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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

new beetle 2012 photos

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  • Danksi
    Jul 12, 12:52 AM
    I've never used any of the PCI slots on my PowerMacs and don't expect that I ever will, but the ability to put any video card in is appealing. The iMac is nice and quite useful, but just slightly less than what is needed in many cases. The PowerMac has been more or less uncompromising speed and generally more than I wanted when I bought. With all of the emphasis on the name 'Mac' in the new naming scheme and a more competitive landscape now that we've gone Intel, I think (hope) this is the machine Apple will use to complete its desktop lineup.

    The Apple Mac... Nice sound to it, no?

    I like the idea of a cut down Mac Pro, but perhaps something with at least one PCI slot, or even an Expresscard as used on the MBPro. Useful expansion, so long as it is all user-servicable.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 27, 08:37 PM
    Surprised to see this thread come to a grinding hault after only 145 posts. I pledge right here and now to be one of the first to buy a NEW 8-core Dual Clovertown Mac Pro as soon as it becomes available. I will not wait for them to go refrub although I will probably wait for them to come with iLife '07 if they are added to the BTO page before the January 9th SteveNote.

    I turn 60 on January 12th. :) Happy Birthday to me it will be. :eek: :D

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  • charliehustle
    Oct 8, 11:16 AM
    the reason this topic has gotten so long is due to the fact that most apple fans have no idea what they're talking about..
    they love apple and they will defend it to the death, even when their argument has no logic..

    this has nothing to do with which product is better..

    it's the simple fact that android will be available on a greater number of handsets compared to apple..

    you guys need to look at the Microsoft vs Apple situation..
    regardless of what you prefer or believe is a better product,
    the one that makes software and licenses it out dominates the market share

    you really must have a thick skull not to understand that..

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  • Eaon
    Apr 19, 02:12 PM
    Also mac networking sucks, pc,s rarely show in finder, sometimes do sometimes dont, have to cmd k far too often, well in my experience anyway.

    I don't think that's so much the Mac's fault as it is the general design of Windows networking in the Workgroup configuration that Apple continues to have to rely on to talk to Windows systems.

    Windows in a workgroup mode uses a method of "broadcast my presence on the network" that you might think is like what Bonjour does for pure Mac networks, but it's of a Windows 95 vintage. Try setting up a pure Windows network using workgroups, not Active Directory, and watch how it can take around 20 minutes for systems to start showing up in each other's network neighbourhoods. It's lame. I know in Vista or 7 Microsoft added a new "homegroup" system, not sure if that's any better.

    I guess you could complain that Apple should try to get up to speed on the homegroup thing, but it's not like Microsoft is overly forthcoming with their specs for their networking. Maybe if the rumours of Apple ditching Samba for something built in-house are true, maybe that means they've licensed tech from Microsoft to make this work better, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    From my own personal experience, I bring my MBP in to work and plug it in to the AD-based network, and system names start filling up my sidebar faster than I can get the mouse over there to close the Sharing section so I don't have to see them all. :cool:

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 24, 06:56 PM
    The Catholic Church doesn't hate homosexuals

    "People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behaviour between people of the same sex," he told the current session of the Human Rights Council....

    "These attacks are violations of fundamental human rights and cannot be justified under any circumstances," Tomasi said."
    Is this not exactly what the Catholic Church has done to homosexuals? Do they not have "Fundamental human rights"?
    Sounds like hate to me.

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 03:25 PM
    Which is why is it expressly stated by the Sharia law that the law of the land is to be abided first, up to the point where the principle law contradicts the principle teachings in the Islam, which would cause the person(s) subjective, to sin. I think you'll have to try again here: I have no idea what you are saying.

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  • BJNY
    Oct 26, 03:09 AM
    Any chance the ATI X1950 will be CTO as well?


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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 15, 07:49 AM
    true but still it's way more than is acceptable for nuclear station personal.. or otherwise they wouldn't have evacuated wouldn't they ? ;)

    These people are being sacrificed, as were the workers/fireman/army at Chernobyl.

    If you knew the full extent, from the get go, would you have hung around to 'man the pumps'??

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  • GroundLoop
    Sep 12, 03:49 PM
    As long as I can use the USB port on it to hook up my printer (thereby replacing the Airport Express), then I will likely get one of these.


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  • mi5moav
    Sep 20, 08:29 AM
    I have a feeling that Apple and Disney are going to partner up on this ITV and somehow integrate MovieBeam into it. I am sure there are already plans in the work. Disney has cut the price on this great technology and this is one piece of technology I wouldn't give up. So, much better then running to the store and the definition of the movies are great. For $52 bucks you get you own video Store. Decent prices on rentals. A lot better then $299 no way will I get iTV but for $199 with moviebeam built in it's possible.

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  • squibran
    Sep 12, 04:18 PM
    I am looking forward to the specs of this device
    I bought a Mac Mini and found that it would not show up on my Acer 24" tv while running as a mac but would if I booted up as a PC - I checked resolution and refresh rate when working as a PC and replicated it when in Mac mode but to no effect.
    Has anyone else had problems like this?
    I tried using DVI and VGA and the same with both - worked as a PC but not as a Mac.
    Also interested in the new device as to whether it will read my Iphoto libraries?
    Any sound advice appreciated!!

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  • latergator116
    Mar 19, 05:59 PM
    Just because a man can do a thing does not mean that he should do that thing. Whether or not you will get caught breaking the law is irrelevant to whether what you are doing is or is not legal. I can go to the supermarket or gas station and steal a bag of ice from outside without getting caught, but it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay. You might say it's not a big deal--it only costs a dollar, and anyway the supermarket makes tons of money off the other things that they sell, and they probably don't deserve all that money because they underpay their employees.

    Moral relativism and justification might make you feel fine about doing it, but it's still wrong and it's still illegal. If you don't care, that's your thing.

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with making copies of a song from a CD I bought. Also, I see nothing moraly wrong with downloading songs just to get a taste of an album, because I usually end up purchasing the whole think later on.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 01:19 PM
    colorful chart

    That chart isn't going to fool anyone with a brain. All it shows is what is currently implemented. It says nothing about the potential contributions of all sources, how much they cost per watt, how much pollution they produce or whether or not they are renewable. It's a colorful red herring and you know it.

    For one thing, there's no need for you to try to be a shill for the nuclear, oil, gas and coal industry - they already have well-financed lobbying operations and huge political influence. They'll get on fine without your "help". For another, it goes without saying that fossil fuels and nuclear are going to be used until they are gone. The energy demands are too great to do othwerise.

    But they are called "non-renewable" energy sources for a reason, and they all pose major pollution problems that we are still struggling with. There is absolutely no good reason not to aggressively pursue the development and adoption of renewable energy sources as soon as is practical. Some day they will produce the bulk of the world's energy out of necessity if nothing else.

    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    So in other words, without non-renewable energy, human civilization falls? That's a ridiculous stance.

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 11:59 PM
    Huh? That's not Apple's fault; just like it isn't Google's fault Android only sells two phone models.

    iOS runs on three devices and they all can run the same applications, so there's a large addressable market for developers that is important to consider.

    It skews the number non the less. iOS is on four different devices the iTv, iPod touch, iphone, and the ipod touch jumbo. And google doesn't make any hardware. They work with companies to have them made like the nexus series.

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  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 18, 09:17 PM
    This isn't rocket science! iTMS sells DRM'ed songs - period.

    If you don't want DRM'ed tunes (and still want to do things legally):
    1.) burn 'em to a CD and re-rip as AAC or MP3 (or WAV/AIFF)
    2.) (Mac only) use iMovie to export it (essentially the same as #1, but easier).
    3.) use another service
    4.) go buy the CD, you'll get better quality anyway

    My prediction: Apple will release an iTunes patch that implements some kind of public/private key challenge/response message between their server and the client app and require iTMS purchases to be done only from that new client. Old clients will get an error that tells them to upgrade.

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  • DrDomVonDoom
    May 3, 01:37 AM
    I think a few points of mine should be made.

    A.) I am sure at least 50-75% of Mac users today, used to be PC users, and of that 50-75% I believe is a more 'aware' group of users, not exactly what the media and PC fanboys try to paint Mac users as. ( dumb, needing simplicity, old etc)

    B.) I firmly believe that as a technologically aware group of people, we understand viruses, malware, how they are put on computers and we can see the difference between spam, popups, malware and the lot.

    c.) keeping both point A. and B. in mind, the reason Mac's are less likely to be infected comes down to the users. We know what to look for after years of using PC's by force or by choice, and Mac users know what not to download, what sites not to visit etc. This has mostly to do with the quality of users, not the software. All software, all os's can be compromised, but its the user that allows such things to happen, and it doesn't happen all too often to Mac users. Something can be said about that.

    What the PC crowd would like the world to think is the only people who use Macs are uneducated, or old people who don't understand computers. I call BS, I know almost nobody who uses a Mac, a few but all of the older computer users I know, use PC's why? Because they Don't understand technology and they see a 200-400 dollar computer solution just what they need. I am sure to a older less technologically adept person, either pc or mac would seem overwhelming.

    That ALL being said. My main point is, infections of computers are %100 user responsible. Why do Mac users get less infections? My belief is that the users may be of higher quality, ONLY because of the computers niche-like nature and most Mac users are dedicated, technologically knowledgable.

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  • EmilH
    Apr 6, 12:01 PM
    I switched about a year ago and don't regret anything. Apple have to screw up big time to make me switch back to windows:)

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 28, 01:35 PM
    Anyone notice that Apple also released Logic Express & Pro 7.2.3 updates both now supporting 4 cores Wednesday as well as iTunes update 7.0.1?

    Apple releases Logic Pro, Logic Express updates (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2089)

    "Apple also noted that Logic Pro 7.2.3 is optimized for PowerPC G4, G5 and Intel based Macs with up to 2 dual-core processors." Same is true for Logic Express.

    This is a very big evolutionary multicore support step for the Logic gang. Finally gives me incentive to want to buy Logic Pro.I find it was posted here on page 2 yesterday.Thanks for the heads up.

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  • Elfear
    Nov 2, 06:47 PM
    I'm not sure how the app (Maya) itself scales but the rendering in Mental Ray scales perfectly. 4 cpus render twice as fast as 2, 6 cpus render 3 times as fast as 2. That's if all the cpus are the same of course.

    Is that what you were asking?

    Yup. That was exactly what I needed to know. I just didn't want to recommend that my buddy buy two quadcores unless it was going to help out his render times. Thanks again.

    Apr 12, 10:59 PM
    Your quick denigration of Adobe shows how much you don't know about the industry

    Obviously I know a lot more about it than you. Of course, there are multiple industries that use editing software... but that doesn't matter. You're just puffing out your chest and being snotty.

    Sep 12, 06:42 PM
    On a sidenote, don't get me wrong, I can barely stand watching SD channels on TV these days... You get used to HD really quick... But I don't think the download/streaming market is "right" for HD content...

    I happen to agree with you and that's why I think that Apple is going to steal any thunder from HD DVRs anytime soon. It will be a few years before we are downloading HD content, bandwith has to catch up a bit.

    Apr 28, 02:06 PM
    Well, in the future I'm talking about involving cloud computing, the link will be there but it will be over the air. But it seems you are talking about not having any link to iTunes. But then what do you want to link it to? The Android app market? Cydia? I mean, you need to have some place to link it to in order to hook into the world of apps (plus backups, etc.) Even our PCs are not standalone by that definition, basically needing a Net connection to get much done.

    So what is an independent device to you? Independent of what?

    I want it to be like a PC, a Mac or a Laptop.

    I don't want to have to "Link" it to anything to do anything. I want a tablet to do everything itself without needing any linking to add functionality.

    I don't want to "Link" it to any market, I want to download programs onto it, in the same way you can download apps onto a PC or a Mac without using any market if I so wish.


    You only do "Backups" like this to mobile temp devices, like phones and PDA's.

    Sure, I can "COPY" my data onto a storage device if I wish, or perhaps another computer. Just like you do a PC or a Mac.

    I don't take a full image of my PC and sync it to an even bigger computer. As my PC "IS" my bigger computer.

    I want to be able to download data from my Tablet onto Any PC or MAC in the world by connecting a USB lead between the two and moving my data across, and perhaps upload some data from that PC or Mac also. Just like we can between Laptops, Macbooks, PC's and iMac's.

    That's what I want. A Free and independent Tablet, not linked or synced or docked to any "larger" computer.

    You don't do this with your Macbook as it's an independent computer in it's own right. All I want is the same from a Tablet.

    Feb 11, 12:53 PM
    I've been an iPhone for years, starting with the original iPhone then the 3G, then the 3GS. I firmly believed that I would be getting the next iPhone...until I had a chance to play with the Motorola Droid!

    Let me explain. I'm not brand loyal won't go on a stupid forum to claim the iPhone is the best phone...because..I happen to own one. That is rather childish. I choose to own whatever i deem best for me. A few years ago it WAS the iPhone..now it IS the Droid.

    Open source, yes could be hard for developers to develop Apps for different versions of hardware, but many developers are not focusing their Apps to the most popular phone (ie..Droid) so the Apps runs bug-free. Debatable about apps running bug free on any platform.

    The UI interface and ability to customize is amazing! This would be nice

    External memory card allows for apps as well as data to be easily backed up. If an Iphone craps out...you may have your iTunes backup. What if your PC dies too (yes it happened to me) your data is lost! And to restore data, you need another iPhone to get AT your data. Not so with Droid, all your data is on your memory card!

    Ability to install and load what you want. Wow, it feels so nice to be able to do what you want, with what's YOURS! No need to Apples approval, especially when it comes to 'moral' stuff. We're all adults, let us do what we want..even if it's porn.

    Ability to run programs in the background. This is the single MOST important feature to me. Imagine reminders that SPEAK to me to buy Milk when I'm close to my grocery store!!!! Or to mail something when I'm close to the Post office! This would be nice..

    Calendar that automatically synch with Google calendar. No extra fees for Mobile Me..and works absolutely perfectly! Unlike Mobile Me..which I had. You can do this too without Mobile Me on the iPhone

    Same for Gmail..instant notification! You can get this on the iPhone

    The list goes on and on!!!!

    Please don't take this as IPhone bashing. It's a great phone, especially with iTunes and I can integrate into my car stereo. But the benchmark has been raised.
    Just have an open mind, try other phones and you'll be impressed!!!

    See bold area's.

    Apr 13, 05:03 AM
    Full keynote has been uploaded to YouTube -
    Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VLwsfBa71U
    2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfgnyRSRyzg
    3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3OI3RGdhrM
    4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M16Hb4_3oOY