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Monday, May 9, 2011

wallpaper blue colour

wallpaper blue colour. lue color picture
  • lue color picture

  • puma1552
    Mar 12, 01:28 AM

    Please stop speculating about the situation of the Japanese nuclear reactors, protocols, and regulations, or how they--those specific ones--work.

    Unless you are an expert with a background in chemical/nuclear engineering, and an expert not only on just nuclear reactors but also Japanese nuclear regulations, then you aren't really in a place to criticize from halfway around the world. We derive 30% of our power from nuclear reactors, we know what we are doing. We aren't unnecessarily paranoid about nuclear power like the west is.

    We know very little about the situation with the Japanese reactors, and even less about the reactors themselves.

    Comparing them to the 30+ year old standards of the impoverished USSR is rather inappropriate.

    wallpaper blue colour. Battery Square Wallpaper (lue
  • Battery Square Wallpaper (lue

  • skunk
    Mar 11, 03:55 PM
    2149: The Kyodo news agency is now citing a safety panel as saying that the radiation level inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant is 1,000 times higher than normal.

    Looking hairier by the minute. :eek:

    wallpaper blue colour. in both theme and color.
  • in both theme and color.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 04:13 PM
    (Examples = teaching)!= saying

    The latter is specific to the situation.

    This quote is sectioned to the event of homosexuality being concerned. However, you have to prove that woman is being obscene, which is almost impossible if you've got to find 1 doctor, 4 witnesses to event, and two family members to testify the same thing.

    100 striped != death.

    Adultery or fornication is VERY contentious in Islam. It is a big sin, and often breaks contracts, of nature of marriage. No death here.


    If you're going to quote something, please be sure to complete the damn sentence... and not end it prematurely:

    And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.

    In other words, be modest.

    as above, adultery is a greater sin. This, though, does not demonstrate honour killing. An honour killing is killing made by family or community that the victim has brought dishonour against the family or community.

    In this case, is it not dishonour, is it considered to be criminal.

    As above.

    wallpaper blue colour. Wallpaper Name:
  • Wallpaper Name:

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 11:01 PM
    Sounds to me like your world falls apart when people disagree with you. A small island you must live on when you know all options open to humans who have the same capacity to reason as you. It must feel good to know you are right. Funny how the same arguments you use have be used throughout history and have ALWAYS been seen as wrong over time. You are Midas yelling at the waves.

    Personally, I would prefer to have a bunch of people like you around to check me when I think I know what is right. I am happy to let people see the world from their own vantage without the need to "correct" them. I have no doubt that you will learn that your child will not follow your dictums without question. And here you are, on a forum with adults, and you propose that we simply roll over and agree with you. Pah! Tell us what you think and let us reason for ourselves. The fact that you agree or disagree with an individual is of no importance - except maybe to you.

    My world holds together quite well when people disagree, actually. Better than yours must, especially since history has proven my argument and disproven your morally relativistic approach. That society exists is a testament to you being wrong.

    I'm not here to impose what I think is right. I think that all electronic music-playing devices should support all of the DRM models so that regardless of where I get my music legally, I can use it. I don't like that I can have an mp3 player that can't play the music I buy on iTunes, but I've already written the companies involved, as well as my Senator and state and national level Congressmen. I've worked with people who make the decisions about law to bring this issue to their attention. That's not the point here. No one is stopping you from reasoning or thinking, even though it's clear you have chosen not to do so. But that's your right. It's not that I disagree, it's that the law disagrees. Independent of that, on a fundamental, moral level, breaking your word (wrt the iTunes TOS) cannot be morally justified. Don't give your consent and agreement if you don't intend to uphold it. Where is your moral compass now? If you don't value your word and don't care about breaking the law and you want to break DRM or pirate music, go ahead. But don't come here and say that it's right to do it, because it's simply not. There are legal ways to address your concerns, and you are not using them. There's no excuse.

    EDIT: missed this little gem earlier...
    I have no doubt that you will learn that your child will not follow your dictums without question. And here you are, on a forum with adults, and you propose that we simply roll over and agree with you.
    I would encourage my children to question and think and come to their own conclusions, just as I encourage students to do in my volunteer work. I'd expect them to stand up for what they believe in, and if they find an injustice, they should do what they can to stop it. That said, if they break the law in doing so, they must also know that there are consequences for that and accept them.

    But what you are proposing is not questioning, it's self-serving rationalization. I'm not proposing that anyone roll over and agree with me, because I don't need anyone to agree with me. The law isn't something to agree with or disagree with, there's no room for debate. I expect people to question the law and hold their government accountable, and to act for change when appropriate. That is separate from deciding that the law isn't a good one and just not following it, based on your judgment. It doesn't free you from the consequences. If someone decides that the law that says you stop when the light is red is a bad law and just keeps going, what they just did is wrong, whether or not they get caught or prosecuted. If you do get pulled over, your personal idea that the law is stupid is not going to get you off the hook and you are very much responsible for paying the fines/doing the time.

    wallpaper blue colour. Blue Stars iPhone Wallpaper
  • Blue Stars iPhone Wallpaper

  • r0k
    Apr 5, 09:48 PM
    For a while I used pathfinder more than the built in finder. It was my "crutch" going from Windows to OS X.

    BTW, if you click an item in a long finder list, then hold shift and click an item near the bottom, everything in between gets selected.

    I absolutely hated the start menu because the IT knuckleheads at our office had it so badly messed up, it would often take 90 seconds to load the list of programs after I clicked on it. What I like on OS X that beats windows with a stick is Spotlight. You click the magnifying glass and type the first few characters of a command and it is already highlighted and if you hit enter it opens. The closest thing to this on windows was freeware called "launchy" that ran like an old slow mangy dog.

    Of course there's (rare) times Spotlight gets slow. It happened earlier this evening. I got tired of force closing things so I just rebooted and now all is well. Another annoyance is that darned time machine that spins whenever I want to do some work. I've put it on a strict schedule (using time machine editor.app) and it only runs at 2 in the morning while I'm asleep and 2 in the afternoon while I'm gone to work.

    I sometimes get tired of missing a "cut" function in finder. I still kind of miss explorer for dealing with files but I don't miss the slow response and lack of a credible quick view. BTW, after spotlight, quick view has to be the second best feature of OS X. Rapid, and I do mean rapid previews of almost every type of file in existence. Very nice. Next is preview. I know, it sounds like quick view but preview is actually like adobe acrobat reader for OSX (but it does a lot more and handles more than just pdf files). Don't dirty up your Mac with adobe reader when you have preview. Preview can mark up pdf files, move pages from one pdf to another. Very nice and it came free with the os.

    I have mixed feelings about iTunes and iPhoto. They have their good points but they both can get very slow at times. Whatever you do, don't let iTunes or iPhoto copy files to their respective libraries unless you want to create monster files. At one time my iPhoto library was 67 gig. Now it's a somewhat more manageable 5 gig but it contains metadata (faces and places and etc) for about 100 gigs of photos.

    Don't depend solely on Time Machine. Manually copy stuff you care about to another location such as dropbox or mobile me.

    One thing that's a bit annoying is the single button mouse (even if it's smart enough to respond to right clicks). Don't bother with Apple mice. They are nice but I could never quite get used to them. I have logitech V470 bluetooth mice on my windows box at work and my Macbook at home.

    Customization? Skins? There are some settings in system preferences and there are a lot of third party programs for things like reskinning the dock. I've decide all that stuff is a distraction. OS X isn't perfect but it works well as designed by Apple and I no longer feel the need to re-skin it. That's a windows habit that died hard. I could make my Linux and Windows boxes look like OS X but not vice versa. But you know what? That's where the similarity would end. OS X is so much nicer I have no desire to make it look like one of those other OS.

    Add/Remove programs? That's what the trash basket is for. Simply drag something.app from Applications to the trash and it's (mostly) gone. There will sometimes be a few plist files left lying around but I don't think it's nearly as bad a mess as the windows registry.

    Maximizing is one of my least favorite things about windows. The last time I wanted to do one thing at a time was when I was running DOS 6.22.

    I never close windows to quit apps any more. I've gotten used to going to firefox->quit firefox rather than leaving bits of the program running in memory.

    @toxic: How is a journaling filesystem like HFS+ prone to corruption? To me, it's every bit as good as EXT3 or NTFS and all 3 are better than FAT 32. I immediately reformat any external drives to HFS (journaled) before using them for the first time. I leave usb sticks alone as fat32 is good enough for them and I want to be able to view stuff on both windows and OS X on usb sticks.

    wallpaper blue colour. All Size Wallpapers: Color
  • All Size Wallpapers: Color

  • RickyB
    Apr 16, 11:30 AM
    Also, if you enable "show path bar" in Finder, you can see the entire path you're in, and easily jump around.

    And you can also go up a level in the directory structure by pressing [Command] + [Up arrow].

    There's a load of shortcut keys here:


    wallpaper blue colour. lue color picture
  • lue color picture

  • Hisdem
    Mar 15, 01:39 PM
    Are you drunk?

    Looks like it. And BTW, I don't think the Japanese people would think leaving their homeland and going to the USA is a good idea. Not saying they don't like the US, but generally, just generally, people tend to care more about their own countries and cultures than about the American ones. Just saying.

    wallpaper blue colour. Red, White and Blue Color
  • Red, White and Blue Color

  • milozauckerman
    Jul 13, 11:16 AM
    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    Well, well, some wicked-awesome case design is what matters most! Is it tough to say that with a straight face?

    Isn't this just the wannabe design-snob version of l33t kiddos outfitting their computers with neon and other assorted garbage?

    wallpaper blue colour. Matt paint will make the color
  • Matt paint will make the color

  • balamw
    Apr 11, 10:57 AM
    Would it be possible/legal to create a Virtual machine on my mac mini running OSX Lion (when it's released) if I don't want to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion on my mini (when I get it/lion is out)?

    Unlikely, but you can install Lion on an external drive and boot from that when you want to.


    wallpaper blue colour. Blue Eye Color Wallpaper
  • Blue Eye Color Wallpaper

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 04:56 PM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Hey, I watch the Food Network! Iron Chef rocks and Rachael Ray is a kitchen fox! Are those on the iTS?


    wallpaper blue colour. Dark lue and green color
  • Dark lue and green color

  • carlgo
    May 9, 12:31 PM
    There is only one rational, consumer-friendly way to deal with this: allow carriers of our choice and offer plans that reflect the amount of use.

    Right now it is like if you buy a BMW you can only use Shell gas and have to sign a contract to buy 200 gallons a month even even if you don't drive much. And, you have to pay for 200 gallons even if you do want to drive a lot, but the gas isn't even available!

    Of course, you should have known that there are no Shell stations nearby and that others are driving around in perfectly good Fords and Kias that can fuel up at any of the other gas stations in town.

    Maybe you really did believe the Shell employees who said a new station would be up soon. Of course, you do know that they might be tempted to sign you up to a contract that forced you to buy gas that wasn't actually available? Sort of a double-dip, eh?

    And, maybe you didn't realize that many of the Shell stations that are open, in neighboring towns, only have one pump and that there are long lines of people waiting to fuel up their BMWs.

    Shell says that they will build more stations, but mostly they just put new logos on the existing pumps and advertise more. Turns out that more pumps cost money and are opposed by many residents.

    So, Shell simply charges more for the existing gas! And, they sell apps and BMWs and gas cards in the convenience store. Now they make so much money from all this that they actually give a large percentage back to BMW!

    BMW is able to sell their cars for half the price because of this subsidy. Selling a very desirable and expensive car cheap and locking customers into a kick-back exclusive arrangement to regain the profit margin is genius. And, Shell can charge enough to cover the kickback and still make a huge profit. Pure genius.

    The head of BMW, the improbably-named Herr Jobs is renowned all over the world for pulling off this marketing arrangement and greatly enriching both BMW and Shell. This business model will be studied for a hundred years.

    In fact, it is so successful that other gas companies want to sell gas for BMWs as well. The problem is that it would cost a fortune to change their gas formulation to work in BMWs and they want BMW to instead change the fuel system to work with their gas.

    Herr Jobs sees no reason to change the arrangement with Shell because he gets the financial breakdown every day and he first looks at the column showing the take from Shell.

    As a kid, Herr Jobs loved Scrooge McDuck and hoped someday he would be diving into huge piles of money in the basement of his lavish new McMansion. Now he can do that!

    It will all end. In time we will be able to buy the gas of our choice, from stations that are open in our area and which have fast, friendly service. We will actually be able to buy just the gas we need.

    It is just hoped that this change will happen sooner than later because we consumers will certainly be better off when it does. Don't worry about Scrooge McDuck. He is a resilient old duck who will do quite fine and will remain the Head Duck on the pond as long as he wants.

    wallpaper blue colour. Adjust colors of this
  • Adjust colors of this

  • EmilH
    Apr 6, 12:01 PM
    I switched about a year ago and don't regret anything. Apple have to screw up big time to make me switch back to windows:)

    wallpaper blue colour. Ramzan Blue COLOUR ISMLAMIC

  • EricNau
    Mar 15, 12:54 AM
    The problem with your attempts to downplay this situation, like all the other attempts in this thread so far, is that every time you get hammered by actual events on the ground. To wit:

    So rather than fear-mongering appearing to be unwarranted, it's actually the other way around. The fear-mongers have yet to be proved wrong while the down-players' positive predictions have been proved wrong every step of the way. It's almost like the down-players are having as much difficulty staying on top of this situation as the plant owners/workers themselves. Here's a hint - it's out of control and has been all along. Everything we've been seeing the last three days is simply trying to regain control, not actually control it. To wit:

    All workers not drectly involved in the actual pumping have now been evacuated from Fukushima nuclear plant. They're running. So everybody else should too.

    EDIT - I just re-read that BBC quote and realized it's even more staggeringly worse than when I first read it as '8 times the legal limit' - where in fact it's 8 TIMES the YEARLY legal limit in just 1 HOUR.
    Here is the article to which you referred. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12740843

    It fails to mention that the statistic noted, "8,217 microsieverts an hour" was measured at the front door of the damaged power plant. Link (http://www.naeil.com/news/eboard_view.asp?location=1&mn_id=3149) As was said in the article I quoted above, radiation levels decrease drastically with distance.

    Someone has a Geiger Counter reading set up in Tokyo (I assume that is the location). If someone can explain this that would be wonderful.

    LINK (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/geiger_index.html)

    Based on every online source I could obtain, readings of <100 CPM are significantly LOWER than readings you'd get if you took a geiger counter on an airplane. [URL="http://www.blackcatsystems.com/GM/geiger_counter.html"]Link (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/uploaddata/radiation.jpg)

    ...And given the highly unknown nature of that graph (how sensitive/reliable the equipment is, who operates it, where it is, who compiled the information, etc.) it's a dubious source at best. Though there isn't anything suspicious about the data, I might add.

    wallpaper blue colour. lue color , a , wallpaper
  • lue color , a , wallpaper

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:11 AM
    Hahaha, if I doubted your gayness for one second, you really convinced me with that last part..."self-hate". (very standard, piss-poor rebuttal I get from every butt-hurt gay (no pun intended!) that feels MY views don't align with theirs)

    Sorry, kiddo, I do not hate myself or my fellow gays and lesbians. AT ALL. Go ahead and step outta the glittered box you live in and learn to understand that one does NOT have to support every single aspect of this lifestyle. Are you effing crazy, dude!??

    We're all quick to criticize the Apple fanboys who drink Steve's kool-aid, but guess what, I'm no "fanboy". I'm a gay male. Not an uber fan of the gay agenda that supports every bit of it. I don't. DEAL WITH IT.

    How dare you say I hate myself just because I have a entirely different point of view.

    Theres ways to express your opinion (even if its pretty unpopular) without stooping to this. Not Cool

    wallpaper blue colour. Abstract lue wallpaper
  • Abstract lue wallpaper

  • Multimedia
    Oct 12, 01:40 PM
    Forgot they are removing the cost of the pair of 2.66GHz Woodies. So the configure Processor lines should probably be only:

    Two 2.33GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $800]
    Two 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $1200]

    wallpaper blue colour. Blue color back ground White
  • Blue color back ground White

  • Xapplimatic
    Aug 29, 03:46 PM
    Why not target the bigger fish first? Too hard a target? Microsoft in its CD replication factories, Dell in its TV/monitor and board manufacturing facilities surely put out hundreds of tons of more toxic wastes than all of Apples productions combined. Why not start there?

    wallpaper blue colour. texture in lue colors.
  • texture in lue colors.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 04:47 AM
    Huh? What in the world are you talking about? Dude, lay off the communion wine. ;) You're making no sense, seriously.
    I should go to bed now. But before I do that, maybe a question will help explain part of my point about the difference between me and a property might gain or lose. If I asked "Who are you?" when we happened to see each other, would you reply that you were gay? I doubt it. You probably would say, "I'm Lee Kohler."

    wallpaper blue colour. Yamaha YZF R15 Bike Wallpapers
  • Yamaha YZF R15 Bike Wallpapers

  • Bernard SG
    Apr 28, 07:30 AM
    Q2 figures will tell a different story, I would bet.

    wallpaper blue colour. +lue+abstract+backgrounds
  • +lue+abstract+backgrounds

  • hondaboy945
    Sep 20, 12:57 AM
    I really hope that someone from Apple reads these forums, I am sure it gets back to Apple, anyway I hope they do it right. Or there will be alot of disappointed people and money lost.

    Mar 13, 03:57 PM
    That's fine for soaking up occasional peak demand (I linked to 'vehicle to grid' techology a few posts back), but not providing energy for a full night... unless you have a link that says otherwise?

    Well here is a solution to your "problem" at least.


    The biggest limiting factor is cost, but when you factor in the cost of the environmental impact, it becomes cheap in comparison.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 25, 03:49 PM
    A small minority of Catholics may support your views, but they would hardly be considered mainstream.

    I agree.

    Speaking as one who was raised Catholic (the vast majority of my extended family are Catholics), I have observed that while Catholics are essentially socially conservative, they are in most cases less conservative than the Pope would have you believe, as your linked study indicates. Most Catholics support artificial contraception, many support same-sex marriage and abortion. As a group they are definitely less conservative than fundamentalist/born-again Christian sects, though they certainly have their hard-line elements, especially in developing countries.

    May 3, 08:40 PM
    All this over someone not even intelligent enough to title their "manual installation required" malware 'security update for Snow Leopard'

    I like how the solution is basically "delete it"

    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    I hope you are aware that Bikini Atol is exactly where Godzilla was born.
    I cannot like this comment enough. I'm a life long Godzilla fan!

    Sep 20, 12:19 PM
    ya, seems unlikely the hard drive is for DVR functionality [as someone pointed out, there are no video inputs ont the device]... but the hard drive could prove useful in other ways.

    It brings an interesting thoughts though how it complements the DVR. Wonder if Apple has thought about licensing the streaming componenet of it to Tivo, for example. It seems like it might be nice if Tivo could play protected itunes content on your home network.

    Or on the flip side, Apple could license Tivo in a box of their own.


    That is an awesome Idea. Hopefully the iTV will be able to be integrated with the TiVo. Maybe being an external HD if needed. I just don't want Apple to go into the DVR business, because TiVo already did it right, and I don't think anyone could improve on it. I would like to see a software update for the TiVo that changes the encoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 so when they launch TiVo to Go for Mac, you are 90% closer to being able to use the video in other places, plus it could improve video quality with smaller file sizes.
