Aug 3, 04:13 AM
What rock have you been hiding under? Merom!
All I want to see is a new Macbook Pro at the WWDC, couldn't care less about the Mac Pro or Leopard
Well good for you! :rolleyes: However, WWDC will be all about Leopard and Mac Pro... not the Macbook Pro that has already been updated.
Amazing how many people are whining for an Intel processor update when the line isn't even completed yet. Emphasis needs to be on getting desktops out ... then updating everything else.
All I want to see is a new Macbook Pro at the WWDC, couldn't care less about the Mac Pro or Leopard
Well good for you! :rolleyes: However, WWDC will be all about Leopard and Mac Pro... not the Macbook Pro that has already been updated.
Amazing how many people are whining for an Intel processor update when the line isn't even completed yet. Emphasis needs to be on getting desktops out ... then updating everything else.
Apr 25, 09:35 AM
You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?
Not entirely...Apple does have a "wad to flash":D
Not entirely...Apple does have a "wad to flash":D
May 6, 12:17 AM
This seems like an inevitable move in the convergence of iOS devices and Mac computers. They will eventually be the same thing. Powerful, robust, thin, power efficient, easy to use touch interface. Lion is moving in the direction of the iPad and iOS in general. The iPad has been gaining more Mac-like features and robust applications. I think the time tables are probably off. I don't see this happening for 4 to 5 years at the earliest. But with billions upon billions in cash reserves, Apple can pretty much do whatever they want!

Don't panic
May 3, 04:34 PM
i took the liberty to re-write the rules AS I UNDERSTANND THEM, which incorporate all the Q&A
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
Aug 3, 08:51 AM
I'm expecting to get frustrated with the quality of streamed video of the keynote. Yes Steve, I am sure that it is "cool stuff", but it all looks like frog spawn to me!Lately the stream has been from an HD source and looks excellent. I'm afraid your expectations will not be realized. :) You understand it will not be live and post produced for optimum quality.

May 4, 06:32 PM
One thing that concerns me is educational pricing.
That's something about the App Store I've been keeping an eye on since the beginning. I'm developing some educational games that I want to distribute freely to schools, and only charge for the home version. It'd be nice if the App Store could distinguish between different types of customers.
That's something about the App Store I've been keeping an eye on since the beginning. I'm developing some educational games that I want to distribute freely to schools, and only charge for the home version. It'd be nice if the App Store could distinguish between different types of customers.
Apr 10, 11:15 AM
2 is winning.
Time to get some wining.
Ask Charlie Sheen.
Time to get some wining.
Ask Charlie Sheen.
Mar 28, 11:12 AM
I don't have anything against the iPhone 4, I have one myself. But looking objectively at the technical specifications of other phones sold now, I have to say the internal design is dated.
Agreed, if you look at technical specifications, you can find newer tech on the market with more features. That's sort of the leapfrog game that all phones play.
Apple is unlike other phone manufacturers in that they don't get all feverish about playing the game. They look at the big picture: does the phone do what the consumer wants it to do. Apple makes sure the technical specifications of the iPhone stay current with that mandate for the largest class of consumer. It's the other companies chasing Apple that keep trumping their own tech specs with newer tech specs in the hopes of drawing a larger audience. Apple takes a longer view.
Agreed, if you look at technical specifications, you can find newer tech on the market with more features. That's sort of the leapfrog game that all phones play.
Apple is unlike other phone manufacturers in that they don't get all feverish about playing the game. They look at the big picture: does the phone do what the consumer wants it to do. Apple makes sure the technical specifications of the iPhone stay current with that mandate for the largest class of consumer. It's the other companies chasing Apple that keep trumping their own tech specs with newer tech specs in the hopes of drawing a larger audience. Apple takes a longer view.
Nov 26, 04:53 PM as posted before..
If Apple were to pull of somthing like that with the sliding keyboard with a full-featured OS X WITH the ability to function as a normal computer it would be tight as hell!
If Apple were to pull of somthing like that with the sliding keyboard with a full-featured OS X WITH the ability to function as a normal computer it would be tight as hell!
Apr 25, 10:39 AM
Well, just look at the history of PR, or the history of Microsoft, and you'll see this is a standard practice. Just do any search of this sort of thing, it's common.
Well, just look at the history of PR, or the history of Microsoft, and you'll see this is a standard practice. Just do any search of this sort of thing, it's common.
Mar 27, 10:11 AM
If this is true it might not make people happy at all..
and most of it is that the hackers and jailbreakers will have less hassel in it ..
once they find the holes int he iOS 5 then since no more updates will be there it will make happy to people who rely on unlock..
and sad to those people who needs new and extra features.. ( || ALl about tech news
and most of it is that the hackers and jailbreakers will have less hassel in it ..
once they find the holes int he iOS 5 then since no more updates will be there it will make happy to people who rely on unlock..
and sad to those people who needs new and extra features.. ( || ALl about tech news
May 7, 10:13 AM
Makes sense, all Apple needs is the cloud.
If it is indeed free, this is a welcomed change.
If it is indeed free, this is a welcomed change.
Mar 30, 09:15 AM
I like the competition, and the cloud concept is definitely promising, but I don't think this is a solution I want. Call me pessimistic, but I don't want to rely on another entity for access to my own information. I don't want to store all my music and movies "in the cloud" and hope there is no complications. Rather, what I want is to be able to access my home computer via the cloud, but if all else fails, it's still saved on my home computer, not some remote server I can't access
The ironic thing is your data is probably safer in the cloud (where there is adequate redundancy in multiple geographic locations) than just simply sitting on your home computer.
The ironic thing is your data is probably safer in the cloud (where there is adequate redundancy in multiple geographic locations) than just simply sitting on your home computer.
Jul 30, 02:13 AM
apple could start their own service. like virgin, ampd, boost, and now helio. they all have there own phones and service.
Amp'd is actually owned by Verizon, adnd Boost is owned by SprintNextel, using the same chirping technology as Nextel. Forgot the deal about Virgin.
Amp'd is actually owned by Verizon, adnd Boost is owned by SprintNextel, using the same chirping technology as Nextel. Forgot the deal about Virgin.
May 5, 08:49 AM
ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?
Assuming the goblin costs one point, let's say the villain does this:
R1T1 Collect 1 point
R1T2 Collect 1 point, summon Goblin
R2T1 Collect 1 point
R2T2 Collect 1 point
Villain now has 3 points left, see?
Loras turned around and regarded the room they found themselves in. As the rest of the group walked around the Goblin's head to join Loras in the middle of the room, they found that their torch was barely enough to put the entire room into view.
It was a empty room, with decrepit walls and cracks along the once-magnificent floor. All they could see on the floor is the body of the Goblin near the far wall, it's head near the door they came through, and unfortunate Wilmer's body lying near another door.
vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?
Assuming the goblin costs one point, let's say the villain does this:
R1T1 Collect 1 point
R1T2 Collect 1 point, summon Goblin
R2T1 Collect 1 point
R2T2 Collect 1 point
Villain now has 3 points left, see?
Loras turned around and regarded the room they found themselves in. As the rest of the group walked around the Goblin's head to join Loras in the middle of the room, they found that their torch was barely enough to put the entire room into view.
It was a empty room, with decrepit walls and cracks along the once-magnificent floor. All they could see on the floor is the body of the Goblin near the far wall, it's head near the door they came through, and unfortunate Wilmer's body lying near another door.

Apr 10, 12:52 PM
In regards to calculators and OSX spotlight
With the immediate execution mode of operation each binary operation is executed as soon as the next operator is pressed, therefore the order of operations in a mathematical expression is not taken into account. Scientific calculators have buttons for brackets and these calculators can take order of operation in to account
Different calculators follow different orders of operations. Most non-scientific calculators without a stack work left to right without any priority given to different operators
while more sophisticated calculators will use a more standard priority
Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?
2 is still winning!
Well it is an equation as it is the same as as saying x=48/2(9+3)
With the immediate execution mode of operation each binary operation is executed as soon as the next operator is pressed, therefore the order of operations in a mathematical expression is not taken into account. Scientific calculators have buttons for brackets and these calculators can take order of operation in to account
Different calculators follow different orders of operations. Most non-scientific calculators without a stack work left to right without any priority given to different operators
while more sophisticated calculators will use a more standard priority
Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?
2 is still winning!
Well it is an equation as it is the same as as saying x=48/2(9+3)
Jul 29, 09:09 PM
If apple could get one of the phone carriers to go with the free song plan, maybe one of the smaller ones like Alltel, they could single handedly turn Alltel into a major player. Alltel and Apple would both win. And it probably wouldn't be long before the crappy carriers decided to carry the "ipod phone" with free song loading anyway.
I'm a big fan of the Motorola E815. Best for just talking, and great for doing more. Of course verizon disables most of the great features so you can pay verizon $5 a month for the same abilities the phone was already capable of.
Alternately, Apple could do something really big like buy one of the companies like Alltel, or create some sort of major partnership where Apple has a say in the service, not just selling the phones. Apple could be the provider, and your phone could come with free (minus airtime) Safari Jr for web browsing any time :-) That would be fricken sweet.
I'm a big fan of the Motorola E815. Best for just talking, and great for doing more. Of course verizon disables most of the great features so you can pay verizon $5 a month for the same abilities the phone was already capable of.
Alternately, Apple could do something really big like buy one of the companies like Alltel, or create some sort of major partnership where Apple has a say in the service, not just selling the phones. Apple could be the provider, and your phone could come with free (minus airtime) Safari Jr for web browsing any time :-) That would be fricken sweet.

May 6, 01:47 AM
There have been good reasons discussed for why this could happen. Mainly the future goals of ARM development, and the fusion of iOS and OSX.
I still can't see how ARM could keep up with Intel. I just got a new MacBook Pro, it's just the base model but it has a hell of a kick for 2.3GHz dual core. It seems to virtually create four cores (threads?). Intel always seems to be ahead of expectation with performance and efficiency. Apple has a lot of money, but can they really buy all the experience needed to compete with a company of this much history?
I still can't see how ARM could keep up with Intel. I just got a new MacBook Pro, it's just the base model but it has a hell of a kick for 2.3GHz dual core. It seems to virtually create four cores (threads?). Intel always seems to be ahead of expectation with performance and efficiency. Apple has a lot of money, but can they really buy all the experience needed to compete with a company of this much history?
the vj
Apr 25, 09:30 AM
Credit cards do, GPS do, you car is, any cellphone is.
The only new story is that Apple has a file with the name.
But remember that Obama as well any other president can have a cellphone with them so they can not being tracked.
The bad news is that the iPhone file is accessible.
The only new story is that Apple has a file with the name.
But remember that Obama as well any other president can have a cellphone with them so they can not being tracked.
The bad news is that the iPhone file is accessible.
May 6, 03:40 AM
SemiAccurate claims ( to have heard that Apple will be transitioning from Intel processors to ARM processors in the not too distant future.
the site name says it all : semi-accurate :eek:
the site name says it all : semi-accurate :eek:
May 6, 03:06 AM
If Macs are based on ARM they should be able to run iOS apps, ARM Windows 8, ARM Linux, etc. And I wouldn't be surprised if there would be an "x86 Rosetta".
Mar 27, 01:00 PM
iPad 2 HD
coming september 2011
$999 / �799
same specs and design as 64GB iPad 2, but with 2048x1536 screen, at 264ppi.
coming september 2011
$999 / �799
same specs and design as 64GB iPad 2, but with 2048x1536 screen, at 264ppi.
Nov 3, 01:28 PM
I may get one if I happen to come upon a gift card, or if they show up on ebay at a cheaper price.
Aug 7, 05:07 PM
As for prices, any word on compatibility with 3rd party Ram and internal hard drives ?
You can't possibly run a Pro rig on a meager 1 Gb of Ram, and Apple charges 1100$ for a the minimum 4 gig upgrade :rolleyes: .
Also, the new HD slots look kinda custom...
Without non-Apple options, the real price of the new desktops will make them very expensive for serious users, at least for early adopters.
You can't possibly run a Pro rig on a meager 1 Gb of Ram, and Apple charges 1100$ for a the minimum 4 gig upgrade :rolleyes: .
Also, the new HD slots look kinda custom...
Without non-Apple options, the real price of the new desktops will make them very expensive for serious users, at least for early adopters.