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Saturday, May 14, 2011

queen elizabeth ii wedding cake

queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • Eidorian
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    That's a pricey chip. You're not going to see killer single thread performance but multitasking would be insane.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 01:21 PM
    Godwined! FTW!

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth wedding cake.
  • queen elizabeth wedding cake.

  • skunk
    Mar 14, 06:55 PM
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HVDC_Inter-IslandVery interesting. Thanks. :)

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth wedding cake.
  • queen elizabeth wedding cake.

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 05:51 PM
    Until Vista and Win 7, it was effectively impossible to run a Windows NT system as anything but Administrator. To the point that other than locked-down corporate sites where an IT Professional was required to install the Corporate Approved version of any software you need to do your job, I never knew anyone running XP (or 2k, or for that matter NT 3.x) who in a day-to-day fashion used a Standard user account.

    Of course, I don't know of any Linux distribution that doesn't require root to install system wide software either. Kind of negates your point there...

    In contrast, an "Administrator" account on OS X was in reality a limited user account, just with some system-level privileges like being able to install apps that other people could run. A "Standard" user account was far more usable on OS X than the equivalent on Windows, because "Standard" users could install software into their user sandbox, etc. Still, most people I know run OS X as Administrator.

    You could do the same as far back as Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The fact that most software vendors wrote their applications for the non-secure DOS based versions of Windows is moot, that is not a problem of the OS's security model, it is a problem of the Application. This is not "Unix security" being better, it's "Software vendors for Windows" being dumber.

    It's no different than if instead of writing my preferences to $HOME/.myapp/ I'd write a software that required writing everything to /usr/share/myapp/username/. That would require root in any decent Unix installation, or it would require me to set permissions on that folder to 775 and make all users of myapp part of the owning group. Or I could just go the lazy route, make the binary 4755 and set mount opts to suid on the filesystem where this binary resides... (ugh...).

    This is no different on Windows NT based architectures. If you were so inclined, with tools like Filemon and Regmon, you could granularly set permissions in a way to install these misbehaving software so that they would work for regular users.

    I know I did many times in a past life (back when I was sort of forced to do Windows systems administration... ugh... Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server edition... what a wreck...).

    Let's face it, Windows NT and Unix systems have very similar security models (in fact, Windows NT has superior ACL support out of the box, akin to Novell's close to perfect ACLs, Unix is far more limited with it's read/write/execute permission scheme, even with Posix ACLs in place). It's the hoops that software vendors outside the control of Microsoft made you go through that forced lazy users to run as Administrator all the time and gave Microsoft such headaches.

    As far back as I remember (when I did some Windows systems programming), Microsoft was already advising to use the user's home folder/the user's registry hive for preferences and to never write to system locations.

    The real differenc, though, is that an NT Administrator was really equivalent to the Unix root account. An OS X Administrator was a Unix non-root user with 'admin' group access. You could not start up the UI as the 'root' user (and the 'root' account was disabled by default).

    Actually, the Administrator account (much less a standard user in the Administrators group) is not a root level account at all.

    Notice how a root account on Unix can do everything, just by virtue of its 0 uid. It can write/delete/read files from filesystems it does not even have permissions on. It can kill any system process, no matter the owner.

    Administrator on Windows NT is far more limited. Don't ever break your ACLs or don't try to kill processes owned by "System". SysInternals provided tools that let you do it, but Microsoft did not.

    All that having been said, UAC has really evened the bar for Windows Vista and 7 (moreso in 7 after the usability tweaks Microsoft put in to stop people from disabling it). I see no functional security difference between the OS X authorization scheme and the Windows UAC scheme.

    UAC is simply a gui front-end to the runas command. Heck, shift-right-click already had the "Run As" option. It's a glorified sudo. It uses RDP (since Vista, user sessions are really local RDP sessions) to prevent being able to "fake it", by showing up on the "console" session while the user's display resides on a RDP session.

    There, you did it, you made me go on a defensive rant for Microsoft. I hate you now.

    My response, why bother worrying about this when the attacker can do the same thing via shellcode generated in the background by exploiting a running process so the the user is unaware that code is being executed on the system

    Because this required no particular exploit or vulnerability. A simple Javascript auto-download and Safari auto-opening an archive and running code.

    Why bother, you're not "getting it". The only reason the user is aware of MACDefender is because it runs a GUI based installer. If the executable had had 0 GUI code and just run stuff in the background, you would have never known until you couldn't find your files or some chinese guy was buying goods with your CC info, fished right out of your "Bank stuff.xls" file.

    That's the thing, infecting a computer at the system level is fine if you want to build a DoS botnet or something (and even then, you don't really need privilege escalation for that, just set login items for the current user, and run off a non-privilege port, root privileges are not required for ICMP access, only raw sockets).

    These days, malware authors and users are much more interested in your data than your system. That's where the money is. Identity theft, phishing, they mean big bucks.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth 2 wedding cake
  • queen elizabeth 2 wedding cake

  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 12:57 AM
    I was just replying to your previous note, Lee. But I stopped writing because I wanted to reconsider what I was saying and to ensure that I expressed my thoughts as politely as I could express them.

    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.

    Then you don't accept us as we are. All of us are what we do. That's the measure of any human being. We can all say all kinds of things, but in the end, what we do is what matters.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. to Queen Elizabeth II
  • to Queen Elizabeth II

  • stompy
    Apr 14, 09:58 PM
    Do you honestly believe that I am ONLY using THIS particular thread to gather info about Mac machines?

    It's clear you want to make an objective decision. Other than what I read in this thread, what else could I know about you? Here's a couple quotes that made an impression on me:

    11 posts in you wrote "Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"?"
    #27 "Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts."

    Here's what I wrote at the beginning of my post:

    I'm not sure he could have come to a different conclusion based on this thread.

    It won't show up in this quote, but I originally highlighted the phrase "based on this thread;" it certainly seemed that you were using this thread to sort things out. I apparently ruffled your feathers on that point, sorry about that.

    not everyone will come to the same conclusions. But that's what good about "choice", right?

    I said pretty much the same at the end of my post. :)

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. wedding-cupcake-cake
  • wedding-cupcake-cake

  • Blakeasd
    Apr 16, 10:06 AM
    The problem I had with switching was only bottom corner resizing, however this is fixed in OS X Lion

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. Elizabeth marries Lieutenant
  • Elizabeth marries Lieutenant

  • fivepoint
    Mar 16, 01:32 PM
    That chart isn't going to fool anyone with a brain. All it shows is what is currently implemented. It says nothing about the potential contributions of all sources, how much they cost per watt, how much pollution they produce or whether or not they are renewable. It's a colorful red herring and you know it.

    For one thing, there's no need for you to try to be a shill for the nuclear, oil, gas and coal industry - they already have well-financed lobbying operations and huge political influence. They'll get on fine without your "help". For another, it goes without saying that fossil fuels and nuclear are going to be used until they are gone. The energy demands are too great to do othwerise.

    But they are called "non-renewable" energy sources for a reason, and they all pose major pollution problems that we are still struggling with. There is absolutely no good reason not to aggressively pursue the development and adoption of renewable energy sources as soon as is practical. Some day they will produce the bulk of the world's energy out of necessity if nothing else.

    So in other words, without non-renewable energy, human civilization falls? That's a ridiculous stance.

    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close. It takes THOUSANDS of giant windmills to produce what one tiny nuclear power plant can. Can we put those in your back yard? Or how about off of your state's coast? How about solar... how long exactly does it take for a solar cell to pay for itself? The chart shows that despite heavy federal subsidies that such alternatives are STILL wholly incapable of doing the job we'd need them to do without nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. The ONLY one that has proven it's worth is hydro. That that was created out of pure invention, not a government subsidy.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Oh come on! You know what the answer to that will be. Panic wins every time as it makes better TV. :rolleyes:

    Potassium Iodide tablets (retail $10 bottle) going for $500 on eBay. People are so stupid sometimes...

    Yes, people have much potential for stupdity. They also have much potential to accomplish great things. Even (especially) without government holding their hands.

    How's that going to work? People have to be fed too...

    You're operating under a few false assumptions. First, bio fuels do not have to compete with food at all. Switch grass, moss, algae digesters, etc... its a quickly evolving world. Second, a great deal of our food price is wrapped up into transportation of said food. Third, using corn for fuel doesn't mean people go hungry, it only means that the price of corn goes up. Consequently prices of other goods might go up or down. What we probably agree on is that ethanol, etc. should not be subsidized.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. not Queen Elizabeth II.
  • not Queen Elizabeth II.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 14, 04:29 PM
    The fact remains that most of America's energy problems are caused by conspicuous consumption.

    It's a global problem, though the US is the worst offender. Dealing with the energy crisis must be accomplished by attaking the problem from both ends - renewable sources at one end and lower per capita energy consumption at the other.

    The solution does indeed need to be multi-tiered and intelligently applied. I've heard that the Japanese Nuclear plants were built to survive a strong earthquake or a tsunami, but not both. Well what often occurs when you get a strong earthquake offshore? That's right, a tsunami! Brilliant planning!

    The current situation certainly exposes flaws in the design of the Japanese nuclear plants. To be fair, the severy of the disaster was extreme, but this is precisely the kind of worst-case scenario designers should have envisioned when they designed the plant. Even now we might see a partial meltdown in the Fukushima plant, though it appears that they've partially restored function to the cooling system. We should all be thankful that this didn't happen in a place where one of those Soviet RBMK reactors is still in operation - that would almost certainly have resulted in a full meltdown.

    As for solar, it should be mandatory on new construction in areas such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas. It won't solve our energy needs but it will lessen them. Use the appropriate alternative technology where it will do the most good. Don't try to ship solar generated electricity across the country, just try to take advantage of it in localities that typically experience a number of sunny days.

    Solar panels are one of the most expensive ways to generate electricity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source), and that is always going to cause a lot of resistance. For a homeowner, it's often a break-even proposition if conditions are favorable (but not necessarily ideal), and if the installation is thought out carefully. Wind power is considerably cheaper than solar and functions in places with little sunlight, so it is an important option to consider. In fact, wind power can be even cheaper than "clean coal" plants.

    Still, as you say, different solutions work in different places. Reducing our dependance on non-renewable energy sources must involve every means at our disposal, and they must be implemented to maximum effect wherever the conditions are favorable. Solar enregy is insufficient on its own, as are all the other renewable sources of energy. Only a combination of wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and other sources can begin to generate enough energy to replace non-renewable sources.

    And as skunk mentioned above, we need to find ways to reduce consumption on top of all that.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. 29: Queen Elizabeth II and
  • 29: Queen Elizabeth II and

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:03 PM
    The point, though it's off-topic, is that your RC friend (that's a homophone, by the way) wanted, for reasons best known to himself, to communicate with you in Latin, but to translate a "sign of contradiction" you have to use the word for "sign" as in signifier (n), rather than the word for "sign" as in sign your name (vb). He obviously looked up the wrong meaning and thus mangled his translation.
    If he did that, he goofed. But I know I made a mistake: I missed your point. Now I understand it. Thanks. Maybe he tried to communicate with me in Latin because he knows I usually attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. Queen Elizabeth II, James
  • Queen Elizabeth II, James

  • supmango
    Mar 18, 10:34 AM
    The thing that I don't like about this is that data is data. Whether it's coming from a PC thru my iPhone, or directly from my iPhone.....it's still DATA. I can't stand that they charge an extra $20 for using data that I already pay for. It's double dipping, and therefore I will refuse to use the feature. I would absolutely love to tether. There's been times where I needed it, and even though I'm jailbroken, haven't used it. I seriously think this is an area for a class action.

    They actually give you an extra 2gb of data now with the tethering plan. I suspect you argument is one of the main reasons that was implemented.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 02:31 PM
    Groups like Greenpeace border on fanatical...

    And nobody on these forums are bordering on the fanatical in the defence of Apple Computers?

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 23, 09:21 PM
    Maybe because the majority of atheists tend to have an attitude of more "religion sucks, I'm atheist" whereas religious people do not have an "atheism sucks, I'm theistic" attitude for the most part.

    Wow. I see it completely the other way. The religious people look at the atheists as lost souls, sinners, who need to be saved. They want their beliefs to be the basis for our laws. They need to have god thrown in our faces, on our money, in our pledges, in our courtrooms, etc. etc. And this is in the land of the free where separation of church and state is supposed to be one our most basic rights!
    Don't believe me, check any poll about who people in the United States trust or who they would vote for. Atheists are always at the bottom of both lists!

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • edesignuk
    Oct 8, 03:33 AM
    I'm looking forward to it :D

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • greenstork
    Jul 12, 03:27 PM
    How is it an insult to conroe to say that a desktop chip should go in a moderately priced desktop? And perhaps more to the point, why exactly are you so worked up about someone insulting conroe... is it your personal creation or something? You do realize that both PCs and Macs will be using both conroes and woodcrests in various configurations, right? It's not like woodcrest is an apple product. So what exactly are you so worked up about?

    Do you really think anyone here will care if you overclock your conroe-based PC? Let alone "break our hearts?" Have fun.

    Even if you had a point worth making, your attitude is so repulsive that I don't know why anyone would want to listen to you.

    I think his point was that most tech geeks are freaking out about the revolutionary core 2 architecture, be it in the conroe, woodcrest or merom. For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • MoonDogg
    Mar 18, 08:00 AM
    My response to that TXT msg would be...

    Did you know... I don't give a F|_|C|< !!!
    and if you change my plan I will cancel my subscription and not pay a disconnect fee.... they may charge it... but I will never pay it.

    I feel it is wrong to double charge someone for there data usage... It should not matter how you use your data... you paying for a certain amount and if you don't go over that then why should it matter. And to all of you that say there stealing something by tethering... there not... they paid for the data already... who are they hurting by using it on another device... no one... if at&t says they can't handle the network load then they need to upgrade there network.. or stop selling data capable phones. Oh and the thing about the unlimited plans... if its not unlimited... then don't say it is... that's false advertising... and I don't care about the fine print either.... they should not be allowed to advertise unlimited with out it being... umm.. well unlimited... and I know they don't offer it anymore... so if they want to get rid of it... when there current contract expires... take it away... done deal...

    Before I get flamed to death here are some facts....
    1. yes my iphone is jail-broke
    2. no I don't tether... hell I only have the $15 plan and never go over it.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth wedding cake.
  • queen elizabeth wedding cake.

  • Bonte
    Sep 20, 10:47 AM
    Because that ties the computer to your TV (see my post about teetering keyboards above). This way you can have the computer and still display stuff conveniently on the TV, wirelessly.

    With FrontRow on the Mini it can act as a hub for the other computers in the network and play the movies via iTunes streaming.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 13, 06:12 AM
    I think people have to realize the reactors at Fukushima--while the fuel rods may have melted down--is NOT anywhere close to a major catastrophe like what happened at Chernobyl, where the overheated uranium fuel literally turned the graphite moderator blocks into an explosive bomb and there was no containment structure to hold back the massive release of the fallout from that explosion.

    It's more like what happened at Three Mile Island, and the radioactive release from that accident wasn't that significant, thanks to the reactor vessel still in one piece to minimize radioactive release.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding cake. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • Shivetya
    Apr 15, 11:49 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Because some groups want to convince the world they are better victims than other groups. Because some groups see more importance in who you are than what you suffered.

    Apr 9, 11:43 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Yeah, of course there is a difference on a console. I thought we were comparing hand helds. And I'm not claiming the iphone is the best experience for a lot of games (notice that I've pretty much said that PoP and Assassin's Creed would do better with buttons but for my purposes it's still fun on touchscreen).

    I'm not claiming I'm some sort of hard core gamer.

    But what I am claiming, is that there are *good* games on the iphone that are more than just "timewasters" (Well, honestly, any game is a "timewaster" if you think about it. Do you really think you do anything productive when you game? No. You do it for fun in your free time). But there are games that you can get into and play for more than five minutes (stuff that isn't the Angry Birds type game). Games that have me put down my computer and actually focus on them for long periods of time. I'm really happy to see that happen more on the iphone. I love that Square has started putting games on (if you can't tell, they're one of my favorite game makers ;). But Gameloft has started getting my love too).

    That's what I'm saying.

    Let me watch you play those on the subway. This is all about portable gaming.

    Pretty much. It's kinda stupid to compare the iphone to a PS3 or Xbox. That's apples and oranges. No handheld is going to compare to something like that, if nothing else for having a large screen and a controller that really is designed to be a controller (and not a controller and a screen in one. No handheld can be as easy to use as a controller as a dedicated controller, which btw, I totally prefer the Playstation's/Playstation 2 controller. That was the most ergonomic controller I've experienced but I haven't had a console since the PS2. It's about as much difference in experience as a touch screen vs. buttons really. I always find handheld games are more awkward to control and have my hands cramp up. But the point of them is portability so you do make compromises).

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    And this is exactly what I'm trying to say :).

    Oct 25, 10:21 PM
    wow, that was a fast announcement? if i remember correctly the clovertons come out mid nov don't they?

    May 16, 04:00 PM
    Please note that non of the supposed "BETTER" carriers have the iphone congesting there network with psychotic amounts of data congestion especially in the larger cities like New York this is such a ******** biased statement and study that AT&T is having excessive dropped calls.

    The iPhone data use will not have any effect on the Verizon voice network. The Verizon network is designed to keep voice separate from data. With that said I don't think it matters. I don't think we will see the iPhone on another carrier before 2012. If AT&T doesn't work for you either wait another 2 years or do what I did and switch to an Android phone.

    Oct 26, 03:39 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; I know you may find this hard to believe, but the entire multimedia industry does not revolve around the Adobe Suite of graphics applications. Plus the industry is already rolling with G5 Quads for that work. There are plenty of other products that are way UB multi-core ready and/or would like to be run simultaneously in a fully blown multi-application multi-threaded workload.and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.Yeah. Professional Mac Pro users can't do the math. :rolleyes:

    4 x 3=12GHz


    8 x 2.66= 21.28GHz

    I wonder which one will get my Multi-Threaded Workload done faster? :confused: :eek:Apple will wait for CS3, and by then there will be a 3+ GHz Clovertown available which will provide for an upgrade that would be much easier to market and sell.I believe you are mistaken. A ton of dual 2.66GHz Clovertowns from various vendors will ship next month. Apple can't be seen as the only major Intel vendor to not ship dual Clovertowns in November and put it off until April or May. They would in effect be passing on an entire selling cycle. That would be business suicide. It would also be impossible.

    Yes there I said it. What you suggest as will be the future is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Oh and welcome to MacRumors. ;) :p :D

    mac jones
    Mar 12, 05:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Also FTR the 60 km radius is old news on Japanese TV, and telling us they are detecting Cesium and outright telling that it may indicate a meltdown doesn't sound like covering things up to me.

    Good. Perhaps we can depend on being kept up to date. The media does it's job, but is a loose cannon.