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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

selena gomez drawing

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  • selena gomez dress up games

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:19 PM
    I love the adoption of iMovies people detection and shot detection features... this is great.... rolling shutter fixing is a feature adobe previewed but typical for apple they do it on import, rather than as an "effect" you can add.

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  • selena gomez hair short and

  • jon1987
    Apr 3, 06:25 AM
    They always find a way to zoom in the screen and make it look nicer than what it actually is. The resolution is too grainy.

    I am spoiled by the iPhone 4 display.

    selena gomez drawing. how to draw Selena Gomez.
  • how to draw Selena Gomez.

  • mrkramer
    Apr 8, 01:11 AM
    HA! Do I get another "I toldya so" moment soon??? :D

    General: US may consider sending troops into Libya

    We better not do that, the no-fly zone is ok, but we can't afford and we shouldn't put troops on the ground. If we do this will just turn into another Iraq.

    selena gomez drawing. Gomez
  • Gomez

  • kdarling
    Apr 21, 03:41 PM
    To those laughing at this and pointing out that Android phones don't have a file recording your movements

    Yep, apparently Google's engineers also cache WiFi and Cell Ids. Caching makes sense for a lot of reasons.

    The only differences are that with Android, the log is far shorter because older entries are overwritten. And of course the file isn't copied to a mothership computer for all to see. That's a downside of being an iTunes dependent device.

    I do think that guy is right and it is only about caching the cell tower locations. I baffles me however which idiot engineer at Apple thought it would be good idea to store those locations along with detailed timestamps unencrypt and even move it to the next phone if you happen to switch phones. If you work on such a high profile system, you need to make smarter decisions than that.

    Even though it's an understandable coding design goof, I'd hate to be in that programmer's shoes today. Perhaps s/he worked so hard that s/he never even left Cupertino on trips, and so never thought about it being a problem :)

    On such personal mistakes, do big real life probems sometimes hang.

    The Google hotspot data collection thing was similar: debug code left in, and the original developer long gone.

    In any case, all the whining needs to stop. It's clearly an unintentional mistake, again same as happened with Google. Yes, better code vetting is needed. So it goes. Nobody is perfect.

    The second thing that baffles me is Apples blatant incompetence handling these kind of situations. Haven't they learnd anything from antenna gate?

    That's always been Apple's style under Jobs. Pretend that nothing is wrong, and hope it all goes away. Most of the time, it works.

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  • selena gomez hot. selena gomez

  • iJimmy
    Jan 30, 08:49 AM
    My contribution

    selena gomez drawing. How to Draw Selena Gomez from
  • How to Draw Selena Gomez from

  • skiltrip
    Oct 2, 08:41 PM
    I also bought mine from ebay


    I ordered one of these from Ashopone last week (grey color). Does the gel case slide in and out of a pocket easily? The thing I hate about the silicone cases I have is that they are really sticking going in and out of pockets.

    selena gomez drawing. Selena Gomez side view
  • Selena Gomez side view

  • gyus
    May 2, 04:54 PM
    The more I see of iOS for the desktop, umm sorry I mean Lion, the more I dislike.

    Definitely skipping Lion. Perhaps Mac OSX will return to being designed around a screen larger than the ipad/ iphone and (gasp!) a keyboard.

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  • selena gomez purity ring

  • yg17
    Apr 11, 02:26 PM
    IMO, if a gearbox has a setting where it will automatically shift gears for you and you don't have to touch it, it's an automatic gearbox.

    Sure, some auto gearboxes (DSG) are better than others (torque converter) but they're still automatic.

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  • selena gomez hot. selena gomez

  • mrthieme
    Nov 30, 05:15 AM
    That would be nice, but to do this with existing hardware I plan to use a mac mini; logitech z990s and a TV or projector (no HD content in my country). Two things that setup won't do are HDTV and 7.1 sound.

    I am about to do the same with a ppc mini that I don't use. I am hoping at least to get the Front Row interface with an integrated tuner to view cable tv without 3rd party hardware and software. The other features I mentioned are a long way away I suppose, but a simple one remote, one interface system is what I think alot of families would benefit from. Easy to use= likely to buy. itunes would not work if purchasing songs was a confusing labrynth of screens.

    selena gomez drawing. have shared graphics cause
  • have shared graphics cause

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 01:50 PM
    But I'd guess that statement would come from someone who's only ever had rubbish cars or lives in a city where public transit is the more convenient option

    My other cars (except for the '78 Nova) haven't been rubbish. ;)

    I spent a week with a 2000 Camaro SS some time back, it had a 6-speed, but it didn't make the act of driving it any more pleasant. I ended up not buying it.

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  • selena gomez who says

  • balamw
    Sep 6, 07:07 PM
    Honestly though, am I the only one who thinks they should change/add/replace iTunes and just keep it for music, and make a separate app for videos & films? The "iTunes Movie Store"? That sounds like the "Home Depot Car Dealership & Laser Tag Center".
    :p I concur. iTunes is getting too busy with Music/Audiobooks/Podcasts/TV Shows and Video already...

    As some have suggested perhaps "Showtime" refers to something like a new app...


    selena gomez drawing. Selena Gomez! MY BEST DRAWING
  • Selena Gomez! MY BEST DRAWING

  • Porchland
    Aug 24, 08:43 PM
    Movies are on their way to iTunes...

    And Front Row is getting refreshed in Leopard...

    I'm still in disbelief that the Mac mini will become a set-top box, but all the pieces are starting to come together.

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  • selena gomez in wizards of

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 03:17 PM
    Break out the champers.

    CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/03/19/libya.civil.war/index.html).

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  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • milo
    Aug 29, 10:19 AM
    If the MacBook and Mini stay with core 1 CPUs, sales will grind to a halt.

    Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.

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  • selena gomez long hair. selena

  • iAlan
    Jul 14, 01:37 AM
    Bluray (or Blu-ray - not sure how to write it yet) will win because it sounds way cooler to say 'Bluray' than 'HD-DVD' :p

    And we all know how important a name can be - can you say 'MacBook'? :p :p

    selena gomez drawing. How to Draw Chibi Selena Gomez
  • How to Draw Chibi Selena Gomez

  • Jack97
    Apr 3, 04:13 AM
    Did anyone else thing that was a really bad advert? They hardly showed the product fully at all!

    selena gomez drawing. I love Selena Gomez and Manga
  • I love Selena Gomez and Manga

  • Queso
    Jul 19, 04:47 PM
    Interesting comment from the conference call is that only 39% of Apple sales are now international. That was 50% not too long ago.

    Based on that, the rise in Mac sales is almost exlusively US-based. If they can repeat that success in Japan, Europe etc., we could be looking at a lot more Mac sales every quarter.

    selena gomez drawing. Selena Gomez Album Photo 1
  • Selena Gomez Album Photo 1

  • twoodcc
    Dec 13, 11:31 AM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 4 million points!

    selena gomez drawing. Drawing Selena Gomez
  • Drawing Selena Gomez

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 02:33 PM
    The only thing better than G5 Powerbooks, is not having G5 Powerbooks! :D

    Mar 27, 10:54 AM
    I don't think touchscreen games/consoles could ever completely replace traditional ones. A separate market, yeah, sure. But button-and-joystick consoles won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

    Also, every time LTD posts I have a hard time discerning if he's trolling or not.

    Jan 11, 05:29 PM
    like i submitted and you ignored completely...they are of the aluminum build which would make it appear to be on the PRO side. Why would they build something identical to the current macbook???

    Just like the "professional" iPods are all aluminium, and the "professional" iMac, not to mention the "professional" iPhone.

    Apple is going Alumium across the product line, for environmental reasons. The MacBooks will be the last plastic Macs made.

    Also, anyone who has paid any attention during physics will know that if you want to make a laptop thinner than the current MacBook, then plastic just won't cut it for build quality. You'll need a stronger material to get the strength.

    Nov 27, 02:41 PM
    this is perfect. I'm using a 17' core 2 duo desktop, with a dual monitor. right now, the monitor I have is 20; 4:3. It's rather inconvenient having to resize my windows when I switch them from monitor to monitor.

    for people who can't wait, or iif diigitimes proves innacurate as usuall, try this one that I (was) planning on getting:click (http://www.shop.com/op/~Star_Logic_17_Widescreen_Flat_Panel_Display-prod-28263596-37170414?sourceid=57)

    Apple OC
    Mar 20, 06:49 PM
    seems like they may be targeting Gaddafi now ...


    Mar 3, 02:44 AM
    A bit off-topic, but why haven't car manufacturers created hybrid cars that use a diesel engine + battery? There are lots of petrol-electric hybrids, but not diesel. :confused:

    Volvo has recently launched a diesl hybrid (V60 Hybrid) with a claimed 124 US mpg


    Also note seeing as we are an apple related board

    When charging from the mains, the car’s cabin can be preheated or cooled, either via an on-board timer or mobile phone app, saving precious fuel.
