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Monday, May 16, 2011

donald trump daughter with marla maples

donald trump daughter with marla maples. Ooh-La-La Marla!
  • Ooh-La-La Marla!

  • j26
    Jul 22, 08:05 AM
    Don't forget the Mac Mini :D

    Surely they can't continue to justify a Core Solo.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. donald trump daughter tiffany.
  • donald trump daughter tiffany.

  • mitchec
    Sep 11, 03:37 AM
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    I think your right on the button with this one. iTMS is there to support apple products and as such they are going to want to keep it that way.
    If its not an updated ipod the only other product must be some kind of video aiport media device that you can rig up to you TV

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. december,donald trump
  • december,donald trump

  • SMM
    Nov 27, 10:29 PM

    You don't like it - don't buy one. Accept that there are others who would benefit tremendously from such a product, even if it is a small market segment.

    While your needs are not the same as mine, we both seem to find this an important technology to work with. I do believe there is a BIG market out there, no one has really been able to capture it. Maybe it is just a timing thing?

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. daughter+with+marla+maples
  • daughter+with+marla+maples

  • fxtech
    Apr 26, 02:56 PM
    iPhones are still better.

    What exactly makes them "better"? In your opinion.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. donald trump,
  • donald trump,

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 30, 02:13 AM
    apple could start their own service. like virgin, ampd, boost, and now helio. they all have there own phones and service.

    Amp'd is actually owned by Verizon, adnd Boost is owned by SprintNextel, using the same chirping technology as Nextel. Forgot the deal about Virgin.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. MARLA MAPLES AND HER DAUGHTER

  • wclyffe
    Dec 27, 01:34 PM
    Hey well my girlfriend just got me a kit for Christmas, and it works great. I've be on a trip with a total drive time of 18 to 20
    hours, and I haven't had a problem, and it actually improves my iPhone 3g function since it doesn't have to use the native gps chip. So I think it is a good product. Good luck with BLT!!!

    Glad to hear, and congrats! I just saw BLT has them in stock so mine will likely be shipping out tomorrow!

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Lampanelli reveals her donald
  • Lampanelli reveals her donald

  • mdgm
    May 6, 01:52 AM
    If Apple moves their Macs away from Intel that'll encourage a lot of Mac users including myself to consider switching to buying Windows machines. Boot Camp is an important Mac feature and Intel processors are the best.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Donald+trump+daughter+
  • Donald+trump+daughter+

  • iJohnHenry
    May 3, 06:35 AM
    Some things are more problematic, there are millions of pint glasses for beer


    Ah yes, the 20-oz English pint vs. the 16-oz American one. :D

    And near-beer at that!! :p


    donald trump daughter with marla maples. to jared Donald trump,
  • to jared Donald trump,

  • Northgrove
    Apr 9, 01:58 PM
    LOL, OK, I may obviously be biased here but this is pretty funny. :D

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Donald Trump#39;s daughter
  • Donald Trump#39;s daughter

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 10, 12:05 PM
    Agreed again.

    I like this! Can I pay you to follow my posts constantly agreeing with me?! :D

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Marla Maples Photos - 2007
  • Marla Maples Photos - 2007

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 12:08 PM
    Limey iPod deal ends October 7th :D http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore

    That just means you'll get the updated MBP's later than us here in the States. :p

    jk... I hope we all get them at the same time (as long I get mine first. :) )

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Maples,feb , , surprising
  • Maples,feb , , surprising

  • aberth
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    Apple delaying hardware releases isn't so bad - sure it might not be the best news for people just ready for a new device, but it's not that they absolutely need hardware updates; the iPhone 4 hardware is still really capable.

    What might be a problem however, is that they delay software in the same way. iOS desperately needs an update... and the messages sent out to the public certainly give the feeling we'll just get a preview in June. Letting people wait til the fall for iOS 5 would not be a good thing, certainly if this would mean no iPhone updates at all.

    However I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to the way these messages are interpreted... some people sure do jump to conclusions quickly. For example, reading the message again, it looks as likely Apple will also just preview OS X in June, and I guess we all know that Lion will really be released in the summer...

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. donald trump daughter
  • donald trump daughter

  • zetsurin
    May 4, 10:11 PM
    You may be right. What's nice though is Apple is giving us an option for once. I'll be picking up my copy on DVD at a local Apple store.

    Potentially replace 'for once' with 'for now'.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. to jared Donald trump,
  • to jared Donald trump,

  • SLCentral
    Aug 2, 06:20 PM
    I agree with you that the 30" display is big. I disagree with you about any larger display as being too big. It may be for you but not for others. When I first starting using my 30" display besides my 23" display I thought it was big. Using it with my 17" PowerBook even makes it seem bigger. But the only thing that could hold me back from purchasing a larger display would be the need of purchasing a new computer to be able to use 2 larger screens at the same time. My 17" PowerBook can only use one. My MDD PowerMac can only use one. But that is really a different question.

    Many people seem to have tunnel vision when they use their computers & are or at least think they are happy with one 15" display. Others can see the need & usefulness of a larger display. At least you use a 30". But if Apple would have come out with a 32", 35" or larger display instead would you have purchased it the same as you did your 30" model? Then it would take a 40" or 45" display to be too larger.

    With DualLink only able to support 3840 X 2400 & Single Link only able to support up to 1920 X 1200, there will be a natural size limitation until one of the new systems come around. The need probably isn't there yet, but a couple more size and/or reolution increases would change all of that.

    How long do you think it will be before someone else says that his 45" display is all the larger anyone would ever need, so why make one larger? Whan I sold computers many thought that the 17" CRT was too larger, why go larger than 15"?

    Bill the TaxMan

    I completely get what you're saying. After using my 30" for a little over a year on a daily basis, when using any other system, it's VERY tough. And even when I am using my 30", I often crave even more real estate, especially when working with digital photos, but even when I'm just surfing the web.

    But, at this point in time (2006), I think a 40"+ screen is just simply too large for the average deskspace. Perhaps there's a place for them in production studios, etc., but even with that market, which is already limited, cost is just too big of a factor. To make a panel @ 40" with a resolution of 3840x2400, or even smaller, would be ASTRONOMICAL. We're talking at least $6K for each display, and the power needed to run that doesn't yet exist. Even Quad-SLI on PC's are having trouble running games at native res. Imagine Motion (since we all know OS X isn't a gaming platform) at 3840x2400? The power just isn't there yet.

    Now, I agree, larger screens are the way of the future. But I just don't think that future is here yet.

    Then again, $20 says I'm wrong :).

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Ivana (pictured) told Maples
  • Ivana (pictured) told Maples

  • JaimeChinook
    Dec 9, 11:55 PM
    Actually, all I had to do was reboot (suggested by AppDelete). Thanks

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Marla Maples Actress Marla
  • Marla Maples Actress Marla

  • iGary
    Sep 11, 07:03 AM
    That's "head off", not "hedge off". You of all people should remember that...:)

    I write crap about boats - I'm a fracking pirate not an English major. :)

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. repeating donald trump
  • repeating donald trump

  • wclyffe
    Jan 5, 01:15 PM
    BUT i'm curious whether the satnav apps are waiting on the mount's fix or taking first availalble? ... i would hope they'd wait on mount since ultimately it should have more precision since it's called 'enhanced' GPS, but how can you tell for sure?

    one thing i've tried is to remove the iPhone from the mount after navigating and see if it disrupts the GPS signal w/in the satnav app ... i would expect there to be a switch over to internal GPS and see a small disruption ... but i'm not getting a disrupted signal ... can't be sure one way or the other

    Here's what I've noticed in just one day of use. I'm using Navigon and I did download the TomTom Free App to stop the message from appearing each time. With my 3Gs docked in the car kit, I get the my directions locked in about 5 seconds from when I hit the "Start Navigation" button. I also tried an experiment in my garage, where my phone was unable to get the GPS signal, but docked I had a route in motion in under 5 seconds. Still experimenting.....

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. Donald Trump#39;s daughter
  • Donald Trump#39;s daughter

  • Noodlefarmer
    Apr 26, 02:47 PM
    But if Apple had gotten on board with Verizon a year earlier, those numbers would probably be reversed.

    That extra year that Apple sat on their ass with AT&T was the crucial year that allowed android to gain traction and mindshare.

    Once the 'greatly anticipated' Verizon launch finally did come, it was met with a large chorus of "who cares?" from the crowd - the crowd that had gotten their droid phone 6 months earlier.

    AT&T gave Apple what they wanted on the iPhone. Verizon wouldn't. And Apple couldn't sell to Verizon until contract expired. Would it have been better to have been on both? Of course. But I don't think even Apple knew how well the iPhone would do. And while many Verizon customers opted for an Android rather than wait, I think it may be interesting to see what happens when they are eligible for new phone. Things could change again.

    donald trump daughter with marla maples. donald trump youngest daughter
  • donald trump youngest daughter

  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 06:51 PM
    1 GB Sticks are only $125 each from Third Parties.

    That isn't a heatsinked FB-DIMM.

    RAM is truly the dealbreaker here. EDU prices bring the 2.0 model down to a reasonable price, but I want 4GB - I'd like to scan my 4x5 film, so the more RAM the better - thanks to Xeon and the need for the ECC heatsinked stuff, I'm looking at $800 from Crucial. No way, man, not gonna do it.

    The more I look at it, the more I believe a reasonable mid-tower option has to be in the pipeline.

    May 5, 12:37 PM
    Jorah, I'm not certain we are going to be able to follow the "Leave No Man Behind" SEAL philosophy ad infinitum as there will eventually be too many to carry and too few to carry them.

    And just so you know, I believe it is Beatrice who is reputed to be a sandwich maker extraordinaire. I for one, have no first hand knowledge unfortunately.

    Thou incessant need for sandwiches tis why thou dost not �get lucky."

    Aug 7, 03:01 AM
    You can't do video or audio chat with Adium, and won't be able to for a year or two at least. :(

    I'm just hoping for some official support sooner or later with iChat or the official standalone clients. :)

    How is iChat actually? Ya know? Compared to MSN? I discussed it with someguy yesterday, ironically over MSN:p , and he said Adium is better... How is the GUI and also userfreindlinesses?:)

    Nov 22, 12:29 PM
    Mr Palm, Apple fan boys:

    The perfect smart phone has already been created and is out in the wild: SONY ERICSSON P990.

    Wifi, location free, 2 mp camera with flash, keyboard, MP3 player, videos, etc.

    yeah. except they forgot to put RAM in it...and the firmware is crap so far..and the battery last about...erm, 24 hours..and they wont support mac..ever!

    great phone though!:)

    Nov 3, 10:39 AM
    lol $120.

    Aug 3, 02:28 AM
    Meron and battery life aside, I will be very very happy if Leopard RULES! Been playing with vista and while the bling is a bit fake it does come across as very smooth at the same time. So here is what im hoping:

    Good Apple finances
    Excellent intel transition
    Update on UB pro apps, maybe a quick chat with MS or Adobe about their progress
    Long demo of Leopard and its technologies
    > btw< the macbook pro im using runs at 2.33Ghz
    Intro of new version of XCode that helps game developers port games and effectively make bootcamp useless for the bulk of people :D