be used with the Tom-Tom mount:


    They also sell a mount designed for the iPhone.

    donald trump hair wind. Special Donald Trump HAIR Post
  • Special Donald Trump HAIR Post

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 04:52 PM
    wanna re-check that sunshine..?

    No. Why should I?

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in the wind.
  • donald trump hair in the wind.

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 09:38 AM
    overall figures at http://androidandme.com/2011/03/devices/android%E2%80%99s-market-share-depicted-with-a-whole-lot-of-colors/

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in wind.
  • donald trump hair in wind.

  • ebuc
    Jul 21, 05:40 PM
    True, but I like my Alu book look - I'd have no problem with a intel powered version. Although marketing being marketing, I'd like to see something new fresh, and awesome too.

    BTW ebuc, your sig is nearly exactly what I'm planning on having. Looking at a cube 450 for a home server, and I already have a 20gb iPod. Cubes, insanely great.

    <Apple Font>
    The All New
    Blogging (wtf)
    MacBook Pro
    A New Look for the Newest Laptop from Apple

    (Cubes are the greatest. Put a radeon 9000 in there if you can. Mine needs a new hard drive right now, but its been going strong for over 5 years. And, truth be told, this isn't the original hard drive, so I can't really blame Apple!)

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in the wind.
  • donald trump hair in the wind.

  • 21stcenturykid
    Aug 11, 02:44 PM
    I think that whoever is complaining about the MacBook keyboard has never used one.
    I would love to see a new MBP design. I would like to see a new display, go back to hard plastic like the MB, eliminate open latch, new keyboard like MB, FW 800, Merom core 2 duo, X1900 GPU, redesigned case with removable HD, battery, and easy memory access like the MB.:D :D :D :D

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in wind.
  • donald trump hair in wind.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 16, 11:38 AM
    Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.

    I tihnk this is even better than the first reported unnatural delay. To take almost an entire month form order to delivery is crazy! Apple better have a damn good reason to delay for so long...and I think they do!

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair blowing in
  • donald trump hair blowing in

  • flopticalcube
    May 4, 04:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148)

    CCC would also copy any issues (apart from hardware faults) so how would that be better?

    Hopefully you would rotate your backups, as is usually recommended, so that issues would become apparent before overwriting an older backup and you could restore from a safe place and then use TM to recover any lost work.

    donald trump hair wind. Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair
  • Check Out Donald Trump#39;s Hair

  • EricNau
    Apr 10, 11:21 PM
    I've entered enough equations online to know that this equation is almost always interpreted as:


    I appreciate that it's confusing upon first glance, but the answer simply cannot and should not be 2. If this were the case, math would be an ambiguous study.

    It might become more apparent with the equation:

    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction. As Wolfram Alpha interpreted, I intended for my equation to be read as:

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair blowing in
  • donald trump hair blowing in

  • ncvrumors
    Mar 26, 09:56 PM
    Taking the cloud fight to Google.

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair blowing in
  • donald trump hair blowing in

  • j_maddison
    Mar 30, 06:45 PM
    This question is primarily because I have a Macbook Air.

    If Apple are going to release this via the App Store (assuming the speculation is true), does this mean that you don't have to burn Lion to a disk to install it? Or would I have to transfer it to some sort of USB drive first?

    I guess I'm asking if you can just double click it in your downloads folder and run the OS installation from there

    donald trump hair wind. wind. Donald Trump Hair
  • wind. Donald Trump Hair

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 11:26 PM
    two credible sources


    So the sources are Gruber who stated it was a guess and TechCrunch who are, well, TechCrunch.

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair in the wind.
  • donald trump hair in the wind.

  • nato64
    Mar 30, 06:21 PM
    I see it now- weird, thanks!

    Yeah, that threw me off too at first when installing apps from the Mac App Store in Lion. But it makes so much more sense than dumping everything in your dock.

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair blowing in
  • donald trump hair blowing in

  • shawnce
    Aug 4, 02:22 PM
    64bit OS & software on a 64 bit processor (especially a dual core) is much better at multitasking, for one.

    64 bit has nothing to do with multitasking.

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair wind.
  • donald trump hair wind.

  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    Obviously Lion will not follow App Store conventions seeing as it isn't an app.

    Why put it in the App Store if it isn't an App?

    donald trump hair wind. The secret behind Donald
  • The secret behind Donald

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 06:09 PM
    I would worry too much about the swivel joint and the connections and cables within breaking, however I do use a touch-screen display ToughBook at work
    and I can certainly see where that option might be popular
    IF the protective shield to the touch screen could be easily replaced.

    They get scratched bad after using them for a while.
    I think the swivel mechanism is build to last. I have Fujitsu T4020 and it has the solid swivel mechanism. Passive and Active Screen have their pros and cons. Passive one is like the ones you find on Palm and Pocket PC. Active one requires the special digitizer which is made for active screen. For better sensitivity, the active digitizer unit is better. It's like Wacom's Intuos (pro grade) and Graphire (consumer grade which has less "sensitivity" on your input).
    With tablet PC, you need put on screen protector; no question about it. I use Vikuiti screen protector to protect the active digitizer screen. It is un-wise to use Tablet PC without screen protector. If you scratch the screen without using the screen protector, the blame is only on the user of that tablet PC.

    donald trump hair wind. Donald Trump bought the
  • Donald Trump bought the

  • Dunepilot
    Nov 23, 04:43 AM
    I personally don't see why Palm would actually be concerned about an iPhone anyway. It'll be a product targeted towards the consumer market, not the business market.

    Palm's main market these days looks to be corporate, and their main competitor must surely be RIM. If you look at how many corporations (and public bodies, like local councils) are providing their employees with Blackberries, not Treos, that must be concerning for Palm.

    I've never been in the sort of job where my employer would provide me with a Crackberry, but push-email seems to have taken off at a corporate level in a big way.

    Incidentally, I just bought a Treo for my personal organisation and I love it (my last PalmOS device was an IBM C3). I'm sure Apple isn't interested in this though. The first iPhone will integrate the iTunes/phone experience, and also give slightly extended functionality to accessing Address Book. I also predict it'll have some sort of 'menu' button like the Apple Remote

    donald trump hair wind. donald trump hair blowing in
  • donald trump hair blowing in

  • CalBoy
    May 5, 07:22 PM
    Actually, the more I think about it... the more I've come 'round to your thinking. Living in a country that has (mostly) gone metric, the more children in the US that are taught a system that no-one else in the world uses makes a lot of economic sense - for us. So please, keep on giving your children hurdles to overcome should they wish to compete in the rest of the world. It's good for the rest of us. ;)

    It isn't the metric system (or lack thereof) that's holding our children back; it's a lack of emphasis on science and math on the part of schools, parents, and society as a whole.

    We learn the metric system in school concurrently with imperial units, and at the end of the day no one is unable to grasp the idea of multiplying by 10. What American kids can't tell you is how to find the focus of a parabola or why that would be important when designing headlights. That's where the problem is.

    There is no hurdle. American students in Science and Engineering programs are able to do both without problems. Maybe being able to handle multiple systems give us a competitive edge....

    There is already decent evidence to show that bilingual children perform better in school and in life (the idea being that more neural connections help intelligence), so I don't see why learning a second system of measures would be all that catastrophic.

    Apr 25, 11:25 AM
    Jobs is spinning his BS again as usual. Even when there is overwheming evidence to the contrary...he still insults the intelligence of his customers who he clearly regards as beneath him.

    You can tell these lies if you feel they confirm your bias, but they are not true statements.

    Sep 10, 11:46 PM
    Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.

    Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.

    Heh, I knew exactly what you were talking about with the download issue speed, as soon as I saw Australia in your profile -- I used to work for a company that provided online content. We regularly did "low bandwidth" testing, because of a sizeable Australian user base.

    As a Canuck, I agree with the sentiment ... I still can't even get the "free" TV shows. New tech is neat, but why do I care as long as the RIAA monopoly only allows it to be distributed to a privlieged few?

    Unfortunate, because here in Vancouver I don't even know anybody who isn't on broadband. Canada is the perfect market for this, one of the most wired countries in the world, huge broadband penetration, so we can actually use the store, but, nooooo ... its just too scary to let people actually see the content.

    May 5, 05:44 PM
    no worries.
    leave it to the dwarves.
    the trick is to leave the feet out.

    and lots of onions.
    And leave out the, uhhh, nether regions. No Mordor Mountain Oysters for me.

    Mar 29, 12:49 PM
    Yo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >

    5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
    You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.

    WTF ???!!!

    Thank you for digging that out. Obviously no one should ever use this. Uploading your stuff to their servers = unlimited access by them to your stuff.

    Great. No thanks, Amazon. Not that I trust Apple more than you (I don't), but you make it clear that you likely will access people's documents, files, photos, audio.

    You'll get the dumb squad to sign up for your crap. They always come out whenever there is something bad to sign up for.

    Apr 20, 06:17 AM
    Keep the shape the same, I like iPhone 4's design, a lot.

    Here's my criteria for an upgrade...

    -iPhone 4 design
    -Dual core A5 with SGX543MP2 GPU
    -1GB RAM - I don't think this will happen but would've been nice!
    -64GB Storage
    -8MP Camera capable of 1080p recording(but there must be a 720/1080 switch iOS) - With good lens and sensor, I want Galaxy S II like images
    -Wi-Fi Direct
    -Bluetooth 3.0(hopefully iOS will take advantage of this)
    -Revamped and much improved iOS 5 with notifications, live icons and other features we're all been asking for added/fixed.