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Monday, May 16, 2011

ipod touch 4th generation cases

ipod touch 4th generation cases. Pink Case-Mate iPod Touch 4th
  • Pink Case-Mate iPod Touch 4th

  • nastebu
    Mar 29, 03:39 PM
    Always looking at the negative side of things. Maybe a little radiation will lead to higher power densities.

    These jokes just aren't funny.

    It's too early for this. Maybe it will never not be too early for this, but please have some sensitivity for people who have friends/family/are themselves in affected areas.

    Actually, Japanese companies manufacturing products in Japan is extremely inefficient due to the high cost, and due primarily to protectionism and racial pride. The Japanese domestic market is known for being highly inefficient.

    Do you have any evidence for this?

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. iPod touch (4th generation
  • iPod touch (4th generation

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 09:27 AM
    So stupid. Again, the press just making news out of no news. If they'd do their research, they'd know that all cell phones are tracked by tower pings. :rolleyes:

    Apple just need to encrypt the file and all will be good. Otherwise, who cares???

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. iPod Touch 4th generation iPod
  • iPod Touch 4th generation iPod

  • Elijahg
    Apr 23, 08:02 PM
    Again, KDE 2.0, 10 years ago. My Pentium 2 333 mhz didn't break a sweat doing SVG icons then (the Krystal SVG icon theme). ;)

    I seriously doubt this is even an issue.

    I doubt it had to process translucency or resize 50 times per second for 30+ images though :P If it were as efficient as bitmaps, it'd be used for game textures for sure... A texture would scale to any size with no pixellation at all, and the details wouldn't get blurred out when scaling down.

    But I don't understand the resistance to SVG support, which would be a decade late. Sure it's not a shortcoming, but in light of these stories, it would be a "nicer to have".

    I do agree SVG support is a good thing, just I don't see it getting used much. Even with resolution independence, standard pixel images are much easier to handle.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. ipod 4th gen vs ipod 3th Gen
  • ipod 4th gen vs ipod 3th Gen

  • woodbine
    Apr 21, 05:27 PM
    Here's a quick scale / mockup

    does it look a bit unstable being so narrow?

    Other than that, I imagine with all the minimisation that Apple has done with imacs, mini's etc it should be possible to keep the expandability in a smaller footprint.

    Not so sure about having lots of external drives, instead of internal ones. For one, they are always more expensive, for two they probably eat more juice and they always have a power brick dangling off them.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. One Piece Ipod Touch 4th Gen.
  • One Piece Ipod Touch 4th Gen.

  • EscobarFilms
    Mar 26, 10:38 PM
    ios 5 alongside with iphone 5 -.- that is obvious come on people..

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. The iPod Touch 4th Gen is
  • The iPod Touch 4th Gen is

  • 124151155
    Mar 26, 10:08 PM
    Cloud-Focused? Any more information on this?

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. The iPod Touch will apparently
  • The iPod Touch will apparently

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 4, 12:59 PM
    Really?? I thought heat and battery life issues are directly connected to cpu chips. I wonder why they didn't put G5 in Powerbook :confused:

    1 - I don't know what overheating you talk about, apart from some cases that have been dealt with under AppleCare;

    2 - Apple has probably the best battery life of the industry for such a notebook range...and no, don't tell me about 10" microbooks;

    3 - the SD thing is due to the thin enclosure, a clear design paradigm at Apple...nothing else.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. When the 4th generation iPod
  • When the 4th generation iPod

  • Northgrove
    Mar 30, 03:48 AM
    Too bad to hear, but I also have to think about the victims in Japan when hearing these kind of news, or unemployed workers due to the extensive damages. Those who want to build those batteries for us, but can't, and have to look after their family members instead. A situation an order of a magnitude worse than this... :(

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. cool ipod touch 4th generation
  • cool ipod touch 4th generation

  • chasemac
    Jul 30, 01:12 AM
    I think it's real. No signs of photoshopping and the pic was taken in an elevator :D

    Awesome!:) Its real. Go ahead, verify the source!:)

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. cheap ipod touch cases 4th
  • cheap ipod touch cases 4th

  • cgmpowers
    Aug 2, 11:23 AM
    Its been my experience that after the Expo there's always something released about a month or so AFTER the expo.

    In addition to that, isn't there a Paris thing in September or something in September?? I remember seeing September on a calendar somewhere that related to Apple...

    Christopher Powers

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. ipod touch 4th generation
  • ipod touch 4th generation

  • bradc
    Sep 11, 01:44 PM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)

    Gary you forgot the MacTower miss-spellings of 'Merom', how everything is pin compatible, everyone is an engineer/marketing/business pro and if anything does get released there is something wrong with it.

    pyramid6 wrote
    Why couldn't apple mail a movie to you via USPS? Pop it into your <insert favorite Mac flavor> and have it automaticly import into iTunes library. There is no way I would download a 2g file to watch a movie. 2g is way too big to download. Compare that to music, 5mb on the high end. 2g is 400 times the size. I don't see downloading as a viable option, atleast not at the resolution that makes it competitive with DVD.

    PS I think downloadable movies sounds great, but I don't think it is practicle.

    What rock are you living under?? A 5mb file is high end? Haha Why do you think the RIAA & MPAA are scared? It's soooooo easy to download music & movies illegally. Or look at YouTube, god knows how many 10mb videos are downloaded each second.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • iPod Touch 4th Generation

  • mutantteenager
    Aug 11, 03:47 PM
    While no hard insider information exists pointing to the specs of the new machines, currently Merom tops out at 2.33 GHz, so it is not unreasonable to believe that Apple will use the 2.33 GHz chip in its MacBook Pro, and slightly slower speeds in its MacBooks. Also of note, Merom being a Core 2 Duo chip has architectural advances over Core Duo ("Yonah") such as 64-bit support and a 4 MB L2 Cache in higher end models.

    I would be happy with the *real* replacement for the 12" Powerbook. Can't work with that gloss screen, and can't bear the integrated graphics. Apple need to get real if they want professionals like photographers to buy a new laptop. :confused:

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. ipod touch 4th generation
  • ipod touch 4th generation

  • *LTD*
    Mar 30, 09:39 PM
    So have we got a changelog yet?

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. The iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • The iPod Touch 4th Generation

  • Americanloti
    Sep 17, 12:51 AM
    Hello everyone,

    this is my first post, but I've been reading you all for a while now. I'm waiting for the MBP merom like most of the people here, but do you think there a possibility to see new Displays as well at Photokina? Maybe built-in iSight?

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. APPLE IPOD TOUCH 4th GEN Case

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Aug 2, 10:52 AM
    Mac Pro + Cinema Display (iSight), Leopard demo, Core 2 Duo iMac & MacBook Pro. New Nano's too (more storage + bluetooth)

    Long shot, iPhone + iChat 4.0 (VoiP), Mac & Windows.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. ipod touch 4th generation.
  • ipod touch 4th generation.

  • Seasought
    Nov 22, 09:31 AM
    Contracts and locked phones will keep the phone industry from growing and maturing in the same way computers did.

    I think this is largely what keeps a bitter taste in my mouth regarding buying cell phones at all. I'm still using a crappy, standard-issue phone for my provider as 1.) the phones available to my provider are not to my taste or 2.) The ones I do like are ridiculously expensive.

    Perhaps the root of the issue is that I simply don't talk on my cell that much any way. :D

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. Ipod 4th Generation Touch Case
  • Ipod 4th Generation Touch Case

  • Josias
    Sep 16, 08:56 AM
    Some people have requested more info on the res. independence thingy. I know Tiger has a manual way of Fonts settings and zooming, but with a DPI even a bit over 120, Tiger would really look bad.

    With resolution independence, you have the ability to scale anything up and down, thsu delivering evrything the size you want it, at a much higher resoultion, thus resulting in richer image and also the capability of showing 1080p on portables and viewing way larger pictures at full screen.;)

    That's pretty much all I know, but I'm sure there will be much more stuff awaiting us...:D

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. ipod touch 4th generation
  • ipod touch 4th generation

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 12:39 PM
    You got it wrong. If you can't have cameras.. you CAN'T HAVE CAMERAS even if they're NOT being used. I work at a place where you can't have cellphones with cameras on the premises (i.e., the parking lot) let alone inside. Many companies with such policies will not buy displays because of such.

    I think this is an oversight (we can call it oSight) by Apple. If you want to gain market share, especially for people who want high powered equipment. I worked in a small research for a while, like the above poster, there were NO cameras allowed including camera phones. This was a blanket policy for the whole facillity even if you had no security clearence. In this case it was required becasue they did a lot DoD research.

    So, right off these new computers (iMac, MB, MBP) are not options for a facility like this to use. Additionally, anyone who works there and ever wants to bring his/her personal laptop to work is sunk too.

    If was still working there I probably would have to opt for a differnt laptop.

    Compared to other computer brands Macs give their customers fewer add-on options. I don't know why. I guess it makes it easier for them. But, in this case I think not making the built in iSight an option (even if it is free, like the glossy screen in the MBP) is a mistake.

    ipod touch 4th generation cases. cool ipod touch 4th generation
  • cool ipod touch 4th generation

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 22, 10:58 AM
    The Pro Mac is overdue, but the software isn�t ready. Maybe keep a G5 in the works, for people who work and move on with the new Pro Macs.

    Overdue? How do you figure that? If anything, the entire line is being changed faster than anyone expected. And, given the faster pace, most people have guessed that the MP will arrive at WWDC. So how can it be overdue?

    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    +1 For henry72's proposal via firmware:

    Had the same thought... Get a hot key into the firmware to connect to the official App Store with network settings flexible (eg IP setting; Router etc). Then all the setup can be done from the net.
    For power user and enterprises I could imagine to be able to support an own App Store within your network to avoid re-downloading. Similar to the enterprise AppStore for iOS.

    Nov 22, 06:52 PM
    Apple learned that with their old music player, you know the one before the iPod, oh wait there wasn't one...

    Small White Car
    Apr 26, 02:43 PM
    Look. A tablet is not a phone, okay? Nobody is going to carry an iPad in his pants all day.

    Phones, mp3 players and tablets all have different uses, functions and form factors which differentiates them enough imo.

    And yet iPods, iPads, and iPhones all use the same store.

    Look, plenty of other people in here are saying the real fight is which store becomes more popular and how Windows succeeded because of all the programs they had for it.

    iPads ABSOLUTELY contribute to that. If someone owns an iPad and bought a bunch of iOS apps, which smartphone do you think he's gonna buy next?

    It's all tied together. Ignoring that very important link just because you can't put an iPad in your pants is just silly.

    Think about this.
    People didn't argue that the iPod or the iPad should be counted until Android smart phones started to get really close and then overtake the iOS smart phones.
    You can demand that they should be counted, but everyone will know the real reason for it.

    I have always said that. So if me being consistant is a problem, well, sorry.

    Mar 31, 02:31 PM
    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.

    Wow, a dollar a year!

    Sep 11, 01:31 PM
    What's your source? Every rumor site I've seen (and especially Appleinsider, which has the best record lately) says sales.

    I'd tell you but then i'd have to kill you.