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Monday, May 16, 2011

one dollar bill clip art

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:59 AM
    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    oh yeah?
    you wanna a piece of me?
    come and get it mummyboy!

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  • daneoni
    Jul 23, 07:01 PM
    Don't do it man! You deserve better!

    lol...lets hope it doesnt come to that.

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  • GQB
    Mar 28, 10:40 AM
    My 2-year contract finishes next month and my 3G is almost inoperative. No way I want to buy into the antenna problems with a 4. Glad you're happy though.

    You can always pick up a used 4 to hold you over.
    And the 'antenna problems' were a media and hater frenzy, nothing more.

    Personally, I'm glad that I won't have to churn on upgrading for a few months more. Fact is that my 4 does everything I need short of NFR, and I don't really NEED that.
    As a user, I'd be glad to use my 4 for another year.
    As an AAPL holder, I'd like to see a 5 come out simply to kick the Verizon sales in the butt.

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  • l008com
    Jul 29, 09:11 PM
    I tell my close friends everything. I doubt his friends signed an NDA. Small leaks snowball quickly.

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  • rpenzinger
    Apr 21, 02:52 PM
    I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!

    Funny to see you are basing a $4000 computer purchase on a $79 piece of crap-KEA furniture - LOL. I'm with you on Yea Apple!

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  • SpaceKitty
    Nov 18, 05:37 PM
    You are correct! We will be releasing our car kit sometime in December. It works with any iPhone GPS app, so you are not limited to just use ours! =)

    Some features include:

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  • milo
    Aug 11, 03:57 PM
    I would be happy with the *real* replacement for the 12" Powerbook. Can't work with that gloss screen, and can't bear the integrated graphics. Apple need to get real if they want professionals like photographers to buy a new laptop. :confused:

    What "pro" apps did you try to run that didn't run well on the integrated graphics?

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  • ender land
    Apr 10, 10:29 AM
    Mathematics do have rules, and thus will almost certainly yield one answer, this only holds true if there was clear presentation of the facts stated, rather than the reader making inferences from the initial question: which in this case was poorly numbered (worded)

    The only way to get 2 as an answer is to make inferences.

    If you only use what is explicitly given in the equation it always equals 288.

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  • PygmySurfer
    Apr 7, 09:34 AM
    So, what is Apple doing with a bunch of 7" touch screens, since Jobs said "7 inch tablets are dead on arrival"?

    I also don't recall RIM ever giving a date before April 19th.

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  • shigzeo
    Apr 24, 10:24 PM
    I think Apple is simply futureproofing here, and we won't see Retina displays for 3+ years, when it would be more feasible.

    I agree with you, though, it would be nice if Apple was more serious about their GPUs. Maybe the switch to retina will force them to be.

    It makes no difference at all. If the video card can render the 2D graphics at native retina resolution, that is all that matters. Keeping the same ratio of X and Y pixels means that the game (as has always been the case) determines what resolution you play in. I doubt we'll see games go that high for at least a few years.

    The high resolution is great for everything else: reading, editing photos, etc., but requires a graphics card that can output very high 2D resolution with no corollary retardation.

    Games are completely different and shouldn't be a concern by any serious gamer, at all. They simply don't relate to the monitor's resolution as much as they do the ratio of x and y pixels in order to keep lower resolutions from distorting.

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  • CiBoys
    Aug 5, 04:48 AM
    What I really want Apple to announce:
    PowerMac (not MacPro FFS!:p )
    ACD's (17, 20, 23 and 30", iSight and IR)
    iPhone (http://www.floatingpears.com/garage/iPhone.jpg):rolleyes:
    Leopard (iChat integration with MSN Messenger:D )
    New MBP and iMac...

    I just want a new MacBook Pro :D :D :D

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  • Shivetya
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Just as long as they don't make it the preferred method for others to distribute software or it to become the only way. They can distribute their software how they like

    The day I can only get apps via the App store is the last day I use my Mac

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  • dwd3885
    Mar 28, 10:13 AM
    That said, the iPhone as it stands is a nearly perfect device. .

    A 'perfect' devices with a bad antenna design? Sorry, but I wouldn't touch the iPhone 4 because of its antenna design flaws and won't get an iPhone until Apple corrects that. Hardly perfect. Perfect for YOU maybe..

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  • ptaylor874
    Nov 3, 10:10 AM
    Oh - BTW - Anyone know if they are planning to stock them in Apple stores?

    As for the price - everyone complains that it is too expensive for "a mount". But, it's not just a mount. A simple mount wouldn't be worth more than about $30. It's got a GPS chip in it that is similar in quality to a standalone units GPS chip, plus a speaker (the built-in speaker isn't loud or clear enough) and a mic. I understand the enhanced GPS chip is accessed via Bluetooth, so other GPS programs can use it instead of the on-board GPS chip. It can serve as a handsfree speakerphone, so no need to buy a car kit if your car doesn't support Bluetooth (mine don't).

    All together, I honestly do think this price tag is a little high - it would be more reasonable at $99, but I'm still thinking seriously about getting one.

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  • brepublican
    Sep 10, 11:37 PM
    I am hopeful that we will see a new video iPod alongside a movie store debut.
    My hopes exactly. It's definitely going to be the addition of movies to iTMS. New iPods? They're due aren't they? Might as well roll them out, I wouldnt put it past SJ...

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  • MovieCutter
    Jul 29, 09:45 PM
    what will become of the rockr?

    The ROKR died a painful death long ago...

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  • syaman
    Mar 29, 09:37 AM
    Oh well
    For U.S. Customers Only

    It appears that you are attempting to use Amazon Cloud Player from outside the U.S. This service is intended for U.S. customers only.

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  • SuperCachetes
    May 2, 09:04 PM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    Please tell me that's sarcasm. :rolleyes:

    I have a "feel" for Imperial measurements, and they are a pain in the ***.

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  • GoodWatch
    Apr 5, 02:06 PM
    Apple is a business whose mission is to sell phones, computers, and software. You as a customer buy those products, but they are designed by Apple. If you have a problem with Apple establishing a standard across its products to ensure quality, then you can just stop using them. That easy, just stop buying Apple products and stop using them, period.

    Apple sells me their products at a phenomenal margin but after that I'm the owner. If I want to throw my iPhone into a lake, it's up to me. (Bar the environmental issues). If I want to jailbreak, it's up to me. If I want to apply a theme made by a car manufacturer it's up to me. So please stop using those dogmas. Every time something like this is reported, fanboys start using those wafer thin arguments. We aren't brainwashed drones, are we?

    Apr 9, 09:21 PM
    PEMDAS... First time ever that I hear of it.
    I did no go to school in the US.

    So.. if the priorities are Parenthesis, then Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and lastly Substraction, using your rule:

    First whatever is inside the Parenthesis: 9+3=12


    Then Exponent: none

    Then Multiplication: 2(12) = 24
    Then Division: 48/24 = 2

    There you go...PEMDAS fans.

    No. That's not how it works. Once you get to multiplication/division, you go left to right. It's 288. And for those of you who get 2 by using calculators, any math teacher will tell you that calculators always get the rules of operations wrong. That's why we teach kids pemdas so they know what math to do first and they can use the calculators to help them do the parts of the equation they need help with.


    The answer is 2, not 288 (it can't be that)

    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):


    2 is the final answer.

    As I stated above, you are missing an Important rule of pemdas. When you get to multiplication/division or addition/subtraction, you go left to right. So: 48/2 is 24. And 24 *12 is 288. If u don't believe me, just google pemdas and u get the rules:


    Mac'nCheese: I think that in elementary school you first learn to multiply and then to divide. So first you multiply and then you divide.

    That left to right rule is not following the order of the letters.
    So for this case it is not PEMDAS but PEDMAS...

    The Arabs give us the numbers that we use nowadays, and they do write from right to left.

    So your math teacher is telling us that Mac OS X is giving us a wrong answer...You might need to watch waiting for Superman.

    MacnCheese is correct
    PEMDAS is more like this. PEMDAS isn't really an accurate name, but it helps remember the basic order.
    1) Parenthesis
    2) Exponents
    3) Multiplication or division ... going from left to right
    4) addition or subtraction ... going from left to right.


    =48/2(12) or 48/2 * 12
    (by parenthesis)

    No exponents

    No addition or subtraction

    (by multiplication or division from left to right)

    (by multiplication or division from left to right ... again)

    288 is the answer. There is no way you can get 2 by following the order of operations.
    And people should know better than putting a whole equation into a calculator and depending on that answer ... (spotlight, google, calculator)

    Sep 10, 11:04 PM
    $3-4.99 rentals of brand new movies would be awesome. Otherwise, "meh"

    I can't get to excited about this, it will take me 10 hours to download 2GB :eek:

    May 6, 12:26 AM
    if apple believes itself to be too much confident or arrogant because they think market share will continue grow, and people will buy Apple stuff, then they will replace their own processor? then all efforts to be build great company will be fallen. they will go back to where they were struggle (say 1997?). it's what they want, go ahead. I don't care. by the way, remember this. there is no number one forever. Apple will be fallen apart someday. this will drive themselves more faster. if I am wrong, I won't buy apple no more.

    Mar 26, 11:34 PM
    I could believe this is you think back to the story last month about Apple being in the process of acquiring a company to revamp the notification system.


    4 months would be too steep to create/test a major change like that from scratch, so if the notification story is true (and the "no comment" from Boxcar in the original source makes me believe it is) it would strengthen the case for a Fall release.

    Mar 27, 12:01 AM
    i want what the "reliable sources" are smoking.

    jokes aside, this is terrible. too long of a wait.
    and apple better not skimp my 4th gen touch on features, i want FULL iOS 5 support.

    Every time Apple has demoed a new version of iOS it has been on the current hardware prior to the release of new hardware.