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Monday, May 16, 2011

justin bieber haircut 2011 ellen

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  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 02:02 PM
    But the GPU still has to decode what was sent and put it on the screen, which is why I asked if the TB itself can do the encoding. If it can how much overhead will that add (again as it has to happen over the PCIe side)?

    Or can you send graphics information over DP that still needs to be processed, ie raw frames?

    The GPU can do that, no need for CPU. The CPU is just there to tell the GPU what to crunch assuming no FLAGS were thrown regarding a particular DRM-protected data.

    Thunderbolt is just the transmission protocol, there is no actual decode or encode besides what is hard wired at the ports.

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:05 PM

    The funny thing is, I'd swear you could always do that. I know I was doing that in when I edited a feature using iMovie. (I was fascinated by the little scaling animation Apple does when you switch between layouts... )

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  • Justin Bieber Cuts His Hair!

  • Popeye206
    Sep 14, 12:02 PM
    Isn't the iPhone 4 still their top rated phone overall? Seems silly that they won't recommend their top rated smart phone? Makes you wonder why?

    BTW... I got my iPhone4 the first day out. Love it.. love it more that iOS4.1 is out and the proximity sensor issue is a non-issue now. That was the source of all my issues.

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  • AidenShaw
    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    wheres my media edition mac mini...

    seriously i would be stoked if they released an ULV Mac Mini with a 100GB HDD for all your audio and video needs. Ability to plug a 30" ACD would be nice, as 23" isn't that big for a TV. Built-in eyeTV equivalent, better remote... i want one!
    Wait for the Apple HTPC - the upcoming Conroe mini-tower/pizza-box.

    In the meantime, here's a Conroe HTPC that's now available:



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  • gugy
    Sep 6, 06:02 PM
    I like the rental idea for movies, but it seems Steve is not very excite about that model.
    Anyway, I still have hope for the Event next week a piece of hardware will come along with the Movie Store.
    Either the Ipod Video, Airport Video or the Media Center.

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  • sexiest photo, Justin

  • boncellis
    Sep 6, 09:41 AM
    Except that doesn't take into account the superdrive and hard drive. It's more like a $100 price drop.

    Ah, you're right, I missed the Superdrive change. Nice catch. I've never paid mind to the HDD inasmuch as it almost begs for a high-capacity external drive anyway, in my opinion.

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 09:21 AM
    Which would be fine...if there were a model in the middle. It's like a car company selling a huge SUV and a tiny two door car, with nothing in between.

    Oh believe me, I agree with you 100% percent! I would LOVE to see "Mac pro Mini" from Apple.

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  • Dianna presses justin bieber

  • bobsentell
    May 2, 05:44 PM
    iOS style multitasking features (benefits) are indeed in Lion.

    Applications written for Lion can "suspend and resume" without having to "save and close" documents. The reason the little light below running apps on the Dock was removed is that "running" is now more of a decision between the App and OS -- not so much the user. (APP - "Am I idle right now? Can I resume from this point very quickly? If so, I'll just suspend myself till the user or an event wakes me back up. No need to burn RAM or CPU, the user won't even notice I'm not here.)

    There is no reason with modern computer architecture for humans to do memory management by getting involved with which programs are actually physically in memory/active. We have 7200rpm SATA3 or SSD drives, multicore processors with Gigahertz speeds, and Gigabytes of RAM...

    The way we interact with Multitasking in Windows 7 and OS X Snow Leopard is based on the hardware limitations imposed by 640K RAM, 4.7 Megahertz single core processor, and Floppy Disks. Apple took the first brave step away from that with iOS. It's good to see it moving forward in Lion.

    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    justin bieber haircut 2011 ellen. Shining Star - Justin Bieber
  • Shining Star - Justin Bieber

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 21, 11:20 AM
    I spy in my third eye.... a lead iPhone case on market in 3... 2... 1...

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  • cjc343
    Apr 7, 12:13 AM
    So long as Apple is around, I do not care if they are growing or not, nor do I want the Apple brand to become associated with ****. People already think Macs are inferior to windows... some guy IM'd me earlier today and the discussion turned to computers... I told him I use an Apple Macintosh, his first response is:


    disclaimer: I do not actually know this person, somehow they found my AIM SN and IM'd me....

    I told him/her a few reasons why macs are better, but he/she wasn't even listening..... I don't want Apple to give basis to his/her argument by making a regular POC like dell, eMachines, or gateway does.....

    justin bieber haircut 2011 ellen. JUSTIN BIEBER NEW HAIRCUT 2011

  • charlituna
    Apr 2, 09:19 PM
    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Actually that is why it does work. Because it isn't steel and lasers. If you go back and watch the ad again at least twice there were medical tech references and at least one 'learning' tech. Apple is pushing these types of things to get rid of the 'it's a toy, talk. And the folks that decide to put iPads in a hospital or a school are often older folks and zippy steel etc doesn't appeal to them

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  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 08:45 PM
    I believe! But I'm still not buying one.

    "This is what we believe. Technology alone is not enough. Faster, thinner, lighter...those are all good things. But when technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful...even magical very nice. That's when you leap forward. That's when you end up with something like this."

    The iPad IS Magic.

    Steve jobs said so...

    And he's God!

    justin bieber haircut 2011 ellen. doesnt reallyjustin Justin
  • doesnt reallyjustin Justin

  • caspersoong
    Apr 22, 05:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I don't mind. Location is not so important.

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  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • iGav
    Mar 4, 12:21 PM
    Keeping weight down is all-important. Which is why I remain in love with the Lotus Elise. It proves that less weight fixes everything - better handling, acceleration, braking, fuel economy...of course in a hybrid, the battery pack is always the vexed question. Even the best batteries are still expensive and relatively heavy.

    But even the Elise isn't immune, it's all relative of course, but it's gained roughly 170kg since the Series 1. :eek:

    But along with aerodynamics... it's perhaps the most important factor in, as you say... handling, acceleration, braking, fuel economy... pretty much everything.

    When you think how innovative a car like the Audi A2 was, I do find the lack of real progress over the last 12 years particularly sad. 10 years ago, the A2 was a sub 1000kg (sub 900kg in certain trim) proper 4 seater, its 3 cylinder TDI engine could easily achieve 70+mpg imp without even trying (according to Wiki 107.8 mpg & 140 mpg imp were also achieved).

    The 1.2 TDI version emitted 81g/km CO2, featured Stop/Start, an Eco mode that disengaged the clutch when the accelerator was released to maximise free wheeling and was rated at 94mpg.

    And this was 10 years ago...

    In many ways, it's shameful today that we think that 60 or even 70mpg is somehow remarkable for a family car. :(

    the Cruze diesel, which may be able to equal or exceed the new Jetta TDI's level of equipment, refinement and pricepoint.

    But not the brand image... that could perhaps be the biggest stumbling block of all, it certainly is in Europe anyway.

    Personally... I don't think GM have a clue, and that's one of the reasons why they got themselves into one almighty hell of a mess, and only time will tell if they can get themselves out of it. I'm still of the opinion that GM's decision to attempt to introduce Chevrolet into the European market will ultimately prove futile.

    Here in the US, the sedan (saloon) is king, even on smaller cars like the Focus and Corolla. That is slowly beginning to change, but Americans still like three-box cars over hatchbacks. Personally I prefer hatchbacks and wagons, though larger cars still look good as sedans.

    Have to say my preference is for saloons... occasionally an estate (particularly A4 & A6 allroads, also 159 Sportwagons, that sort of thing), hatches (the bigger ones anyway) & estates can/tend to be a little boomy in my experience. Saloons also often have better body rigidity too.

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  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • aquajet
    Aug 31, 03:55 PM
    I just hope Apple doesn't make a habit of this "stealth" upgrade ********. I'm ready to buy now, but I'll wait a bit for an update. If I hear about people receiving core duos when core solo is written on the box, then I think my head will explode.

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  • Jul haircut on ellen,week but

  • M-Life
    Sep 4, 08:09 PM
    Would something in this realm be feasible for the mini updates? Just wondering while waiting for updates. Of course this is very vague on my part.

    $499: Core solo - 1.5
    $599: Core duo Yonah - 1.66
    $699: Core duo Yonah - 1.83
    $799: Core 2 duo Merom - low end (Not sure what that is)

    justin bieber haircut 2011 ellen. +justin+ieber+2011
  • +justin+ieber+2011

  • ComputersaysNo
    Jan 28, 06:24 AM
    Is anybody familiar with the story of Bill Caswell? Bill bought a $500 old BMW and became third place in a rally: http://jalopnik.com/5497042/how-a-500-craigslist-car-beat-400k-rally-racers

    I love stories like this.:)

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  • longsilver
    Sep 5, 09:10 AM
    It is back up but I can't spot any update. And from what I can tell, none of the other countries' stores went down at all.

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  • Justin+ieber+new+haircut+

  • rfahey
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    It isn't even September 30th. For all we know Apple may need more time to evaluate and extend the program another month. Where's confirmation that the program is canceled that day? I wouldn't go off touting that Apple's canceling a program that hasn't been canceled. What you're upset that Apple's not keeping us in the loop? When has Apple EVER kept us in the loop?

    Jul 14, 12:23 AM
    Meh, Apple came out with that Express Card slot for the MacBook Pro kind of early as well...but I'm with most people in arguing that a blue-ray drive won't see the light of day in Apple computers until early 2007.

    Good point, and this isn't just with Express Card, either. Apple was an early adopter with 802.11b (with the original iBook, I think). They were early to drop the floppy drive, too.

    I for one would love a Blu-Ray drive, but I understand that others might not. They should make it a BTO option.

    Sep 1, 02:48 PM
    if it gets bigger, does it get thinner?

    The only way it could get thinner is if they give it a power brick rather than an internal one. It's not like components are stacked on top of each other as it is...it's just that some individual components require a certain amount of space. Maybe the chin will shrink, but that's all I see happening as far as size goes.

    Jul 20, 10:19 AM
    With Netflix, you can't just say, "Let's watch a movie tonight." You have to plan ahead your movie schedule. Netflix will die once iTMS comes alone. It's all about instant instant instant.

    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

    Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:42 PM
    Because Apple says "Tape is Dead" doesn't make it true...just like Blu-Ray isn't gone. So that begs the question--is there tape output support (machine interfacing, et al) for FCX?

    They started out the presentation bragging about how FCP use is growing faster than the NLE market overall.

    That's clearly important to them or they wouldn't have started out with it.

    So re-ask your question keeping that fact in mind and I think you'll find your answer. Actually, you can answer a LOT of un-answered FCP questions using this technique.

    Feb 22, 03:51 AM
    Way back in early 2008.

    24" 7,1 iMac and a base 1,1 MacBook Air

    Right now. Literally just set up the Dell 27"