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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

vera wang wedding dresses from bride wars

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  • IceMacMac
    Apr 10, 08:47 PM
    The pro of today is no longer the pro of the past decade. Pro is a far broader term in 2011. Nearly anyone could be a 'pro' with a little interest, work, and dedication.

    To me the term denotes a person who is gaining a sizeable portion of their income from video production...and whom is talented enough to woo paying clients.

    So in my opinion the meaning for "Pro" has changed little.

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  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 06:44 PM
    Which launched 6 months after the original iPhone...and was displayed in February of 2007 with an entirely different interface.

    The point is no one will ever confuse this with Apple's iPhone... But what Samsung is doing now is another story.

    If you look at each item that Apple takes exception with individually it seems silly, but when you put them all together in a single device it's a twin to the iPhone... An iClone.:rolleyes:

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  • Bride Wars

  • crackbookpro
    Apr 11, 02:34 PM
    It's all waiting on LTE from AT&T... Apple could/would/will have served more justice by releasing an iPhone 5 with no LTE this June, and waiting for the June of 2012 to release an "iPhone 6" with LTE.

    There is a possibility that LTE from Verizon is well-suited for an iPhone LTE release in early Feb next year. Verizon may have changed the starting point of Apple's releases for the iPhone(like the Verizon iPhone 4 in Feb '11). I do know that AT&T is behind in its LTE infrastructure... It's all waiting on LTE from AT&T...

    The next iPhone may indeed have LTE from both AT&T & Verizon, and presumably be here in the 1st quarter of 2012.

    Hope this isn't the case...

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  • Santabean2000
    Apr 10, 03:45 AM
    The other presenters just had to toss months of planning out the window and scramble to reschedule events w/less than a weeks notice during the industry's biggest annual convention. Hopefully the members of the audience that signed up to see the original line-up will be able to make it to all the reschedule events and, on top of that, everyone going to the SuperMeet has now paid money for tickets to what is nothing more than an Apple PR event.

    Dick move by Apple but all will be forgiven as long as they release the holy grail of editing on Tuesday. If they preview 'iMovie Pro' lord help them...

    To be fair to Mark (the head of Post at Bunim/Murray) there really isn't anything he could say due to the NDA. Just because what he saw of the new FCP might not lead him to believe it would work in Bunim/Murray's current workflow doesn't mean it might not be awesome for someone else's work flow. It was a tough spot for Mark to be in and I'm not exactly sure why he even kicked off the meeting with "I was there, but don't ask me about it because I'm under NDA". He could've never even have brought it up and it wouldn't have altered the course of the conversation at all.


    But Apple have slipped him a little something to drop it in, s it will get picked up by sites like this... and so the hype begins.

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  • jwdsail
    Apr 6, 12:08 PM
    Maybe, just maybe, this would be the first Air I'd consider buying..

    If, this update would bring Thunderbolt to the Air..

    USB-only is still a deal-breaker for me, I'd rather walk to the internet, uphill, both ways, in the snow, than be that limited in a laptop..

    An Air, with Thunderbolt... Wouldn't be my primary Mac, but would make an Air/iMac combo look better than a maxed-out 15" MBP...


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  • generik
    Jul 29, 09:29 AM
    this would be smart because as of right now the mac book pro doesnt WOW me over the macbook. Do you think the "core 3" will also have the same pin structure as the 2's?

    Not a chance in hell, give up the idea of upgrading your Mac already :rolleyes:

    The newer Meroms that are to come out Q2 2007 will be based off a completely new socket.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 04:33 PM
    PS I thought the PB G5 next Tuesday thing was quite funny - precisely because it has been done to death, first dead straight (remember how excited people got for so many years), and now because it's a useful reminder not to take our speculations too seriously...

    Another person who grasps it.

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  • yg17
    Apr 27, 10:09 AM
    Stay classy Faux News:


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  • epitaphic
    Aug 18, 06:09 AM
    A whole 9 months? Those systems are supposed to last four years.

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  • bbplayer5
    Mar 31, 03:19 PM
    Android > iOS. This just makes it even better that they are going to tighten up with providers are doing to bend over the consumer.

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  • skunk
    Mar 24, 02:01 PM
    discussion of motives of GOP opposition to the intervention is germane.Germane, maybe, but inevitably tainted by generalisation if applied to a whole party.

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  • shelterpaw
    Aug 11, 03:23 PM
    You guys are looking about a $500.00 phone...atleast.If it had all those features, it would be mure more than just a phone, I could easily party with $500.00.

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  • Burnt_Toast
    Apr 11, 01:58 PM
    it'd be nice if iPhone 5 was available this Fall, when I'm eligible for an upgrade.

    But if not, no worries.

    I'm still reeling from happiness that I don't have to carry around a laptop, a phone, a PDA, a flash drive, an ipod, etc.

    Just the 3GS and a flash drive.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 26, 07:46 PM
    You need to level up quite a bit before the damage is fully introduced.
    Gran Turismo: The REAL driving simulator ....as long as you've grinded long enough. :rolleyes:

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  • Kate Hudson (Liv) on Bride

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 02:55 PM
    Question for our Radio Shack representative here(BIBBZ)

    Do you think that Apple will ship phones to stores
    that were not able to obtain pin numbers?

    Any estimation how soon after launch Radio Shack
    may start receiving shipments of phones for the
    general public?

    Unfortunately, at $600, Radio Shack is my only
    means of getting an iPhone with their $247 trade-in.
    Otherwise, the phone is just too overpriced -- and
    at $600 it comes with a new 2-year contract (not
    no-commitment) since I am in mid contract already.

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  • tobio
    Aug 7, 06:46 PM
    The time machine features are just like salvage files on our old netware servers (before we "upgraded" to win2k3 with the quite embarressingly bad volume shadow copies). Obviously time machine is prettier, but the way it worked on netware was that all files whenever they are overwritten or deleted sit inbetween space. You can go into filer or use the right click menu to go back to previous versions of files unless you have purged them. This feature would turn off when you get down to 10% free space remaining.

    If time machine lets you preview the contents of documents before you restore them, instead of going restore... is it that one? nope, try this one? nope... ah here we go found it. then hot damm thats a slick new feature

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  • intlplby
    Nov 28, 09:53 PM
    i would love if the government changed the royalty law to extend only to the artists and not the record companies.....

    i.e. "okay, we'll extend the copyright to 50 years or the life of the artist, but the catch is that only the artists gets the royalties"

    i'd love to see the big record companies cut out.....

    it's totally possible for artists to get more and for us to pay less.....

    i'd include the mastering technician in there too.... they are very important as well

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  • iMikeT
    Sep 13, 07:55 AM
    I'll just wait for the 16 core model.:p

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  • Roessnakhan
    Mar 22, 12:57 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    The iPad isn't exactly a name to write home about either. Then, neither is TouchPad, Xoom, or Galaxy Tab.

    Apr 5, 09:28 PM
    Compressor and DVDSP need help. I use both of them daily and my customer love that I shoot HD, now they want it delivered that way.

    Tell a bride that just dropped $5k on her wedding video that she'll be getting it via digital download.

    Apr 5, 05:02 PM
    and Mac Pros!
    and entry level MacBook!
    and Mac minis!
    and ...

    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

    Jun 12, 10:32 PM
    I sold my 16GB 3GS to my local Radio Shack on 6/9 for 184.13 and I'm currently using my old Motorola Razr V3, I'm preordering on the 15th so i certainly hope that i will be holding an iPhone 4 on the 24th. Since i sold my phone I've gotten two phone calls from the store manager, the first one was to ask if I was ok with him putiing my name and phone number on a list of people planning to pre-order and the second call was to ask for my zip code and he told me that he's almost positive i will be getting one on release day which was reassuring. I'm pretty nervous because pretty much all my experiences with Radio Shack have been sketchy over the years, sometime it's really annoying like when i went in one to buy something stupid like CDR's and the associate said i had to be in their system in order to make the sale which required me giving him my name, number and address which i thought was ridiculous.
    So far everything is going well this time, when the 3GS came out ATT wouldn't bump up my upgrade date because my bill was under 100 dollars a month, this time they bumped everyone's upgrade date by 6 months! So instead of the 400 bucks i had to pay for my 3GS i will only pay 200 and with the 185 Radio Shack paid for my 3GS it will only be 15 dollars!
    Is it true that i'm going to have to pay the $18 dollar upgrade fee at Radio Shack? Apple never charged me that. Or does it get charged to you cell phone bill?

    So if Im getting this right....I bring my 3GS to Radio Shack on the 15th to preorder the iphone 4 and then I have to turn in my old phone in order to get the buy back gift card? But then I would be without a phone for over a week? My local Radio Shack said I could get $256 for my 3gs. But if I read right that price could go down the closer it gets to the ip4 launch?


    Apr 6, 04:14 PM
    I run a Windows VM with 1 GB of dedicated memory and a Linux VM with 1.5 GB of dedicated memory. All while Xcode is open and doing something in every OS.

    Seriously, software development is about the less ressource hungry task you can do on modern computers. Browsers use more system ressources nowadays than code editors/compilers/debuggers.

    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem.

    But at work I have open: Eclipse, one or more instance of Tomcat or Jetty, Oracle SQL Developer (Java app), Windows VM with Visual Studio and other tools, and maybe a Linux VM running Oracle. I always have the Windows VM running. When I had 4GB, things would drag, and I couldn't run the Linux VM without my system becoming unusable. Now that I have 8GB things run great; I can afford to give my Windows VM over 2GB, and I don't notice the difference between running and not running my Linux VM. Sometimes I have as many as 3 VMs running using over 3GB RAM in total and things are still smooth unless there's a lot of hard drive access going on.

    But it's encourage to know that you're successfully using a MBA w/ 4GB even with VMs eating up half your RAM. Maybe the SSD makes a huge difference.

    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...