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Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • hob
    Mar 27, 05:03 PM
    Cloud based services will require mobile phone operators to change their pricing structures or see lots of dissapointed customers.

    O2 UK - 24 month contract �35pm, right now = 1000 SMS's, 600 minutes, 500MB data. I'd far rather see 500SMS's, 300 minutes, 1.5GB data... but of course, the SMS and minutes cost them next to nothing vs. data costs...

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  • RichP
    Jul 30, 09:12 PM
    Why would it be advantageous to ban texting? All these features on phones are simply functions of software, not requring excessive hardware technology, so its not like the phone would benefit from not having it.

    Also, 5MP camera? Thats just ridiculous. The issue with all these phones is the lenses involved, not the resolution. Give me a 1.2MP that has some decent glass with it to take a picture rather than some bumped up resolution that is junk when I iSync the iPone to iPhoto :D Beside, the nokia phones that do actually have high resolution cameras are THICK. Over an inch. Im not saying we need the next razr here, but over 1" thick makes it uncomfortable to keep in your pocket.

    And I think it will be SIM free too. As posted, we all go blow 200-400 on ipods, why not phones. Beside, if Apple just releases unlocked GSM phones, the carriers have no say. iTunes, iChat, VoiP when the wifi is available, its all open season if this thing isnt branded to a particular carrier.

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  • yellowballoon
    Mar 29, 12:27 PM
    Come on Apple you can do it ..

    Having bought a good chunk of my media library of iTunes I would love to back that up into the cloud .. wirelessly syncing my phone would be heaven.

    Hopeing Apple has something good up their sleeves.


    LOL..yeah Windows Phone beat them to the wireless syncing..what a joke Apple!

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  • ender land
    Apr 10, 08:17 AM

    There is implied multiplication between the 2 and the (9+3) term, meaning the equation effectively looks like


    This is quite obviously 288.

    I agree too this is a stupid question, it's akin to asking someone verbally "what does 'their' mean?" because the choice of "their" vs "they're" is not clear.

    If there was a space, such that it said

    48/ 2*(9+3)

    then I could see an argument for it being 2, but as it stands, there is no reason you should ever find this equation to be equal to 2.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 26, 04:27 PM
    "...in total penetration"


    yeah I signed up for an account just to post this.

    I'm glad you did, we have too many serious people here that refuse to post anything funny :(

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  • chrmjenkins
    May 3, 02:48 PM
    I suppose we'll know who the villain is?

    Of course. Right after the game is over. :cool:

    I kid. You'll know a lot more in a very short while.

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  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 06:13 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    Nope, it's not wrong. It will still be released.

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  • gerrycurl
    Aug 7, 09:49 PM
    actually crucial already has your ram, apple's basically using an intel 5000 motherboard:


    I was thinking this myself until I saw it was 4 x 512mb sticks. That just sucks. If it was 2 x 1gb sticks I would say not bad but its not good. Give crucial a few days to look into it. They guarantee compatibility, if it doesn't work you can return it. I am holding out for third party ram and staying with the 1gb base. Thank god its 1gb and not 512mb they usually throw at us.

    Sorry to cast a shadow over your decision but hey if you can afford it who cares right.

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  • shompa
    Aug 7, 04:05 PM
    Anyone drop one of these in their cart and press order yet?

    Did order a quad 3gzh.

    Estimated delivery date 11 september :(.

    I wanted this to be the ultimate computer.
    But no!

    No SLI grafik.
    Not even drivers for a Nvidia 7950 card.

    If it had it, it would also be a good windows gaming computer.

    Also, no Creative audio card.

    So I still need a playstationsWindows and a work computer.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 10, 01:48 PM
    umm what the hell are you talking bout. / means divide plan and simple. No assumption are being made.
    In higher level class you go dot see that - with dots above and below it in anything more than maybe text books and even then it is not that common.

    Reason for it is the / is much clearer and less likely to be interpreted another operation (subtraction) by mistake. the / is very clear.
    honestly I can not think of the last time I used something other than the / for division. I might of been in Jr high so close to 15 years ago. I know I sure as hell never used anything but the / in my upper level math class (cal and beyond)
    Or when you reach an actually high math class you simply express division as a fraction.

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  • iSee
    Mar 28, 10:26 AM
    I don't necessarily believe this rumor, but I'm OK with Apple breaking with the yearly update cycle. That's not necessarily the way to come out with the best phone because some types of changes might not match a June/July release (for a variety of reasons).

    My 3GS is due to be replaced in the summer, but I'd rather have a big improvement over iPhone 4 in January or whatever, than iPhone "4.5" in July.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 10, 02:20 AM
    Should you distribute first?

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  • Malcster
    Aug 3, 10:58 AM

    allegedly a banner from WWDC 2006...

    oops! seen it another thread now, my bad.

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  • DotComName
    Mar 26, 11:05 PM
    SUPER PSYCHED for cloud features married with iOS! With this, the iPad can truely become a post-pc mobile computer without the need to sync with clunky old iTunes! DO IT UP BIG APPLE!! :)

    Counting down the days till I can completely ditch my laptop for an iPad!

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  • macenforcer
    Aug 7, 05:49 PM
    Kinda ugly.

    Somewhat. I definately will miss the cool clear shade on the G5. I would always run that computer with the aluminum cover off. Looked so nice. It would have been nice if they put XEON on the inside somewhere. Just too plain inside.

    I would swear the mac pro is shorter though. Is it just me?

    EDIT: No, its the same exact size. Just 2lbs lighter.

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  • Kieranic
    Mar 30, 12:18 AM
    I bet it won't be long until a third party developer creates an app for it. I will consider Apple's offering (if there is one) before deciding to dedicate to this one since I need something like this.

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 09:43 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    Hmmm perhaps I misinterpretted it (which is embarrassing as I was a psychobiology major lol). I know my mistake now. The full study demonstrated that for individuals who are more visually oriented (rely upon visual cues as opposed to verbal and mathematical) they process the color and not the word more readily. That's what I get for a quick reference to Wiki lol.

    So I suppose it depends on each individual and their inherent (whether natural or nurtured) ability to process that information. Personally I test off the charts for spatial reasoning (and my math sucks lol) so I respond faster and more efficiently to reasonably colored graphical cues. For those who don't the grey is great, just give us a choice! Lol

    I'm sure CandyBar will be updated for Lion theming. I have a folder with all the finder etc icons I use for apps and system icons (even icons for the System Prefence pane such as the newer display icon)including a black glass dock and icons with simple yet detailed in colors of blue, black, white, etc that I simply drag and drop into their respective resources folder. I even made color replacements for the Finder sidebar in the various three sizes (16, 18 and 32 for small, medium and large) yet in every resource folder for sidebar system icons I find nothing has changed. Oh well. It was fun to learn some new underpinnings of Lion.


    So where exactly did I personally insult you?

    Perhaps I misread your tone. Since comments between others on MacRumors almost always become increasingly personal and hostile I may have read your comment with a condescending tone (although the "lol" above isn't helping ;) ). If that wasn't the case then I sincerely apologize :)

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  • Kilamite
    Apr 9, 08:25 PM

    To avoid the 'implied' multiplication, it should be shown as below.

    The answer is then obviously "2".

    2 to the power of (9+3) is not the same as 2 x (9+3).

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  • slu
    Aug 7, 01:50 PM
    I think this is a great update. All Quad Core and many BTO options. I am glad there are more things you can BTO now. I wish I had enough money to get one!

    Apr 26, 04:51 PM
    you guys are still in denial.

    the fact is...most people dont want an iphone. the reports says it and the sales numbers proves it. its not about the limit availability of the iphone or contract issues...its just doesn't appeal to most people.

    That's why, although they're not the main OS used, they are the number one phone supplier

    Apr 16, 12:57 PM
    First of all, some inflation is ok, and normal as long as it doesn't get too high. And how does money sitting in a bank account, or under my mattress create jobs? If nobody is buying anything then the economy goes down, that has been shown many times.

    Poor people spend more of their money to cover basic necessities, so inflation effects them much more. Inflation is a dishonest tax because people don't understand it as a tax. Some morons even think some inflation is a good thing. Rather than have income tax, the government could just have the fed create all the money they want to spend. Instead, they know they have to spread it out. If I made 100k, roughly 35% would go to the fed, 10.6% will go to California, 1-5% will go to local. Then there's property taxes. Then if I want to spend the money, there's a 9.75% sales tax. And the government can't make due on that money, so they either borrow or print. When you print, that is pure inflation. It's like pouring water into a pool. The water level might not seem to rise exactly as much as you put in because of the volatility. When the government borrows, the principal doesn't chase goods, but our interest payments do. Once, they mature, they will start chasing goods. So inflation is another tax that the government can play with when they need more spending money. Compare the governments measurement of inflation, CPI, with the headlines of higher food prices. Thanks goodness the CPI doesn't include the volatility of food and energy, because the purpose of having a CPI is to produce a smooth line on a chart, not to get an indicator for prices or anything. The DOW rises and falls every day. Why isn't anyone proposing a DOW comprised only of companies that rise very slowly and predictably? My guess is they would rather have an indicator that indicated something.

    Edit: I just wanted to add that we are now monetizing our debt. Rather than selling it off, the fed is buying our deficit spending with created money, creating pure inflation right now. Look at gas prices and keep in mind that the storage facility for oil, I think, Cushing, OK is at one of the highest points in history. We literally have gas up the wazoo. Inflation is effecting prices much more than Middle East events. I wouldn't be surprised if the timing of these events weren't coincidental.

    And when money is in a bank, the bank can loan an entrepreneur money to start a business that hires people. If the money is invested, it will provide capital for a business to expand. If $1 dollar is consumed, one person can have a candy bar. If $1 is saved, $10 will go towards a small business that might provide a continual source of income and services for many people. If we consume with deficit spending, one person can have a candy bar and his progeny will have to continue paying interest on it. Would the solution be to have a candy bar consuming economy because the GDP numbers will look good?

    Jul 30, 03:05 AM
    Given that Apple has always went for the mid market components I don't think this phone will appeal to the phone nerds/freaks like me. But then us being freaks don't represent much of the market.
    Personally I would love to see Apple pair up with Sharp to do a phone.

    Currently I would say sharp has the best high-end mobile on the market that isn't symbian/WMP. You can't bet a phone with a 3.2MP camera, 2x optical zoom and a 640X480 screen. It's a really pity that if Apple brings out anything it will be 1.3MP camera, no zoom and prob a 320x240 screen... but I guess at least it will look good...

    Most of the really good mobile phones are restricted to Japan only so hopefully apple can bring some of the cool stuff around the world.

    Aug 11, 09:05 AM
    I. want. it. now.

    May 6, 03:40 AM
    SemiAccurate claims (http://semiaccurate.com/2011/05/05/apple-dumps-intel-from-laptop-lines/) to have heard that Apple will be transitioning from Intel processors to ARM processors in the not too distant future.

    the site name says it all : semi-accurate :eek: