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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing

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  • iansilv
    May 7, 10:14 AM
    I get the feeling they are not really making any money on it, so it would make sense to give it away as a benefit of "using a mac."

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • Elijahg
    Apr 23, 06:45 PM
    Instead of pixel based images that are just bigger, why not simply ship vector based icons/wallpapers ?

    KDE supported SVG as a format for wallpapers and icons something like 10 years ago... That way, it doesn't matter what the display resolution is, the icon always looks sharp and non-pixelated.

    I'd rather Apple work on making SVG the standard graphics format for graphics ressources than just bumping up the pixel count (and the file size!).

    Heck, if they don't like SVG (which is just a bunch of XML), they could go with one of the other vector based image formats or come up with one of their own.

    Translating a photo to a vector based format would be completely pointless and would end up massive. Take for example the Snow Leopard Prowl JPEG. It's 1.2MB, and converting to BMP or TIFF (both describe each pixel individually, i.e. lossless) makes it 12mb, 10 times the size. Converting it to the much less efficient SVG, makes it insanely massive; 225mb or 187.5 times bigger to be exact.

    Computer generated imagery can be converted to a vector format more efficiently, as long as the source is available. The computer knows that for example, there is a gradient starting at X,Y and ending at X,Y with colour RGB at the start, and colour RGB at the end. Thus eliminating the need to keep detail about each pixel individually. This is great for things such as icons and certain web images, but for images with lots of detail, it quickly becomes much less efficient than even the highest quality JPEG. For real photos, it's pointless to vectorize. You'd just end up pixellating the image when scaled over it's original size anyway. So in other words, it's unlikely we'll see vector graphics for most icons and most certainly not for desktop backgrounds.

    I agree with others about Apple needing to beef up the GPUs if they want retina displays in their Macs. They always seem to put last-generation cards into them... I'm sure it wouldn't keep them away from iOS development for [i]too[/] long to add the latest, even as BTO. Valve has really helped gaming on the Mac, bringing great new releases like Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2 at the same time as Windows. At least it seems Apple have had a kick up their ass from Valve pointing out the inefficiencies in OpenGL. Maybe that's what's made them hire a few gaming-type developers...? C'mon Apple!

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. mccurdy jerryicarly Nathan
  • mccurdy jerryicarly Nathan

  • cdavis11
    Apr 26, 03:41 PM
    In related news, all models of Ford vehicles combined outsold the toyota prius.

    Film at 11.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • Sijmen
    Aug 2, 01:53 PM
    i can't wait!! and it's gonna be so hard buying a Macbook tomorrow and not being able to open it til the 7th!

    Ah, you're buying it at that tax-free thing right? This is a nice idea.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • pkson
    Apr 7, 10:06 AM
    And I'm betting Steve gloats about how little the competition have sold at the next keynote.

    I'll internet high-five you when he does because that sounds exactly like what will happen. haha

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • BWhaler
    Nov 26, 01:52 PM
    Wow. This rumor just won't die.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • MrNomNoms
    Mar 31, 04:13 AM
    I really hope they deploy some form of full screen iTunes in this build. Would be nice to see.

    Given how iTunes straddles Windows and Mac OS X I wonder what they will be doing given that a fair chunk that iTunes relies on will have to be portable to Windows. From what I understand AV Foundation has pretty much replaced the parts that QTKit doesn't provide which leaves me wondering whether they'll throw in the towel in the case of iTunes/QuickTime in favour of moving to AV Foundation for the long run.

    I lol'd. No matter what people will complain. When Snow Leopard was released people wanted more UI changes and more features. Now when Lion is released all people want is under the hood improvements. SMH

    People are never satisfied or they confuse the terms; when people want more 'under the hood' changes and you ask what they mean by that they'll say something that seems to contradict that very idea. For example, they'll demand a Finder feature but wouldn't that feature be classified as 'visible' rather than 'under the hood'? Oh well, I read through the comments and my emotions go from excitement to rage then to indifference - the clueless commenters will remain clueless and me getting into a tizzy isn't really going to change anything in the long run so instead I sit back, chill out and listen to some music.

    Always been confused as to why the menu bar across the top is slightly transparent but window title bars are grey. Doesn't really match, but I guess I'm just knit-picking...

    Then don't have a transparent menu then (I have it disabled) - I've always seen the whole idea of a transparent menu as something that is pointless and could never quite get my head around as to why it was enabled by default in the first place.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Of course but people keep ignoring that this 'focus' on smart phones isn't something driven by Apple but something that is driven by the media; Microsoft is getting a heap of focus on its Windows Phone 7 but the lack of talk regarding Windows 8 suddenly means that Microsoft has given up on the desktop? RIM has released the PlayBook - with all the marketing buzz around the PlayBook does it suddenly mean that they've stopped caring about the BlackBerry?

    Apple has always been focusing on Mac OS X - the problem is that the lack of communication via some sort of regular videos or blogs in the case of Microsoft does with Channel 9/MSDN has led people to fill in this void with idiotic speculation by claiming that Apple has given up on the desktop. As far as I am aware there has been only one time when Mac OS X shipment was delayed with the rest being released ontime.

    As for people whining about their applications and Mac OS X 10.6 - I read through Macsurfer and it is amazing the number of idiots who complain about problems but never actually spend the time to find out that Adobe has articles explaining for example that in the case of Mac OS X 10.6 you no longer use the PDF printer but instead create PDF's through the drop down menu found in the printer dialogue or that the issue relating to fonts in 10.6.7 has nothing to do with 10.6.7 and everything to do with having to clear ones font cache then rebooting. All these problems that people point to as Apple neglecting is ignorance.

    Oh and spacemanspifff, please, use Google, the solution has already been provided - talking about ancient problems hardly bolsters your case. Yes, a solution posted 12 or so hours ago is ancient - keep up with the play.

    You (and others) are aware that "Developer Previews", when available, have always predated the Beta releases? It's not even a beta.

    Apple says they will release Lion in summer, only Dev Previews have appeared so far, and suddenly people think it plausible for Apple to release a GM build in March?

    And btw, I'm really disappointed in the reporting of the ludicrous "GM" rumour as it's pretty obviously wrong - usually MacRumors curates their news better than this.

    The summer in the US is from June to September so it can be released anywhere from June through to September. I'd say that at the earliest we'll see a GM build (or at least very much a build very-very-very close to GM) appear at June (WWDC will probably be the place where it will be shown off in all its glory) with the shipping probably August thus leaving a month to manufacture and distribute internationally plus any extra training required for staff (although staff training is probably happening right now).

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • jaduffy108
    Sep 16, 09:12 PM
    Dreaming really (note 1920 res. hack for PB thread here has over 100k views, Apple get a clue!), but hopefully the delay has more to do with better upgrades, vid chip (Nvidia GeForce Go 7900 GTX, 512 MB please), a true HD screen (WQUXGA (http://www.videotechnology.com/0904/formats.html) would be even nicer, 4k res, yeah baby, just the ticket for Leopard and the 17in model), etc. ; than limited supply of Merom's...why put them in the iMac 1st when the profit margin is higher on the MBP's- which are in more need of an early upgrade than the iMac?

    Dell already has these features in one of it's expensive laptops (though almost twice as thick, which makes it much easier to implement):

    ### I hope you're right about a GO 7900 gtx, but it will shock me. Apple has always had limited choices (if any)...lower performance gpu's in their laptops compared to Dell or Alienware. *I* don't want 1920res...1680 is a nice res.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 05:01 PM
    The MBP already feels like its about to literally melt on my desk now, and that's with the 31W Core Duo.

    What's gonna happen when they drop in a 34W C2D? That's 9.6% more wattage, means more heat.

    I really think the MBPand MB are under-engineered to remove the heat from the Core Duo. I hope they re-engineer the cooling before releasing the MBP C2D. IMHO, Apple has a black eye over the heat issues with their notebooks.

    According to this review, it runs measurably (not necessarily significantly) cooler with longer battery life, etc.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 11, 09:20 AM
    It would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.

    Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.

    Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 05:59 PM
    Thanks Captain Obvious... I think that is what Apple said at the very beginning ;)

    Well, apparently, the original guy didn't get that.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 01:26 PM
    More likely that they are producing a higher res iMac display first.

    Bingo. That or a higher resolution ACD (new 30" ?).

    And this site has the most archaic, convoluted commenting sign-up/system I have ever seen.

    I like the forum style a lot more than flat commenting a la Facebook and other blogs. Discussions are easier to follow and BBcode allows much more flexibility in posting. This is a forum, not some blog with 1-liner comments.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. Nathan Kress
  • Nathan Kress

  • Umbongo
    May 6, 06:16 AM
    What uncanny timing-- a couple of days after Intel comes out with their 3D chip thing, sending ARM's share price tumbling to artificially affordable prices, this rumour comes out which, if widely accepted, would boost ARM's share price greatly. Someone could potentially make a lot of money out of this. Especially as Semiaccurate's sources are anonymous, I reckon this rumour should be treated with great scepticism.

    Demerjian probably just made it up himself to get hits or he now hates Intel too, or maybe X86, who knows.

    "Well, for several years now, Charlie Demerjian has been waging a one man war against the GPU manufacturer Nvidia for reasons that nobody understands. In 2009 his articles and writing have become increasingly deranged to the point where the companies’ PR department has had to publicly refute his rants multiple times and to add insult to injury, Google News now categorizes his new website, www.semiaccurate.com as satire."


    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 11:44 AM
    Seriously it takes maybe a couple months to adjust to new systems of measure, it's really not that big of a deal and it certainly doesn't require any massive brain power to use metric vs. Imperial. The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    Also they teach both systems in grade school etc at least when I was in school.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • nagromme
    Apr 23, 04:24 PM
    This sounds like planning FAR ahead, but I like it!

    My eyes! My EYES!!!
    Retina display means the opposite of what you may fear: it doesn’t mean tiny menus and unreadable text, the way traditional computer displays look when tons of extra pixels are crammed in.

    Instead, it means MORE readability: added sharpness of the same, nicely-readable, text sizes. Like an iPhone 3GS vs an iPhone 4.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • justflie
    May 7, 10:36 AM
    Yes please. The move makes sense given the Windows Live stuff MS is doing.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • gtgrad95
    Apr 25, 09:30 AM
    This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.

    That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.

    You are exactly correct. It's the non-techies are are like 'Oh my God' that are freaking about about this, thinking that people now have access to everywhere they go. The techies know that this 'issue' is way blown out of proportion and the only person that would even have access to this information would be you and only you. Not only that, the file is just a bunch of coordinates. It would take a tech savvy person to be able to see it on a map anyway.

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • mtrctyjoe
    Jul 30, 05:13 AM
    Here is why the new super iPhone will come out next week - because I just locked into some $%^&^% life long contract with Sprint. They own me and my first born.

    and I know Sprint will never have a cool phone in it's line up... so...

    nathan kress and miranda cosgrove kissing. nathan kress and jennette
  • nathan kress and jennette

  • marvel2
    Nov 29, 10:18 PM
    I can't find the TomTom kit on BLT's site anymore.

    Mar 30, 08:11 PM
    Did they add the Graphite theme back yet?

    Sep 17, 02:44 AM
    I Doubt Merom Supplies Are Off Allocation Yet � It's Unlikely Apple Can Get All They Need yet. Therefore MacBook will get Merom later and mini last.

    Indeed. The big question is when they can update the MB?

    Santa Rosa is currently expected no earlier than April. Assuming the MB's can't get Merom til, say, December, is it worth going C2D for ~4 months? (Assuming Santa Rosa is on-time -- which, to be fair, Intel's been pretty good at lately).

    If the current enclosure is viable for Merom, then probably, but any late? Difficult to say.

    The mini's probably less of a risk in that sense, and doesn't use CPUs in the same speed-range as the notebook systems, so it wouldn't surprise me to see it move up to C2D at the same time as the MB. I agree before the MB seems unlike for commercial reasons.

    Sep 11, 04:51 AM
    Its simple.

    We get:
    MBP updates and maybe MB updates
    Movie Store
    6G iPod (not touchscreen) & Nano updates
    One More Thing....Media streaming device (Cube re-incarnation) or headless tower (unlikely)

    Thats it.

    Aug 2, 11:46 AM
    Yes and Bill Gates is expected to release Vista at the same conference. Seriously, all this happening (Mac Pros, iMac Core Duo, new iPod Nanos, iPhone, new MBPs, ect) in one conference is unlikley. Mac Pros are a given, thats all I'm saying (so I dont look stupid when it doesnt happen :p).

    Apr 26, 03:29 PM
    This is not surprising and I'm sure Apple knew this day would come. Android is available on multiple handsets from multiple manufactures. Different price points, form factors, and even different looks with skins. The iPhone will continue to outsell any single Android phone and Apple will gain massive profits from it.