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Monday, May 16, 2011

wrestler sin cara without mask

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  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    That's bending the definition of a phone to the extreme. I can make phone calls on my Mac Pro too. It's only a teeny bit bulkier than my phone :rolleyes:. Should I consider my mac Pro as phone? Of course not.

    Look. A tablet is not a phone, okay? Nobody is going to carry an iPad in his pants all day.

    A tablet is much closer to being a replacement to a laptop than to being a phone.

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  • rickdollar
    May 7, 05:09 PM
    I for one use it ALL the time. When you have more than one device (multiple macs, iphone), it's SO nice to have them sync wirelessly, immediately, and without having to login every time, on the native apps. iCal, Contacts, Safari links: I am a very frequent user of the mobileme syncing on all of these.

    Me, too. Love it for that.

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 01:59 PM
    This is easy to see

    MobilMe Becomes Free

    MobilMe gets laden with 1Ads

    All part of the Apple strategy

    I would be happy to keep paying $99/year for adfree Mobilme

    What exact strategy is this? People are confusing what Google, Yahoo or Microsoft would do versus Apple. Consumer are so encumbered with the concept that free means advertising they cannot see any other way. We've used iTunes for free since it's inception with nary an ad that didn't focus on media.

    I dun know if MobileMe is going free or not but I doubt Apple has much interest in advertising beyond the App Store.

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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 18, 02:51 PM
    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

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  • shartypants
    Apr 26, 02:17 PM
    As much as I want to see Apple sell phones, I also like to see healthy competition to keep away anti-trust issues. Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)

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  • BRLawyer
    Nov 28, 04:31 PM
    How do you define a REAL tablet?

    A thing the size of a notebook, with an open screen for handwriting...not just like a PDA or vPod.

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  • sin cara without mask on. sin

  • dpruitt
    Apr 18, 03:20 PM
    What is most sad in this article is the amount of greed. Apple gets its displays, processor, etc from Samsung. However, this is not enough. Samsung wants more, so they try and copy what Apple is doing. Corporate greed at its finest. Apple should have also included in the contract, "We'll buy parts from you, but you are not allowed to build a competing product".

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  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

    TV = Tranny?

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  • acfusion29
    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    i can see them releasing the iPhone 5 in the fall, along with iOS5, but i hope it doesn't happen.

    wrestler sin cara without mask. Sin Cara vs.
  • Sin Cara vs.

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:51 PM
    LOL was going about it the hardware in CoreServices/Finder.app (which has all the sidebar icons btw). Didn't think it would be the obvious in the Contents of the app. DOH!


    Wait, so the desktop wallpaper should be 3200x2000? I'm only seeing 2560x1600. Hmmmm.

    The only wallpaper that currently show this resolution is the default lion wallpaper, So even if your in lion none of the other wallpapers are this resolution, anyway no problem im happy to help.

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  • solvs
    Jul 23, 12:30 AM
    I would really like to see Apple have a laptop cheaper than $1,100, and I think there would be a definite market for the, especially for teenagers looking into getting a Mac. I know that's unlikely, but...
    I don't know, I'm kinda expecting it. As seen in the past, I'm sure they'll drop to ~$1000. Maybe even cheaper once they get some of their R&D back and chip prices start to fall. Eventually I see a sub $800 laptop even. Maybe.

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  • sin cara face without mask.

  • Don't panic
    May 6, 08:37 PM
    it's quicker because we can explore two room each round instead of one, so we gain one turn.
    the draw back from the strategy is mainly that one of the groups might loose out on a treasure, but since we already explored this rooms, and we have to re-search them only for traps, that part is moot.
    this will apply only fron the next round, but by the rules we have to be two groups by then.

    we will still be 'together, and we can merge back in a group any time.

    anyways. without further ado,

    We split
    ucfgrad is now his own (single) group
    Loras group moves to the next (previous room).

    ufcgrad, now you should move to the room with us, and as soon it's our round again, you should explore the room. after that, I will move our group to the next room, then in your second tunr you move and in our second turn we explore that room.

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  • wwe sin cara without mask. sin

  • ergle2
    Sep 17, 01:42 AM
    I meant Geforce GO7800, a mistake on my part.

    I did some more poking around, and apparently, a Go 7900 model (90nm) that has a TDP rated at around 10% more than the rated TDP of the X1600.

    That might be possible. Based on that the Go 7700 80nm should easily consume less power than the current X1600, and given the base 7600 was faster than the X1600, the 7700 (based on the 7600GS) should offer significant speedup for 3D.

    It'll be interesting to see if Apple favors Intel with the AMD-ATI merger/buyout, too.

    Finally, there's always the (rather unlikely, admittedly) possibility that the MBPs (perhaps just the 17"?) would offer MXM slots; currently, MXM means nVidia.

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  • sin cara wiki wrestler.

  • phlavor
    Apr 21, 05:32 PM
    What I've wondered since they killed the xServe is what they plan to fill their new data center with. Mac Pros on shelves? 1 billion minis? They aren't going to run it all on PCs. It would be a marketing disaster.

    wrestler sin cara without mask. pics of sin cara without mask.
  • pics of sin cara without mask.

  • dba7dba
    Apr 26, 03:15 PM
    They can activate it in the store for you and do a personal setup if you want. setup your email etc..

    You do not need a computer to own the phone. (updates going forward i believe require a computer but over the air updates are on the horizon)

    My iPad i haven't yet synced with my computer as an example. walked out of the store smart cover on and my email already setup.

    what about future updates? what if you can't go to a local apple store? i can but what about others who don't have one nearby? something apple should think about.

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  • wwe sin cara without mask. sin

  • res1233
    May 6, 05:57 AM
    My bet is they have BOTH on board.

    Except your laptop would probably die in 4-5 hours. You'd have to have two complete logic boards unless you do some crazy never before done voodoo with multi-architecture components? Who knows.

    wrestler sin cara without mask. sin cara without mask on. sin
  • sin cara without mask on. sin

  • skunk
    Sep 11, 04:56 AM
    You 'ad wheelbarrows and paper! Y'soft southern nancies...We 'ad to remember the binary code in our 'eads and if we got one number wrong our dads would kill us and dance on our shallow graves...You were lucky! We didn't have dads in my day.

    wrestler sin cara without mask. pics of sin cara without mask.
  • pics of sin cara without mask.

  • wildmac
    Aug 11, 10:49 AM
    I'm waiting until revB MacBooks anyway, but it's nice to hear that Apple will aggresively upgrade the CPUs.

    But if you think about it, they have to. Because Dell and every other PC vendor will be using the latest and greatest from Intel, so Apple will need to as well.

    If they can drop in the newer chip without raising the price, go for it! :D

    wrestler sin cara without mask. sin cara wrestler mask. at the
  • sin cara wrestler mask. at the

  • Cougarcat
    May 6, 12:19 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    Yes, Windows 8 will have ARM support (http://windows8news.com/2011/01/05/windows-8-arm-press-release-microsoft/).

    I don't buy this rumor, though. It's too crazy.

    Nov 22, 09:22 AM
    i think they would be cutting their profits to a certain age group of potential buyers

    I completely disagree. Apple would reach a larger audience with a candy-bar style phone that is sub $250. If they can just release an inexpensive version and a souped up version shortly after, they could really kill Palm.

    Mar 29, 01:13 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/29/japanese-earthquake-leading-to-shortages-of-ipod-batteries/)


    Apr 5, 01:38 PM
    That takes some balls. Perhaps Toyota can have a say on some Apple product? I thought it was genius of Toyota to do the theme. They probably found the Scion buyer is the same demographic that jailbreaks a phone. Sounds like good marketing to me.

    Mar 28, 10:15 AM
    Not cool. Coming from an iPhone 3GS, I seriously don't want to wait.


    Seems like this timeline will screw up upgrades for iPhone 6 for people who buy iPhone 5. Unless, of course, they move all iPhone releases to the fall.

    May 9, 10:46 AM
    Have Apple ever posted any MobileMe numbers?
    Number of users? Revenue? Gigabytes stored? Growth?